英语人>词典>汉英 : 造成阻碍 的英文翻译,例句
造成阻碍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
snag  ·  snags

更多网络例句与造成阻碍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Snoring is mainly due to the obstruction of airflow caused by blockage in your respiratory system.


This kind of foolish behavior that progresses from block already block up the development of enterprise oneself, baneful influence industry, to industry of our country bearing development causes serious and undesirable co......


China's army strategists have written that the military intends to use relatively inexpensive but highly disruptive technologies to impede the better-equipped and better-trained American forces in the event of an armed conflict — over Taiwan, for example.


In the resent years, the depression in economy and the seriousness in social issues has brought about political turbulence which seriously hindered the progress of Brail s democratization. At the critical time with the lead of lula , PT take over Brail .


China has joined the World Trade Organization, which will bringabout some favorable conditions for textile exports. Because therise of international trade protectionism and the fierceinternational competition. More and more trade barriers areappearing, which result in a series of trade friction. It becomes amajor obstacle to China's textile and apparel exports.


The latter is expected to provide a CEP of 10-15m, but it will probably be limited by weather.


He thought that austerity to a fault should block production and austerity should use treasure.


The developed countries should end off agriculture subsidy that twisted world trade seriously, cancelled structural prohibitory duty for developing countries, avoided technical trade measures to result in barrier to world trade, and provided necessary capital and technical support for improving trade and economic development of developing countries.


We find:(1) ITB cumbers the optimization of enterprises' scale through increase the trade cost;(2) The rate of ITB on inter-industrial products is higher than on the intra-industrial aspect, and the product's trade barrier has a decreasing situation;(3) From the macro-economics view, the behaviors of governments have grave influences on the integration of domestic market; taxation system and regional law system have great impact on the many aspects which influence the development of economy.


The first is whether the industrialisation of China and India is helping or hindering its own economic development.


更多网络解释与造成阻碍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

oil filter:机油滤清器

机油滤清器(Oil Filter)是用来去除机油中的金属碎屑和各种杂质,以免使之进入润滑系统,磨损机件. 机油滤清器经过一段时间使用之后,滤芯上会聚集许多油泥和金属碎屑,造成滤清器堵塞,阻碍润滑系统正常工作. 此时,应更换机油滤清器的滤芯.


良性的肥大主要区域在尿道周围,增生组织直接压迫尿道,阻碍了尿尿的流量, 引起相关症状,例如频尿(Frequency)、夜尿(Nocturia)、尿流量缩减(Small caliber stream)、紧迫尿意感(Urgency),长期的尿尿不顺畅可能造成尿路感染、膀胱炎等,



overheated economy:经济过热

经济过热(Overheated Economy) 什么是经济过热 当经历了长时期的良好的经济增长及经济活动后,消费者增加的财富所带来的高通货膨胀水平和过度的无效投资造成生产能力过剩,最终阻碍经济的增长,并导致经济衰退.

overheated economy:过热

经济过热(Overheated Economy) 什么是经济过热 当经历了长时期的良好的经济增长及经济活动后,消费者增加的财富所带来的高通货膨胀水平和过度的无效投资造成生产能力过剩,最终阻碍经济的增长,并导致经济衰退.


cabbage科的蔬菜,包括:油菜(rape)、甘蓝类蔬菜(kale)与芜菁(或称"大头菜",turnips)较不适合给陆龟吃. 这些植物有高含量的大豆(soybean)成份,会阻碍碘(iodine)的吸收,最后很可能造成甲状腺肿(goiter). 因此,

restrain from:阻碍,控制,抑制

211、rest on 依靠,依赖;被搁在, 停留在 | 212、restrain from 阻碍,控制,抑制 | 213、result from 起因于,由...产生,因...而造成

ring shake:环裂

以环裂(Ring Shake)和心裂(Heart Shake)所引如果年轮(Annual Ring)间隙含过量树脂(Resinous Substance)和树脂条纹(Streak). 它们因富粘性及油性,会造成阻碍锯路以及防碍上油漆和打磨.

Side Step:旁步

最后与舞蹈老师们达成以下共识:在舞厅里尽最大的努力去杜绝怪异的舞步,特别是脚离开地面的舞步 、旁步(side step)和停顿,以免阻碍后面跟随的人. 注:旁步是由西迷舞(Shimmy,一种摇肩摆臀 的爵士舞)改编而来,然后造成流行. 经过此事件后,


1.小颌畸形(micrognathia) 可单独存在,或与其他先天畸形同时发生. 多数是下颌体积小. 由于下领骨前部过于靠后使舌向后移,可造成梗阻. 比较轻的不出现呼吸困难,严重病例则常因挤压舌根部阻碍咽喉通道,可发生生命危险.