英语人>词典>汉英 : 重商主义者 的英文翻译,例句
重商主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
commercialist  ·  mercantilist

更多网络例句与重商主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a kind of allegation that China is a mercantilist.


The bottom line is that Chinese mercantilism is a growing problem, and the victims of that mercantilism have little to lose from a trade confrontation.


As for the English, even the most ardent mercantilist would rather they left viniculture to others.


More importantly, China must be told firmly that the Asian mercantilist strategy will not work for a country of its scale.


Only in the mercantilist mindset of trade negotiations, after all, is tariff-cutting a "concession".


India is no mercantilist adding to global imbalances. It imports more than it exports, creating much needed global demand.


All the debunked mercantilistic arguments"— that is, claims that nations who subsidize their exports effectively steal jobs from other countries —"turn out to be valid.


All these causes conspire to make both individuals and governments, in estimating their means, attach almost exclusive importance to money, either in esse or in posse, and look upon all other things (when viewed as part of their resources) scarcely otherwise than as the remote means of obtaining that which alone, when obtained, affords the indefinite, and at the same time instantaneous, command over objects of desire, which best answers to the idea of wealth.


更多网络解释与重商主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balance of trade:贸易平衡

强兵,富国,平天下,英国的探险家,军人,高官,诗人,作家沃特-瑞利爵士(Sir Walter Raleigh)说得很明白:重商主义者最先意识到国际贸易在货币和政治上的重要性,他们为政治经济学贡献了"贸易平衡"(Balance of Trade)的概念.

commercialist:商业主义者, 重商主义者

litharge [化]一氧化铅, 铅黄 | commercialist 商业主义者, 重商主义者 | general share 通用[凿形]犁铧

commercialist:商业主义者; 重商主义者 (名)

commercialism 商业主义; 重商主义 (名) | commercialist 商业主义者; 重商主义者 (名) | commercially 商业上; 通商上 (副)

commercialistic:商业主义者的, 重商主义者的

commercialist | 商业主义者, 重商主义者 | commercialistic | 商业主义者的, 重商主义者的 | commercialization | 商业化, 商品化


familist 家庭主义教成员,家庭主义者 | homilist 布道者,说教者 | mercantilist 重商主义者

litharge:[化]一氧化铅, 铅黄

honey-tongued 甜言蜜语的 | litharge [化]一氧化铅, 铅黄 | commercialist 商业主义者, 重商主义者

Mercator's projection:墨卡托圆柱投影法

mercantilist 重商主义者 | Mercator's projection 墨卡托圆柱投影法 | mercer 布商


重商主义者mercantilist | 重摄retake | 重设大小resize


对于重商主义者(mercantilist)的一般理解是,它是一种指某些国家为了探寻和扩张其疆域而投入国家资源的经济行为. 在那些不重视为产品增值,却仍旧使用大量资源的企业高级管理者身上,也可以看到这样的行为. 这些支出可能是推销费用、营销费用或管理及一般费用,

mercantilist theory:重商主义者的理论

mercantilism 营利主义 | mercantilist theory 重商主义者的理论 | merchant 商人