英语人>词典>汉英 : 钱塘江 的英文翻译,例句
钱塘江 的英文翻译、例句


the Qiantang River
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The form of closed harbor is suggested to enhance the guarantee rat...


It is a new industrial zone with convenient communications, obvious superiority of location, quick access to the information and large space for development.


The paper introduces hydrological conditions of Qiantang River and the structure of the terminal drainpipe s of Sibao Sewage Treatment Plant, Hangzhou.


Every year on August 18th of the lunar calendar, the Qiantang River experienced its highest flood tide.


Focuses the researches on a eutrophication model after drainage of waste water and drawing water from the Qiantang River to the West Lake,the state variables in the model are phosphorus in algae cells,orthophosphate,phosphorus in detritus and phosphorus in sediment.


Hangzhou, located in southeastern China, is a bustling port at the mouth of the Qiantang River.


High protein content Tangwu soybean and springwater from headstream of Qiantangjiang River were used as materials to produce soybean food with unique sour slurry curdling,salting and baking processes,by which astringent and bitter taste,coming from soybean product curdled with gypsum or bittern,was eliminated.


Starting with an analysis of the characteristics of the water resource of the Qiantang River and the present situation of its exploitation and utilization, this paper suggests a comprehensive exploitation of the water resource of the river in six respects:(1) the establishment of an administrative system for the comprehensive exploitation of the water resource in the river valley;(2) the establishment of a transfluvial navigation system;(3)the enhancement of the exploitation of tourist resources;(4) the...


Taking Qiantang River Watershed as an example,the water pollution compensation of the watershed was calculated based on the COD concentration of 2004 and hydrological condition of 75% confidence.


Based on the water environment spatial data mining and visualization method, the paper presents these main characteristics and innovations:①Measurement of contamination fluxes:A scene-based research strategy is proposed:measurement /water quality analysis→flow field simulation→contamination transformation rule→fluxes scene simulation→temporal-spatial rule analysis.②Serial numerical models of water environment in the Qiantang River:The controlled equations of the flow field model of the main river,united controlled equations of the main contamination fluxes and water quality prediction model at emergent time are set up.③GIS-based water quality and contamination fluxes decision-making assistance system:A water environment database has been set up;based on MapX and C#.net platform,a system has been developed to facilitate visual inquiry,decision-making and graphics export.


更多网络解释与钱塘江相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese sturgeon:中华鲟

"中华鲟"(Chinese sturgeon)别名鲟鱼、黄鲟. 隶属硬骨鱼纲,鲟形目,鲟科. 中华鲟为我国特有的珍稀鱼类,主要分布于长江干流中下游至河日江段. 其它水系如珠江、闽江、钱塘江和我国沿海自黄海至东海海域也有少量分布. 中华鲟个体较大,


钱塘江的潮水(tidewater)来势凶猛,危害两岸百姓,已经很多年了. 每一年,当地的官员和百姓都要维修堤坝. 但是,简单的修修补补并不能挡住潮水,反而浪费了大量的人力和物力.

Psephurus gladius:白鲟 渤海 黄海 东海 钱塘江 长江干支流

Acipenseriformes 鲟形目 | Psephurus gladius 白鲟 渤海 黄海 东海 钱塘江 长江干支流 | Clupeiformes 鲱形目

Coilia nasus:刀鲚

分布于这两个地区的平胸龟总居群和居群内均具有较高的遗传多样性,而广东从化居群......经克隆测序获得了采自长江口九段沙、钱塘江口、舟山等3个地点35尾刀鲚(Coilia nasus)的mtDNA控制区全序列,

Embodying culture of Qiantang River and Grand Canal:体现钱塘江文化与运河文化

☆ 体现钱塘江文化与运河文化Embodying culture of Qiantang River and Grand Canal | ☆ 建筑适应时代潮流的、具有历史价值Adapting to trend of the time... | ☆ 展示城市未来的建筑与风貌Displaying the future archi...

Nine creeks in misty forest:九溪烟树

九溪烟树九溪烟树(nine creeks in misty forest)九溪烟树在烟霞岭之南,距西湖十余公里. 上有两源,一自龙井之狮子峰,一自翁家山之杨梅岭,向南流淌,会合青弯、宏法、渚头、方家、佛石、云栖、百丈、唐家小康九坞之水,曲曲折折到达徐村而流入钱塘江,故称为九溪.

Culter alburnus:鲌

请看相关资料: 翘嘴鲌(翘嘴白鱼) 品种简介: 翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus) 属鲤形目,鲤科,鲌亚科,鲌属. 俗称:大白鱼、翘壳、 翘嘴白鱼、撅嘴鲢. 英文名:Topmouth culter . 翘嘴鲌分布甚广,产于黑龙江、辽河、黄河、长江、钱塘江、 闽江、台湾、珠江等水系的干、支流及其附属湖泊中.


-Yangchow-扬州 | *-Chekiang-浙江(以钱塘江别称因名) | -Hangchow-杭州