英语人>词典>汉英 : 遮掩 的英文翻译,例句
遮掩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cloak  ·  cloaked  ·  overcurtain  ·  cloaks

更多网络例句与遮掩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3 Naked before him is the nether world, and Abaddon has no covering.


There are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice, even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he's yours.


That innocent bud which opens, that adorable half-nudity which is afraid of itself, that white foot which takes refuge in a slipper, that throat which veils itself before a mirror as though a mirror were an eye, that chemise which makes haste to rise up and conceal the shoulder for a creaking bit of furniture or a passing vehicle, those cords tied, those clasps fastened, those laces drawn, those tremors, those shivers of cold and modesty, that exquisite affright in every movement, that almost winged uneasiness where there is no cause for alarm, the successive phases of dressing, as charming as the clouds of dawn,-- it is not fitting that all this should be narrated, and it is too much to have even called attention to it.


And they had the audacity to look at my picture, Alicia," she said, with mock indignation."I found the baize thrown on the ground, and a great man's glove on the carpet.


Its on the oriental stage that a series of oncoming and dormant Oedipus tragedies-incest tragedies, with which the westerners are so familiar regardless of performance on the somewhere strange stage, are highlights, so that the western spectators not only can enjoy the different exotic cultural charms, but from the commanding perspective fell the superiority of their own culture in this fabricated cultural context featured with backward, isolation and far from the reality. In addition, Zhang prefers to the method of time lagging in the film text formation, so that the textual times usually drag back to the past on purpose such as 1930s, 1940s, per-anti-Japanese war period as well as 1960s and 1970s; apart from this, the far-off areas far from the cultural center are chosen as the film space, all which get together to set up a static, stagnate and hiding Chinese traditional cultural context symbolized by backward, barbarousness and ignorantness to satisfy the male desire.


All that I had I gave to you, keeping but the barest veil of reserve.


Her honesty on this point does not make her an immediately likable character, but it does steer this novel of a bereaved mother away from any hint of bathos.


The Party is so atwitter that they set a firewall to block websites which contain some 『bawdry, eroticism and violance』 contents, such as BBC Chinese .


This was done to represent the humility of the true knight as well as mask the knight's race - something that did not matter among the valorous.


It doesn't cover but vaguely overcurtain the windowless-how luring and suggestive it is!


更多网络解释与遮掩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aid route使用器械攀登技术上升的路线 | Alcove原:阳台.有遮掩的地形.浅的大洞 | alpine style阿尔卑斯风格,一鼓作气上去,不事前建营地或储备点


barbator | 扩散器 | barbe | (修女、中世纪妇女用来遮掩颈部的)白麻巾 | barbecue mix | 烤肉时涂抹用调味料

Hiding her disease with a baseball cap:她的棒球帽遮掩住她病痛的模样

A little girl on daddy's lap 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 | Hiding her disease with a baseball cap 她的棒球帽遮掩住她病痛的模样 | You can turn the channel 你可以象其他很多人那样

Hidin' her disease with a baseball cap:她的棒球帽遮掩住她病痛的模样

A little girl, on daddy's lap, 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 | Hidin' her disease with a baseball cap. 她的棒球帽遮掩住她病痛的模样 | You can turn the channel, most people do. 你可以象其他很多人那样转换频...

Hidin' her disease with a baseball cap:她的棒球帽遮掩她病痛的模样

A little girl, on daddy's lap, 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 | Hidin' her disease with a baseball cap. 她的棒球帽遮掩她病痛的模样 | You can turn the channel, most people do. 你可以像其他人那样转换频道

blind hole:遮掩洞

Arc 杆头弧线,挥杆时,杆头经过的轨道 | Blind Hole 遮掩洞 | Blow up 失势(不能挽回的混乱比赛)

cheat kidiseeeverything:取消战雾遮掩

cheat iknowodintoo 获得一名忍者 | cheat kidiseeeverything 取消战雾遮掩 | cheat wowitsgreattobetheboss 刀枪不入模式

Never wore cover-up:绝不遮掩什么

Never wore cover-up,绝不遮掩什么 | Always beat the boys up,总是和男生打成一片 | Grew up in a five thousand population town,在这只有五千人的小镇长大

draw a veil over:遮掩;隐瞒

10 beyond the veil 在来世;在死后的未知世界 | draw a veil over 遮掩;隐瞒 | take the veil 做修女


occultation variable 掩食变星 | occultation 遮掩 | occultation 遮掩;