英语人>词典>汉英 : 那是合法的 的英文翻译,例句
那是合法的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与那是合法的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand what incensed him more inwardly was the blatant jokes of the cabman and so on who passed it all off as a jest, laughing 1530 immoderately, pretending to understand everything, the why and the wherefore, and in reality not knowing their own minds, it being a case for the two parties themselves unless it ensued that the legitimate husband happened to be a party to it owing to some anonymous letter from the usual boy Jones, who happened to come across them at the crucial moment in a loving position locked in one another's arms, drawing attention to their illicit proceedings and leading up to a domestic rumpus and the erring fair one begging forgiveness of her lord and master upon her knees and promising to sever the connection and not receive his visits any more if only the aggrieved husband would overlook the matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her eyes though possibly with her tongue in her fair cheek at the same time as quite possibly there were several others.


Iago.' Faith, he to-night hath boarded a land carack: If it prove lawful prize, he's made for ever.


Friedman is unequivocal in endorsing this reductive philosophy. He writes that he is often asked if he is a technological determinist, and with the innocent enthusiasm that is a redeeming feature of his prose style he declares resoundingly: This is a legitimate question, so let me try to answer it directly: I am a technological determinist!


I know I have the right to work for the university. That's legal.


It is not lawful to do that.


Workers must not be younger than the legal minimum age ..


System.out.println("a.length="+ a.length); System.out.println("b.length ="+ b.length);// The handles inside the array are // automatically initialized to null: for(int i = 0; i nbsp;b.length; i++) System.out.println; System.out.println("c.length ="+ c.length); System.out.println("d.length ="+ d.length); a = d; System.out.println("a.length ="+ a.length);// Java 1.1 initialization syntax: a = new Weeble { new Weeble, new Weeble }; System.out.println("a.length ="+ a.length);// Arrays of primitives: int e;// Null handle int f = new int[5]; int g = new int[4]; for(int i = 0; i nbsp;g.length; i++) g = i*i; int h ={ 11, 47, 93 };// Compile error: variable e not initialized://!


There were scuffles between police and pro-Tibet protestors when the torch was handed to Chinese officials in Athens at the end of last month.


Wherefore if forgers of money and other evil-doers are forthwith condemned to death by the secular authority, much more reason is there for heretics, as soon as they are convicted of heresy, to be not only excommunicated but even put to death.


That piece of paper is legal proof that an individual exists.


更多网络解释与那是合法的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿瑞斯与阿尔泰娅(Althaea)还生育了一个儿子墨勒阿格尔(Meleager). 阿尔泰娅本是卡吕冬(Calydon)国王奥纽斯(Oeneus)的合法妻子. 墨勒阿格尔死得有点儿悲惨. 他出生后7天,命运女神莫伊莱就告诉阿尔泰娅,在一种魔法木头被扔进壁炉的那一刻,


阿瑞斯与阿尔泰娅(Althaea)还生育了一个儿子墨勒阿格尔(Meleager). 阿尔泰娅本是卡吕冬(Calydon)国王奥纽斯(Oeneus)的合法妻子. 墨勒阿格尔死得有点儿悲惨. 他出生后7天,命运女神莫伊莱就告诉阿尔泰娅,在一种魔法木头被扔进壁炉的那一刻,

supply and demand:供求

Keynes)之说法,市场的供求(Supply and demand)犹如一只无形的手在自动调节. 香港政府既因托市(或救市)停售居屋在先,又将这屋苑转卖给地产商在私人市场发售在后,那麼发展商对红湾半岛这件「货品」,理论上是可以自主地作出其合法的商业决定(包括拆卸和重建),


因为那是犯法的.由于新力(SONY)拥有PS2 BIOS的版权,所以如果我们不合法地提供PS2 BIOS,NGmu会得到麻烦的.请参考 这里 来查询关于BIOS的资料.原作者 Bositman 翻译员(translator) 马来西亚的GhO


性能量运行契合法(VajroIi)练习--导言瑜伽冥想术的目的在于获致内心和平与安宁. 然而实际上远不止此. 瑜伽冥想术的目的是达致无限的精神之爱、欢乐、幸福和智慧. 在<<薄伽梵歌>>一书中,克乐史那(Krsna)说--俱卢(Kuru)族的儿子啊!当愚昧无知状态有了增长时,疯狂、幻觉妄想、怠惰和黑暗就都表现出来了.

And bloody Faith, the foulest birth of time:那由"时间"塑造的最邪恶的形象

That Virtue owns a more eternal foe 甚于暴力和欺诈:那是... | Than Force or Fraud: old Custom, Legal Crime, 一种合法的罪恶:还... | And bloody Faith, the foulest birth of time. 那由"时间"塑造的最邪恶的形象.