英语人>词典>汉英 : 醒悟 的英文翻译,例句
醒悟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
awaked  ·  disillude

awaken to · come to one's senses · wake up to reality
更多网络例句与醒悟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now I began to understand: As a writer, I was also an activist.


You know, I'm beginning to realize you have a bigger crush on Adrian than on me.


Now, I finally awaken, but you actually in that remote place!


Even though this awakening came too late, I think it is better late than never.


You probably realize by now that our trading preference is stock options.


How many kiddie cartoon characters smoke cigarettes with a Continental insouciance, carry a torch for a thrice-widowed chanteuse, and live alone in a tent on a desert island, in a disillusioned retreat from the world?


It is not enough to just come to oneself from sin, we need to take actions for our repentance.


But if it will only disillude in the end or even cannot in the whole life,then that's really mournful.


But if it will only disillude in the end or even cannot in the whole life,then that's really mournful.


Vi.醒来,醒悟到 The wakened cake baker awakes to that he has to brake by the lake.


更多网络解释与醒悟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

awake to:醒悟

await 等候 | awake to 醒悟 | awake 醒

awaken to:醒悟

awake 醒 | awaken to 醒悟 | awaken 唤醒

awaken to:醒悟,使...意识到

avenge oneself on对...进行报复 | awaken to醒悟,使...意识到 | go bankrupt破产

rude awakening:(对于希望或理想的)突然幻灭猛然的醒悟, 突然的惊醒 后悔莫及

sling over 用力拥抱 | rude awakening (对于希望或理想的)突然幻灭猛然的醒悟, 突然的惊醒 后悔莫及 | pneumoren 肾周充气造影术

rude awakening:(对于现实的)猛然醒悟,(对于理想、希望的)突然幻灭

Rise from one's ashes 东山再起 | Rude awakening (对于现实的)猛然醒悟,(对于理想、希望的)突然幻灭 | Be on one's back 卧病,一筹莫展

come to one's sense:恢复理性,醒悟过来; 苏醒过来

come to no harm 未受到伤害 | come to one's sense 恢复理性,醒悟过来; 苏醒过来 | come to terms 打成协议,妥协,和解

come to one's sense:清醒过来;恢复理性,醒悟

69come into operation生效,实行 | 70come to one's sense清醒过来;恢复理性,醒悟 | 71come to the point说到要点上

come to one's senses:醒悟;苏醒

come into operation施行,实行,生效 | come to one's senses醒悟;苏醒 | come true实现


disillusion 醒悟 | disillusionment 醒悟 | disincentive 不利诱因

醒悟 (disillude v. 醒悟):disillusion v

illusion n. 幻觉;幻影 (illude vt.欺骗, 诓骗, 置...于幻觉中) | disillusion v. 醒悟 (disillude v. 醒悟) | delusion n. 错觉 (delude vt. 迷惑, 蛊惑)