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醉 的英文翻译、例句

be addicted to · liquor-saturated · steep in liquor
更多网络例句与醉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Burning the midnight oil to see醉里sword, wind angle even梦回Camp" is "Ma Lu for fast, bow string, such as Thunderbolt scared" of the emotional scenes, such as the source of the fighting, in the absence of the word old enemy artificial country, defeat the outside of the Krupp desire and determination to fight behind the scenes that have lost the power of its rough, this first "破阵子" it lost its literary history in the historical status.


The result of dispelling alcohol and defending ebriety test indicates: saponins of Aralia elata Seem can restrain alcohol absorbed, extend alcohol bearing time, reduce ebriety maintaining time remarkably, and have a function of dispelling alcohol, defending ebriety and protecting liver.


The effect of Jiusuyu on ebriety rate, ebriety time of acute alcoholism mice observed after preventing treatment 80 healthy mice, bisexual and each half, were randomly divided into 4 groups, 20 mice every group, namely model group (equal volume physiological saline were given through the means of watering stomach), low-dose group of Jiusuyu (called low-dose group, 1.62g/100g avoirdupois Jiusuyu drank through the means of watering stomach), high-dose group of Jiusuyu (called high-dose group, 3.24g/100g avoirdupois Jiusuyu drank through the means of watering stomach), and Gehuaji-echeng liquid control group (called control group, 1.31g/100g avoirdupois) Gehuajiecheng liquid were drunk through the mea


Has been able to put aside the matter, doing all possible to speculate the reasoning really have to go abroad by, the success of the Internet has become a well-known woman novelist, is well-prepared to return home after a date with first love, did not expect "love The wine known interest "of her drunk to be careful not to write on the computer, deleted the article archive was expelled from the company, as long as the drinking will lead to troubles in the past because she makes wine, love often unhappy, drunk Hedley know before the book, one thing is a mess no reason Fortunately, with each side always grew up with, the Peach Blossom 10-year-old town of Chol "rehabilitation", she will be able to saved the day.


Has been brooding on the matter, doing all possible to guess the reasoning went by really overseas, the success of the Internet has become well-known woman novelist, after returning home is prepared with the first love of appointments, did not expect "love known spirits of wine "drunk, she does not care to write the article in the computer archive of all deleted and dismissed by the company, as long as the drinking will get into trouble because of her past makes the work of wine, love often unhappy, drunk Hedley known before the book, one thing is a mess for no reason, but fortunately there will always be for each side, together with their grown up, Secret Love of its decade-long town-chul "rehabilitation", she can be saved.


On the reason why physiological alcoholic should bear criminal liability for their actions prohibited by penal law, there exist two explanations: the theory of action libera in cause, the theory of the principle of social interests. The author holds that the physiological drunkenness should be attributed to the alcoholic, and hence they should bear the full penal liability according to the punishability of their action libera in cause because when the physiological alcoholics conduct the behaviors prohibited by the criminal law, subjectively they are far from faultless and at the same time, it is the purpose of penalty and a necessity of the penal policy.


To enhance the grade of products, product image and culture, processing plants in the new product development, adhere to market-oriented, for different consumer groups, the timely development of new products, research and development of the five series, more than sixty kinds of products -- Xiang ---- Ocean seafood seasoning series (wild dried small shrimps, high-quality dried shrimps, shrimp do the Bohai Sea, Pa do eat shrimp, dried seaweed, razor clam do, dried octopus, clams do, whitebait, etc.); Sea Boutique Cheung salted fish series (the wild horse population of fish, wild white fish, Bohai Qingpi fish, wild mullet, Pakistan fish, silver needle fish, anchovies,); Sea brine Cheung bad series (canned jellyfish, and shrimp paste, grasshopper sub sauce, Salted shrimp, shrimp paste hair, hanging halogen Shannon crab, brine shrimp Pa Shannon,×í·,×í, drunk Bullacta, Ziziphus jujube drunk, etc.).


Yesterday evening to a lot of friends, to a room of six friends, I just started It's sober, tried every respect and a cup, not King on the first half of the halo of a rest, King finished and gone. King finished a sigh of relief that gas not come out, came a block e, I know that today is finished, to be drunk but still With special drunk, they sit down to call a bottle of VSOP three, not ten minutes to drink a bottle, after a three-hour bottles became bottles, I start with a good good halo halo, also termed the three boxes began to drink beer. I want you in the end is a human or a whale ah, and they asked me to play Boson, and each of us playing 10, Ma ah, But this 11 individuals ah, in the role of alcohol under I agreed, liquor door open, one out of the past, I have drunk, how I do not know the home, who feels tired today Shuileyitian body not comfortable


According to distribution of bryophytes on different substances, the frequencies of Bazzania albifolia, Heteroscyphus coalitus and Homaliodendron scalpellifolium in evergreen broadleaved forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve are highest; those of Macrothamnium macrocarpum, Bazzania fauriana, Ptychanthus striatus, Pogonatum cirratum and Thuidium cymbifolium are higher. Additionally, Aerobryum speciosum, Trachycladiella sparsa, Taxiphyllum subarcuatum, Aerobryidium levieri, Lepidozia wallichiana, and Leucobryum bowringii are relatively common.


Items of its morphic characters, ornamental features, technology of cultivation and maintenance and application in landscape are introduced briefly in this paper as well as utilization status in foreign countries. Additionally, ornament...


更多网络解释与醉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blind to the world:[俚]烂醉, 醉得不省人事

bless the world with one's heels 被处以绞刑 | blind to the world [俚]烂, 得不省人事 | bring into the world 生(孩子); 接生; 出生时带来...

blind to the world:烂醉, 醉得不省人事

blind tillage | 早期耕作, 出苗前耕作 | blind to the world | 烂, 得不省人事 | blind to | 看不见 对 熟视无睹

blotto; to be incapably drunk:爛醉如泥的;大醉的煙酒飲酒用語

67268爛賬金融銀行bad debt | 67269爛如泥的;大的煙酒飲酒用語blotto; to be incapably drunk | 67270爛繩工業建築工具defective rope

buddleia:醉鱼草 醉鱼草属植物

buddleia | 鱼草 | Buddleia | 鱼草 鱼草属植物 | buddy breathing | 共呼吸法(潜水员成对工作时, 共用一个呼吸器)

pathological drunkenness:病理性醉酒

(3)病理性酒(pathological drunkenness)指饮用一定量酒,突然酒,并同时产生严重的意识障碍. 它与单纯酒和复杂性酒具有质的差异,与饮酒量无关,仅小量饮酒也可出现严重的精神病理学的异常表现. 意识障碍突然发生,一经发生立即达到高峰. 并且,


fucusamide /墨角藻酰胺/ | fuddle /灌/使烂/使迷糊/狂饮/烂/ | fuddy-duddy /唠叨的人/守旧者/

intoxicant n.1:使醉的东西 2.致醉药物a.使醉的

intoxicate vt.1.使喝 2.使陶,使欣喜若狂 | intoxicant n.1.使的东西 2.致药物a.使的 | invite vt.1.邀请,招待 2.征求,请求 3.吸引,招致(麻烦等)

intoxicate vt.1:使喝醉 2.使陶醉,使欣喜若狂

toxin n.毒素(尤指生物体自然产生的毒物) | intoxicate vt.1.使喝 2.使陶,使欣喜若狂 | intoxicant n.1.使的东西 2.致药物a.使

Pieris japonica:日本马醉木

彩叶马木是欧美及日本最为流行的庭院彩叶树种,既能观叶又能赏花,符合我国园林应用对新优品种的要求,极具市场潜力. 彩叶马木是日本马木(Pieris japonica)的栽培变种或品种以及日本马木与台湾...

buddleia:醉鱼草 醉鱼草属植物

buddleia || 鱼草 | Buddleia || 鱼草 鱼草属植物 | buddy breathing || 共呼吸法(潜水员成对工作时, 共用一个呼吸器)