英语人>词典>汉英 : 野外调查 的英文翻译,例句
野外调查 的英文翻译、例句


field studies
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In this paper, the deformation phenomena revealed by surface excavation and underground galleries were described in detail including variation of the dip angle and rock mass structure.


There are 13 genera 21 species of terricolous arethusa, 10 genera 20 species of adnascent arethusa and 17 genera 29 species of rare and endangered in the area.


Extensive field data showed that the B biotype has gradually displaced some indigenous biotypes of this species complex in many regions of invasion.


The field investigation indicates that there are four phases of development of carbonate breccia wedge of LST, which reflects that this area experienced at least four times of significant sea level changes in the Early-Middle Triassic.


The activity of superoxide dismutase, content of chlorophyllans element S in the leaves of Symplocos tetragona treated with 10 mmol/L NaHSO3, and pH buffering capacity in cell sap were determined in order to explore the resistance mechanism of S. tetragona to SO2 pollutant in this paper.


In order to study the near-surface permafrost distribution space, field survey and sampling method are used to study the issue.


Based on field investigation and historical data analyzing, the characteristics and causes of flood disasters of Qinba Mountain area were discussed in this paper. Take the harnessed Watershed and unharnessed Watershed as comparative study objects, through analzing the two typical watershed land using and rainfall-runoff dynamic data, combinating the in-situ soil infiltration field testing, a rainfall-runoff model of small watershed which was appropriate to Qinba Mountain areas was built based on improving the SCS model. And then the influence of soil and water conservation measures on the flood processes was analysed.


According to the field investigation data and relevant documents, statistics and analyze wide vascular bundle of 15 investigation units.


Six field study sites including Limu Mountain, Jianfengling Mountain, Bawangling Mountain, Nanmao Mountain, Ewanling Mountain and upper researches of Wenjiao River were investigated by regular sampling and cage trapping.


Live specimen of C. latens for the sehll selection experiment preferred the shell type which was the most abundant in the field. But the field specimen did not use the most abundant shell type.

潮间带C。 latens的野外调查资料与实验室情况下的选壳实验比较,显示在选壳实验中寄居蟹最喜好的壳型是野外最多产的壳型,但是与野外最常使用的壳型不同。

更多网络解释与野外调查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coupled system:耦合系统

并利用野外调查以及遥测与地理信息系统分析呈现地震后的土地覆盖变化.希望通过分析人与环境系统的变化,以及人类社群的社会内部固有特质,归纳出重要机制以发展降低脆弱性的策略.研究结果显示,灾害是人与环境耦合系统(coupled system)共同形成的结果,非单一的独立事件,

field intensity:磁场强度

field instrument 野外仪器 | field intensity 磁场强度 | field investigation 现场调查

Field survey:实地调查;野外调查

field study实地考察;野外考察 | field survey实地调查;野外调查 | filtration过滤

coptis teeta:云南黄连

文章摘要:运用民族植物学原理,采用野外面上调查、定点社区调查和文献研究相结合的方法,调查了云南西北部高黎贡山地区傈僳族对云南黄连(Coptis teeta)的混农林种植历史和方式,总结了他们认知、利用、管理和保护这一名贵药用植物的传统知识和经验及其与生物多样性保护的关系.

Macaca cyclopis:台湾猴

台湾猴(Macaca cyclopis)是一个较少为人所知的物种. 直到本作者在1978年研究之前,尚未见系统的有关这种猴的野外观察报道. 1978年以后,也无这方面的报道. 作者在1978年的野外研究期间,用31天在不同的山区对台湾猴的种群(population) 进行了调查.

Pteris semipinnata:半边旗

biflora)、耳草(Hedyotis auricularia)、半边旗(Pteris semipinnata)等. 种群大小和分布格局是物种的生存形式,不仅能在一定程度上反映出物种与环境的相互适应效果,还能体现物种的发展动态[21,22]. 我们通过2002-2006年连续5 a的野外调查,

Lycoris radiata:(石蒜)

通过野外调查,研究了石蒜(Lycoris radiata)对群落杂草组成和物种多样性的影响. 结果表明:石蒜的生长能减少群落中物种的种类,降低群落中杂草的密度,并减少商陆(Phytolacca acinosa)、蹄盖蕨(Athyrium frizellia)及禾本科(Gramineae)几个物种的数量,

Sparganium stoloniferum:黑三棱

根据野外调查结果,宁夏银川平原有湿地维管束植物48科135属242种(含变种),其中,黑三棱(Sparganium stoloniferum)、华水苏(Stachys riederi)、川蔓藻(Ruppia rostellata)为宁夏植物地理分布新纪录.按照吴征镒教授对中国种子植物属的分布区类型的划分,

Stipa bungeana:长芒草

在陕北黄土丘陵区,为了加快当地植被的恢复速度,结合当地条件,通过小区施肥实验与野外调查,研究了施肥对不同演替阶段的3个典型群落:猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)、长芒草(Stipa bungeana)和铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)结构组成的影响.结果表明:(1)与对照相比,

Woodwardia japonica:狗脊蕨

文章摘要:根据野外调查和实验分析研究了江西省千烟洲人工针叶林下狗脊蕨(Woodwardia japonica)群落的生物量、细根生物量、净初级生产力(Net primary productivity,NPP)、比叶面积(Specific leaf area,SLA)和叶面积指数(Leaf area index,LAI)等.