英语人>词典>汉英 : 野豌豆 的英文翻译,例句
野豌豆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chickling  ·  vetch  ·  vetches

beach pea · bush vetch · wood-vetch · wild vetch
更多网络例句与野豌豆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Direct domestic and international communications and opened the wireless paging and analog, digital mobile communication network; for a total capacity of 45,300 kVA 7 of the substation to make an adequate supply of electricity throughout the county; agricultural and sideline products are potatoes, oats, field peas, Ma gourd, oats , Field peas, pea family, Ma gourd, buckwheat, and so on, the sheep population 160,000, is the base for fine-wool sheep County, Shanxi Province; lasting environmental quality of afforestation, the forest coverage rate reached 31.5 percent, the country's afforestation advanced County , The top ten counties in Shanxi Province forestry construction.


Representative of wild grass are: field pea, Astragalus upright, dahurica astragalus, wild clover, smooth bromegrass, Cleistogenes, wheatgrass, Elymus, Elymus, the crown goose grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Lespedeza, mountain green, grass Aries, Aoki Astragalus habitat, the ancient wild grass, Spodiopogon Mans, Imperata, iron Warashina, Deyeuxia dogs spend wow, Oxytropis, and so on.


In over-wintering species experiment, AMF colonization showed significant difference, which was greatiy dependent upon the plant species character. The AMF colonization rate and index of LaHumperenne in all community in which GnapbaHum affim existed showed better colonization than that in Latium perenne mono


Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus,having pinnately compound leaves,slender tendril s,and variously colored flowers.


European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops.


How coordinated! vetch spent just how wild the wind, swing!


On the other side, the relations among community classification, structure, diversity and distribution pattern were also investigated through the study of species composition, diversity and interspecific relation of Medicago falcata in Inner Mongolia.


Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, having pinnately compound leaves, slender tendrils, and variously colored flowers.


The results showed that:(1)All of the five legume grass in Songnen Plain displayed assembling distribution pattern at inter-community level, of which Lathyrus quinquenervius,Vicia multicaulis,Lathyrus hedysaroides,Lathyrus davurica displayed assembling distribution pattern at intra-community level, while Medicago ruthenica tended to be random distribution.


The 0-40cm soil layer soil mean value looked that mixes by the interlacing broadcasts the lawn soil ulmin, the alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen content to be highest; The fast-acting phosphorus, the fast-acting potassium are highest by the unicast awnless brome lawn content; The colleague mixes broadcasts lawn pH to be biggest.


更多网络解释与野豌豆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beach pea; Lathyrus maritimus Bigel:野豌豆(救荒)

龙须藤;钩藤;菊花木 Bauhinia championi Benth.; champion beuhina | 野豌豆(救荒) beach pea; Lathyrus maritimus Bigel. | 单子红豆 beadtree ormosa; Ormosia monosperma Urban

Vicieae Bronn:野豌豆族

107. 小冠花属 Coronilla Linn. | 16. 野豌豆族 Vicieae Bronn. | 108. 野豌豆属 Vicia Linn.


chickenpox /水痘/ | chickling /雏鸡/小鸡/野豌豆/ | chickpea /(植)雏豆/

V. edentata Wang et Tang:无萼齿野豌豆

广布野豌豆 Vicia cracea Linn. | 无萼齿野豌豆 V. edentata Wang et Tang | 蚕豆 V. faba Linn.*

Vicia cracca:{广布野豌豆}

中文摘要: 广布野豌豆(Vicia cracca)是多年生的豆科牧草,是中国北部的饲料作物. 它是一种高品质的野生牧草,可以作为饲料、干草、青贮饲料. 但由于广布野豌豆在种子收获时,存在裂荚现象,裂荚导....

Vicia cracca L:野豌豆广布野豌豆

鼠草 贝加尔鼠 草 Gnaphaliumbaicalense kirp | 野豌豆广布野豌豆vicia cracca L. | 野豌豆多茎野豌豆vicia multicaulisLedeb.

Vicia cracca Linn:广布野豌豆

在线植物百科大全,广布野豌豆 图片繁殖与栽培-豆科-植物辞典,花卉百科全书,植物百科知识,植物词典系列: 广布野豌豆 (Vicia cracca Linn) 形态特征: 一年生或多年生蔓性草本,有微毛.

Vicia L:野豌豆属

白车轴草 T.rpens L. | 野豌豆属 Vicia L. | 广布野豌豆 V.crcca.L.

Vicia Linn:野豌豆属

16. 野豌豆族 Vicieae Bronn. | 108. 野豌豆属 Vicia Linn. | 109. 山黧豆属 Lathyrus Linn.

Vicia bungei:{三齿萼野豌豆}

三齿萼野豌豆(Vicia bungei)与歪头菜同属于豆科野豌豆属,但在外形上有一定的区别:三齿萼野豌豆茎细弱,多分枝,偶数羽状复叶,小叶4~10,顶端卷须明显. 小叶长8~25毫米,宽3~6毫米,先端截形或稍凹,有短尖. 总状花序,腋生,比叶稍长,有2~4朵花.