英语人>词典>汉英 : 采摘者 的英文翻译,例句
采摘者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
picker  ·  pickers

更多网络例句与采摘者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That simple/complicated knack is what keeps Marni lovers coming back for more, as well as the knowledge that the collection is a cherry picker's bonanza full of pieces that lend themselves to myriad personal styles.


Now, you may say that I go too far in relating the picker of a coffee berry in far off Brazil and food growers elsewhere to my creation; that this is an extreme position.


I remembered her sitting in front of a gold-framed painting, but forgot the gold-dust mist that rises from low behind her.(X-rays indicate that the figure of a child was originally painted here, then painted out.) And I had completely forgotten how vivid the pink carnation is: real, aromatic, fresh-picked.

我记得她坐在一个金色的画框的前面,但是忘记了她身后下面雾一般的金色色调,( x 光显示那里曾经画了一个孩子,但是后来被遮盖了)我还完全不记得那枝康耐馨是那么的生动——真实,带者花香,如同刚采摘一般。

Best is Water of all, and Gold as a flaming fire in the night shineth eminent amid lordly wealth; but if of prizes in the games thou art fain, O my soul, to tell, then, as for no bright star more quickening than the sun must thou search in the void firmament by day, so neither shall we find any games greater than the Olympic whereof to utter our voice: for hence cometh the glorious hymn and entereth into the minds of the skilled in song, so that they celebrate the son[1] of Kronos, when to the rich and happy hearth of Hieron they are come; for he wieldeth the sceptre of justice in Sicily of many flocks, culling the choice fruits of all kinds of excellence: and with the flower of music is he made splendid, even such strains as we sing blithely at the table of a friend.


There is a flower known to botanists, one of the same genus with our summer plant called "Life-Everlasting," a Gnaphalium like that, which grows on the most inaccessible cliffs of the Tyrolese mountains, where the chamois dare hardly venture, and which the hunter, tempted by its beauty, and by his love (for it is immensely valued by the Swiss maidens), climbs the cliffs to gather, and is sometimes found dead at the foot, with the flower in his hand.


There is a flower known to botanists, one of the same genus with our summer plant called "Life-Everlasting," a Gnaphalium like that, which grows on the most inaccessible cliffs of the Tyrolese mountains, where the chamois dare hardly venture, and which the hunter, tempted by its beauty, and by his love (for it is immensely valued by the Swiss maidens), climbs the cliffs to gather, and is sometimes found dead at the foot, with the flower in his hand.


The name comes from German edel and wei. The scientific name, Leontopodium means "lion paw", being derived from Greek words leon and podion.


Type O had ancestors that were hunters and gatherers, therefore they should eat lots of animal protein and little carbohydrates.

O 血型者的祖先是猎人和采摘者,因此他们应当食用大量动物蛋白和少量碳水化合物。

Wealthy Japanese and Chinese tea drinkers will happily spend hundreds of dollars on the best spring-picked leaves, much as Western oenophiles splash out on a good bottle of wine.


We had good color and flavor development in the Zinfandel and Cabernet. The Lodi winegrowers who still had grapes hanging were challenged in October with almost 3 inches of rain and humidity for the following week.

仙芬黛和赤霞珠两个品种拥有美好的颜色和香气。10月份, Lodi 地区还未采摘的葡萄酒种植者们经受着一场3英寸雨水及雨后几周湿气的挑战。

更多网络解释与采摘者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其中一首歌曲>(Linus)用于采摘葡萄时演唱,而>(Bormus)则用于收获谷物时. 两者都是哀悼英年早逝的美貌年轻人的歌曲,象征着季节的变换. 继荷马后出现了叙事诗朗诵者(Rhapsodists),是在节日庆典背诵他们自己的民谣或者荷马史诗的吟游诗人.


pickaninny 黑人小孩 | picked 精选的 | picker 采摘者


picked 精选的 | picker 采摘者 | pickerel 小梭鱼


picker 采摘者 | pickerel 小梭鱼 | pickerelweed 一种多年生植物


picker 采摘者 | pickerel 梭鱼子 | pickerel 小梭鱼


picker /啄者/啄物/采摘者/ | pickerel /小梭鱼/梭鱼子/ | pickerelweed /一种多年生植物/


slicker 骗子,外表整洁的城里人 | picnicker 野餐者 | picker 采摘者,采集者,手选工


主角需要带领一群迷你忍者,历经千难万险.EA于前年收购Pandemic时将该作也一并收入囊中,现在终于到了采摘果实的时候: "欢迎来到德占时期的巴黎,Pandemic Studios邀您体验一款有着终极开放式环境设定的动作冒险游戏-->(Saboteur).


99.coye采摘、采,收获 | 996.coyer采集者,采收者,收获者 | 997.coyery采集者的,采收者的,收获者的


人类早期历史中,游牧觅食(foraging)是一项主要的经济活动. 人类的游牧民族和部落以渔猎或采摘蔬果的方式从周围环境中获得食物. 现代的一些活动逻辑上是类似于游牧觅食的. 例如,沿街叫卖的商贩可以说是在寻觅顾客. 对阿契族的游牧觅食者来说,