英语人>词典>汉英 : 酸类物质 的英文翻译,例句
酸类物质 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与酸类物质相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Join the acids matter, the brix to acid ratio high and joins the puerarin or the tea polyphenol, the effect of antialcoholism, avoid be drunk and corrects the ataxia function more obvious.


The relative contents of thujopsene and cedrol were higher in P.orientalis extracted by SFE and MSD methods.No monoterpenes was found in the compounds extracted by SFE and SDE,and the wood resin acids were the major compounds in the compounds extracted by SE.


Results show that the antibacterial component belongs to volatile oil、sesquiterpene、phenols and organic acids. The antibacterial part of the broth was isolated by silica gel column and 6 fractions of obviously antibacterial activity were obtained .By further study Fractions 1、2、3 contain sesquiterpene and fractions 8、9 contain phenols and fraction 10 contains phenolic organic acid.


The reduce of esters,the increase of acids,and the imbalance of the ratio of esters and acids are the main reasons for washy liquor taste and unpleasant liquor flavor after a period of storage.


The result indicated that the phenolic acid and its mixture could defer the remarkable time of wild oat seed germination, reduce seed germination rate, inhibit the physiological parameter and accumulated amount of dry matter to a certain extent, decrease the Root activity and chlorophyll content inordinately, and increase malondialdehyde level in seedling.


The enzyme tannase, which is used in the present invention, is known to hydrolyse the galloyl ester linkages of polyphenolic substrate s such as tannic acid, tea polyphenol gallates, and the like.


The results revealed that with the increasing ear of continuous C. sativus cropping soil vanillic acid, p-hydroxyhenzoic acid and ferulic acid accumulated gradually. The total amount of the three phenolic compounds reached 29. 8 mgkg^(-1) dry soil after 7 years cropping, being markedly higher than that after 1 or 3 years cropping. After treated with these compounds, the root length and stem width of C.


By using the "mechanical wounding"experimental system estabilished by us, and light- and electron microscopy, autoradiography and radioisotope technique, immuno-fluorescence localization, homologous clone and RACE technique, in situ mRNA hybridization and ELISA et al., we investigated the relationship between the transportation of exogenous JA and the secondary laticifer differentiation, the relationship between the producton and accumulation of endogenous JA and the laticifer differentiation from cambia, and the effect of appling exogenous jasmonates on the natural rubber production.


The enzyme tannase, which is used in the present invention, is known to hydrolyse the galloyl ester linkages of polyphenolic substrates such as tannic acid, tea polyphenol gallates, and the like.


For ozonolysis, the SOA yield has not been changed by inorganic seed aerosol, because the products are mainly carboxylic acids, which has much lower saturation vapor pressure and thus easily undergo homogeneous nucleation or gas-particle partitioning to be in the aerosol phase.


更多网络解释与酸类物质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aldehyde oxidase:醛氧化酶

脱氢酶(dehydrogenase)促进有机物脱氢,起传递氢的作用;葡萄糖氧化酶(glucose oxidase) 氧化葡萄糖为葡萄糖酸;醛氧化酶(aldehyde oxidase) 催化醛氧化为酸;尿酸氧化酶(urafe oxidase) 催化尿酸为尿囊素;联苯酚氧化酶(p-diphenol oxidase) 促酚类物质氧化生成醌;


如许多精油(essential oil)和某些醇类,不包括在本表之列. c.化妆品产品中其他可具有抗微生物的物质,如许多精油(essential oil)和某些醇类,不包括在本表之列. 绿+ 无游离铬酸盐(chromate)离子绿+ 无游离铬酸盐(chromate)离子

potassium dichromate:重铬酸钾

+- **重铬酸钾(potassium dichromate)在固定中有两种作用,一是缓冲作用,二是固定作用,帮助保存脂类和糖类. 在处理神经组织样品时,因为重铬酸钾能很好地保存髓磷脂,可与四氧化锇配合使用,作为第二重固定剂. 但需要注意的是,重铬酸钾是一种致癌物质,


但在芥子酶作用下,分解成异硫氰酸酯(isothiocyanate,ITC)、噁唑烷硫酮(oxazolidine thione, OZT)、腈类(nitrile)、硫氰酸盐(thiocyanate)等有毒物质.十字花科芸薹属(Brassica)植物含有致甲状腺肿物质,

Potassium Permanganate:过锰酸钾

其优异的杀菌能力更获得美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)认可,授与第二类医疗设备认证,CPZ异味吸附剂是由活性碳(Carbon) 、过锰酸钾(Potassium Permanganate)、沸石(Zeolite)铝矽酸盐此三种化学物质混合而成,能有效去除异味及有害气体.

glucuronic acid:葡萄糖醛酸

槐花--槐花主要成分含:芸香甙、槐花二醇(Sophoradiol)葡萄糖醛酸 (Glucuronic acid). 能减少毛细血管的通透性,提高毛细血管的抵抗力,保持和增强毛细血管的弹性. 槐花还含有槐花米甲素、乙素、丙素和大量的维生素A类物质,经皮肤吸收,


acid,HA)类、富里酸类及胡敏素(Humin)等物质,其中胡敏酸分子量介于10 000~100 000 g/mol,溶于碱溶液但不溶于强酸溶液. 通常胡敏酸类物质含量及其结构的复杂化程度是决定堆肥质量及腐熟度的重要因素之一. 同时,堆肥产品施入土壤后,

Hyaluronic Acid:质酸

帮助肌肤抓水,一定要配合油性保湿成分使用,才能达到同时抓水、保水的功效,让保湿效果更好 甘油,学名丙三醇 (Glycerin) 最普及化的保湿剂,较适合年轻健康的肌肤使用反而会由角质层抓水往外释放 玻尿酸(又称醣醛酸、透明质酸)(Hyaluronic acid) 玻尿酸为一黏多醣类物质,

tiglic acid:甲基巴豆酸

花中学问:洋甘菊富含抗敏、舒缓疼痛的疗愈成分,包括芹菜配糖体(Apigenin)、甘菊素 (Antheme)、甘菊酸(Anthemic Acid)、甘菊醇(Anthesterol)等类黄酮素之物质,及α-Bisabolol、母菊蓝烯(chamaqulene)等抗过敏物质,另外还有单宁酸、α甲基巴豆酸(Tiglic Acid)、维生素A、矿物质

antacids:制酸藥 抗酸药

ansamycins 安沙黴素類 安沙霉素类 | antacids 制酸藥 抗酸药 | antacoids 自體活性物質 自身活性物质