英语人>词典>汉英 : 邦迪 的英文翻译,例句
邦迪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与邦迪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bandi iron additive,produced by Bandi Group,has features of super auper anti-weaing,high-efficiency,environment protection and saves energy.The compound active ironcam form strong protective film under the worstcondition,and has the excellent quality protects engineand repairs the weaing of engine


What do we have to do before we put the band-aid on?""


From her early apprenticeship in the long-running "Married with Children" as part of the Bundy clan to her most recent success in "Samantha Who?", she is a force to be reckoned with. Gifted with an innate comedic acting ability coupled with as much supernatural sexy-ease.


Gordon Goldstein's "Lessons in Disaster" tells the story of the Vietnam-era national security adviser, McGeorge Bundy, who later recanted his hawkish views.


Bandi petroleum industry company of Hong Kong and Bandi lubricant limited company of Guangzhou ate subo rdinated to Bandi Group and responsible for the development and corporation in China and Asia-pacific region.


Developing and creating,progress with the period,bndi petroleum devotes to keeping and developing withcars,motorbikeand manufacture,we believing that Bandi will be the perfect partner of Chinese customer.


In 2002,Bandi Group Lubricant department co-worked with several international research institutes and got excellent achievement in Lubricant, and had researched the fifth generation ofadditive---Bandi iron additive,produced by Bandi iron additive.


Bandi' sproduct has become the specialized oil of,Bandi Group is evaluated one of the500 strongest enterprises,and thecustomer exist inthe whole world.


He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.


Bondi is the antithesis of northern-hemisphere Christmas cliches: sun, sand and surf replace snow and fairy lights. Come December 25, the beach acts as a magnet for backpackers a long way from home, who celebrate alongside other "Christmas orphans."


更多网络解释与邦迪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


270 KPMG 毕马威 | 271 BAND-AID 邦迪 | 272 JAGUAR 捷豹

Rip off this Band-aid:撕掉邦迪

41. Tux 男士无尾半正式晚礼服 | 42. Rip off this Band-aid 撕掉邦迪 | 43. Scram 紧急刹车;滚开

Bundy tubing:邦迪卷管

"bunch","小富脉 ; 小矿房" | "bundy tubing","邦迪卷管" | "bunker conveyor","储运轮送机"

Ted Bundy:泰德邦迪

泰德.邦迪(Ted Bundy)是连环杀人犯的最好例子. 他的犯罪显示了连环杀人犯的诸多典型特征,甚至成为衡量罪犯是否是连环杀人犯的标准尺度. 1974年1月4日午夜. 邦迪潜入华盛顿大学18岁的学生琼妮.伦兹的卧室,趁她熟睡之际用撬棍猛击她的头部.

Bundy Fluid:邦迪管路系统(上海)有限公司

? BERICAP百利盖昆山有限公司 | ? Bundy Fluid邦迪管路系统(上海)有限公司 | ? Hmplglobal和记黄埔医药

Laura Bell Bundy:年--.劳拉.贝尔.邦迪

.金正旭 Jeong-wook Kim | 1981年--.劳拉.贝尔.邦迪 Laura Bell Bundy | .黄志玮 Jerry Huang


麦克乔治•邦迪(McGeorge Bundy)曾经把美国描述为"人类前进的火车头,而世界其他地 方则是列车的守车(caboose)". 美国的牵引力已经达到顶点,不可能支撑下去,其主要原 因是:其一,世界人口有60亿,而美国人口2.76亿,


核心提示:据澳新社消息,在读者文摘举行的年度调查"我最信任的品牌"中,所有各个类别的总排名前十名的分别为:1、吉百利(Cadbury)巧克力;2、潘纳道尔(Panadol);3、邦迪 (Band-Aid);4、索尼(Sony); 5、高乐洁牙膏(Colgate);6、奶农奶制品(Dairy Farmer);


美国通用电话电子公司(GTE)的高级网络指导莫琳.邦迪(MaureenBundy)说,积木或者其他儿童连锁玩具,可用来作为软件数据传输的图解说明. 俄亥俄州代顿市的顾问雷.罗伯茨(RayRoberts)说,改掉某个老习惯有时候是最富创意的讲解材料的方法.


当品牌名已成为该类产品的代表时,大多数的人会使用品牌的名称:邦迪、吉露果冻(Jello)等均是如此. 有些人甚至会把品牌名称当作动词来使用,例如"请把这个包裹联邦快递(FedEx)到太平洋沿岸某处". 如果你想让自已的首创品牌能够代表一个新的类别,