英语人>词典>汉英 : 钢琴曲 的英文翻译,例句
钢琴曲 的英文翻译、例句


piano music
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Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling.

在 Blue Stone 这张专辑中,悦耳的旋律、蕴藏深厚的钢琴曲以及魅惑的天外之音共鸣,交织成一幅美丽的织锦,讲述着神秘的故事。

Not since Jimi Hendrix' Band of Gypsies had a three piece sounded so sweet. And they proved it with a barnstorming live cover of 'Crosstown Traffic'- in the long and proud tradition of piano-led Hendrix covers, this one stood alone.

另一点没有让人意外的就是从头至尾的钢琴抒情,没有Ben Folds Five的摇滚,没有惊耸的情绪的激荡,是一张很轻柔的钢琴曲合辑,Bastard,这首第二首单曲,让听者回到了十年前的音乐场景,过往的钢琴曲

Brahms any one of Klavierstucke of Op 76, 79, 116, 117, 118 or 119

布拉姆斯钢琴曲作品76, 79, 116, 117, 118 或 119之任何一首

And again, this condition gave rise to a number of compositional problems in piano writing.


One day, a girl who was congenitally blind played the piano beautifully before a large audience.


The Toccata in c minor, BWV 911 of J. S. Bach is a contrapuntal organ or clavichord of Baroque work in free and speedy style, and it is also one of the most important achievements of J.


Debussy's piano writing with the impression that the poet's poetry also has a variety of links.


Performances of complete piano cycles feature prominently in his concert programming: Schubert's solo piano music, Beethoven and Mozart Sonatas, Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, Grieg and above all, the complete works of Brahms, a composer with whom Oppitz has a special affinity.


Inside watches the movie, in the brain playbacks these moving piano musics unceasingly, the inside music truly very can move the will of the people, even if the leading lady had not said from beginning to end a dialog, but the inside piano music truly spread her aspiration!


Inside watches the movie, in the brain playbacks these moving piano musics unceasingly, the inside music truly very can move the will of the people, even if the leading lady had not said from beginning to end a dialog, but the inside piano music truly spread her aspiration!


更多网络解释与钢琴曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Feux d'artifice:焰火

01 Brouillards 雾 | 02 Feux d'artifice 焰火 | Amold Schoenberg:Fuenf Klavierstuecke op.23 阿诺德.勋伯格:五首钢琴曲,作品23号

Lame Executant:蹩脚钢琴曲

03.皮皮 PeePee | 04.蹩脚钢琴曲 Lame Executant | 05.反恐 Counter Strike

Heaven Blue:蓝色天际是Bandari班德瑞钢琴曲第四张专辑. 她由十四首曲目组成

Heaven Blue 蓝色天际是Bandari班德瑞钢琴曲第四张专辑. 她由十四首曲目组成: | 01. Indian Dreams 印第安之梦 | 02. Magic winds 魔法风


[记忆方法:照片里有一个动物园,周围长满了竹子,中间有一个六公斤(kilo)的小袋鼠(kangaroo ),袋鼠正在听收音机(radio),收音机里播放着钢琴曲(piano). ]


这是一钢琴曲里的 泪花(TEARS) 纯美的钢琴曲,经常能听到它,可惜关于该曲的进一步资料我就不清楚了. 多年后,如果我们相逢,我将以何来面汝,以沉默以眼泪...... 忧伤的琴键中,我却觉得自己被安慰,泪珠在阳光下凝结成了完美的樱花形状,

Well-tempered clavier, The:平均律钢琴曲集

"婚礼进行曲","Wedding march" | "平均律钢琴曲集","Well-tempered clavier, The" | "哇哇弱音器","Wha-wha mute"

Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino:年 《未完成的机械钢琴曲>

1976年 <<爱情的奴隶>>Raba lyubvi | 1977年 <<未完成的机械钢琴曲>>Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino | 1979年 <<五个夜晚>>Pyat vecherov

the piano repertoires of Chinese style:中国风格钢琴曲

有中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-style socialism | 中国风格钢琴曲:the piano repertoires of Chinese style | 常规PID:Classic PID


午夜 round midnight | 斯克里亚宾钢琴曲 Scriabin #6 | 童谣 children's song