英语人>词典>汉英 : 重复符号 的英文翻译,例句
重复符号 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重复符号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Base on the analysis, an improved training symbol with symmetric and repetitive structure is proposed, and the estimate range of the frequency offset is enlarged by increasing the number of repetitive sequence and shortening the interval of repetitive sequence.


Ceramics and soldering iron. With white and blue porcelain and powder colors, Wu created the nonobjective half-length statue, bright and vivid in color. Through repeated application of symbols in Chinese traditional ceramics, the ornaments on the household wares were finally turned into a cultural symbol of extremely simplified human figures. That is how Wu handled the transformation from traditional to modern.


Moreover, by combining LSD with a list, the repeated detection with different radius is avoided.


To test mental agility, the study participants had to solve puzzles, recall words and story details and spot patterns in letters and symbols.


The same magnitude were also observed after body porcelain and enamel porcelain were sintered on.


In all these works, the familiar drops could be representing the relentlessness, the multitude, or the continuity of the ages.


The features are romantic freeness symbol, incomplete repletion and amusing cartoons.


Take the early "schematization" for example, an abundance of similar symbolized schemas were duplicated in faith that the forerunners' success ensures theirselves, totally disregarding that the real question is self questioning and issuing what no one issues, to parrot what other says only makes one a laughing stock and is the manifest of extremely lacking of creativity; surely there still another type of art exists, seemingly novel but not actually raising any question, but in blind pursuit of the shocking, monstrous effect of the form, which as well can only be deemed as superficial.


It is advisable that Chinese summary is controlled with 300 words, english summary should agree with meaning of Chinese summary article, with 200 substantival and advisable. 5, graph, watch is followed civil appear, have axiomatic sex, graph with necessary in the limit of, avoid by all means and literal content repeat, it is clear that line of value of coordinate of graph Chinese word, symbol, freely, mark value must be written, mark eye should use standard physical quantity and unit symbol, form is used 3 lines...


These posters' topic was simple but clearly. In these posters, you can also find many slogans, gesticulates, marks, and symbols again and again. The colors of posters can make strong effect. These posters designers cannot present their personal style for the limit from Nazi institution, but still perform the capability and aesthetics concept of designers.


更多网络解释与重复符号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dittography:重复字母或词的误写 (名)

ditto 同上; 很相似的东西; 同上符号 (名) | dittography 重复字母或词的误写 (名) | ditty 小调, 小曲 (名)

equal sign:等号

性语句( 即伪指令 4.3.1 符号定义语句 1.等值语句EQU 等值语句EQU 2.等号(Equal sign)=语句 sign) 等号( 符号名 EQU 数值表达式 符号名 EQU 字符串 符号名 = 数值表达式 EQU用于数值等价时不能重复定义符号名,

stand for:意指

这样,曾经是完整和有意义的符号体系被第二符号体系接管(take over),用来意指(stand for)新的概念. 也就是说,在最初符号序列中的能指因为转换到第二符号序列中,就能够形成新的所指,产生新的含义,而这样的过程巴特认为可以被无限制地重复.

graphics library:是否连接graphics库中的函数

Devault libraries 是否在连接其它编译程序产生的目标文件时去寻找其缺省库. | Graphics library 是否连接graphics库中的函数. | Warn duplicate symbols 当有重复符号时产生警告信息.


语言学习就是"刺激--反应"再加上"强化"(reinforcement)和"重复"(repetition)的习惯形成过程. 认知法是针对听说法提出来的,试图用认知--符号学习理论(cognition-code approach)来代替刺激--反应学习理论,

repetition method:反复法,重测法,重复法

repetition measurement 复测,复测法,复测角法 | repetition method 反复法,重测法,重复法 | repetition of symbol 符号重复


建议参考 [Bishop]的8.1节,了解几个符号(空心圆圈--隐藏(latent)变量,实心圆圈--观察(observed)变量,方框--重复次数)就足 够看懂原文中的Figure1和Figure3了.

Rearranging edition:重新排版

8.6 控制符号 Control symbol | 8.7 重新排版 Rearranging edition | 8.8 重复执行 Repeat execution


去到一个新的群星丛聚区(clusters)时,如果看到有代表外星文物(artefacts)菱形符号的地方,就尽量收集. 我最喜欢使用的是EMP (电磁脉冲武器),它可以立即瘫痪好几个敌人的飞船的武器和动力,让你歼灭敌人,只是你最少要隔10秒才能重复使用.