英语人>词典>汉英 : 重新训练 的英文翻译,例句
重新训练 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
retrain  ·  retrained  ·  retrains

更多网络例句与重新训练相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you have this shortcoming, you should retrain yourself and form good habits to replace bad ones.


Andrew was looking for a way to retrain his brain and improve his memory.


If someone else want to control it himself, then must retrain it .


If you think that it is taking a long time to retrain it – in actual fact it is not.


You'll retrain your brain to focus on the positive, not the negative.


Industry, faced with the pressures of a rapidly shifting market, is already designing new methods to retrain its workers


The dog should now be retrained to once again perform the stand for the judge's examination.


NThe Danish government then retrained the people and had them learn the art of fishing to replace their hunting skills.

n 那时丹麦政府就重新训练这些人,教他们学习捕鱼的技术,以取代狩猎的技巧。

The verb and noun sequence was extracted as the skeleton pattern to expand definition of QA pattern. In the learning process, a learning mechanism was established based on self-training. At first, the initial study was completed on a labeled QA pair, then the system would automatically select the reliable data for self training through searching in the Web while the system was running. The scoring method of the candidate answers was also improved by applying several heuristic rules.


CTX ip 0.06 mg/kg, 0.12mg/kg significantly reduced the errors of the mice in Y-Maze test, decreased the mices training times, shorten the escape latency in Shuttle box test. In Step-down test, CTX ip 0.06mg/kg, 0.12mg/kg increased the escape latency and reduced the number of errors, CTX also reduced the searching platform latency and swim path-length in Morris water maze test with mice.


更多网络解释与重新训练相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




(1)增进骨骼肌脂肪酸利用(2)降低肌肉肝醣廓清率(3)转移从脂肪酸到葡萄糖的能量利用(4)源於转变成醯基卡尼汀(acylcarnitine),重新补充流失的左旋-卡尼汀(5)降低乙醯辅酶A(acetylCoA)含量(6)增加肌肉疲劳抵抗力(7)补充在训练中丧失之左旋-卡尼汀( 降低毒性醯基(acyl)物质含量(9)扩张

assertive training:自信训练

2.自信训练(assertive training)很多人的焦虑情绪是因为自己信心不足导致的,让来访者通过一些训练重新树立自信,建立自信心可以缓解焦虑情绪. 3.系统脱敏(systematic desensitization)诱导来访者缓慢地暴露出导致焦虑的情景,

systematic desensitization:系统脱敏

让来访者通过一些训练重新树立自信,建立自信心可以缓解焦虑情绪. 3.系统脱敏(systematic desensitization)诱导来访者缓慢地暴露出导致焦虑的情景,并通过心理的放松状态来对抗这种焦虑情绪,从而达到消除焦虑的目的.


一次,一名来自名叫"部门"(Division)的神秘组织的美国特工救她于水火并给了她一次重新做人的机会,并报效国家. 但是妮基塔并不知道,她接受了这个组织的训练课程之后,就此走上的是间谍和杀手之路. 最终,妮基塔被友人背叛,梦想也随之破灭.


之后SLA往东方深入,威胁将战斗延伸到[[科尔多凡]](Kordofan)地区. 法希尔的攻击行动是军事及心理上的转捩点,政府军因为战斗失利而蒙羞,而政府也因此要面对艰难的战略状况. 政府军明显地需要重新训练与配置,以应付新式的战斗;


重新分类(reclassification)与职业再训练计划已经证明失败. 它无法阻止有关区域中雇用水平的大幅下滑. ...

retrain:重新教育, 再教育 (动)

retrad 向后地 (副) | retrain 重新教育, 再教育 (动) | retraining 再训练 (名)

retransfer:再转移; 转移到原状 (动)

retraining 再训练 (名) | retransfer 再转移; 转移到原状 (动) | retranslation 重新翻译; 重译 (名)

retraining:再训练 (名)

retrain 重新教育, 再教育 (动) | retraining 再训练 (名) | retransfer 再转移; 转移到原状 (动)