英语人>词典>汉英 : 遭受苦难 的英文翻译,例句
遭受苦难 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
writhe  ·  writhed  ·  writhing  ·  writhes

更多网络例句与遭受苦难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We should help people in affliction.


We want to be neutral in the wars that rage around us, yet our friends in Asia suffer while we sit shielded by Phoenix.

我们希望在战争中保持中立,周围国家的愤怒包围着我们,我们在亚洲的朋友们在遭受苦难,而我们坐视Phoe nix被屏蔽在身后。

Du Fu's early poetry is marked by lyrical praise of the beauties of the natural world, but as his own life became more difficult, elem ts of satire and expressions of somber feeling about the suffering of humankind entered his verse.

杜甫 早期的诗歌以对赞美大自然为主,但是随着他自己的生活日渐艰难,讽刺的成分以及表现人类遭受苦难的忧郁字眼开始在出现在他的诗歌中。

From Epicurus to Feuerbach, how many people have cried out in anger but found no way to escape from their sorrow?


I'm a laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know.


But there is some good news: as imports get more expensive, long-suffering British farmers will benefit.


Unmentioned was how John Pilger portrayed the country in his newest book "Freedom Next Time." He called it more like a "moonscape" than a functioning nation and likely more abused and long-suffering than any other.

未提及的是如何约翰pilger描绘该国在他的最新著作"自由的未来时间",他所谓的它更象一个" moonscape "比一个正常运作的国家和可能更多的虐待和长期遭受苦难,比任何其他。

The family had already recovered from the misfortune of Medardo Pacheco when it was Uncle Quinte's turn to suffer his own for killing the opposing lawyer in a lawsuit.

当家里人已经从Medardo Pacheco的不幸中恢复的时候,Quinte叔叔正为他在诉讼中杀死对手而遭受苦难

"That the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture, but chiefly by the pang that rankle s after it."


China appreciated these services all the more because her people in Shantung had also suffered and sacrificed in connection with the military operations for the capture of Kiaochow, especially in regard to requisition for labor and supplies of all kinds.


更多网络解释与遭受苦难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



go through with:完成,做完

go through 遭受,经历(苦难等);审查、检查(法案等)被通过、批准 | go through with 完成,做完 | go up 上升;被炸(烧)毁

have a strong influence on/upon:对...有强力影响

26. as a consequence 结果,后果 | 27. have a strong influence on/upon 对...有强力影响 | 28. suffer from 遭受...的苦难


餐桌上有一盘带有苦味的食用药草(herbs)和一道特殊的"沙拉". 沙拉是用捣碎的坚果、苹果、肉桂和葡萄酒混和而成,用来象征当时在埃及做奴隶当泥水匠时候用的灰浆. 不管是草药还是"泥浆",都象征着曾经遭受的耻辱和苦难.

lie in ruins:沦为一片废墟

hard hills of rock坚硬的岩石山 | lie in ruins 沦为一片废墟 | The suffering of the people was extreme.人们所遭受的苦难是极为深重的

parched:土壤板结 a. 炒过的,焦的,干透的

dry 干旱 | parched 土壤板结 a. 炒过的,焦的,干透的 | suffer from 受到...损害;遭受...苦难

withstand tempatation:抵制诱惑

withstand 经受,承受,(成功的)抵住 | withstand tempatation抵制诱惑 | undergo 经历,遭受(苦难)

uncharted uncharted:海图上未标明的,不详的

unbridgeable unbridgeable a.不能架桥的,不能逾越的 | uncharted uncharted 海图上未标明的,不详的 | undergo undergo vt.遭受(苦难)

ice sculptures:冰雕 n.雕刻(术);雕刻品

go horse slading 坐马拉雪橇 | ice sculptures 冰雕 n.雕刻(术);雕刻品 | suffer from 受到...损害;遭受...苦难

When you saw only one set of footprints:也就是你看到只有一行脚印时

During your times of trial and suffering 在你遭受苦难和考验的日子, | when you saw only one set of footprints...也就是你看到只有一行脚印时, | That was when I carried you."正是我背着你走过去的. "