英语人>词典>汉英 : 造成...失事 的英文翻译,例句
造成...失事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wreck  ·  wrecked  ·  wrecks

更多网络例句与造成...失事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shanghai Composite Index to track down the funds with the position of overlapping tracks can be found in the most tragic decline in the market in the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter of this year, despite the market slump in a row, the sign of a bear market, fund Industry still singing the "bull market in the second half,""golden decade", Jiancang slow, resulting in a passive bear the loss resulting from the crash.


I strongly recommend the military should take the push-pull effect into account of this serious risk on military pilots.


While the probability of a submarine accident is statistically [8] low, more than 170 submarines have been lost worldwide over the past 90 years (fire, equipment failure, inadequate training and poor seamanship [9] have all had a part to play).


It went down as severe weather was battering the region with wind gusts of up to 72 miles per hour.


更多网络解释与造成...失事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plane crash:空难

华航611班机空难(plane crash)为发生在台湾境内死伤最惨重的空难,造成225人罹难(图为机身残骸还原,资料照片). 由於611班机的坠毁非常突然,而且在事故发生前,飞行员与塔台(control tower)间的联络也一切正常,因此关於失事的原因一度众说纷纭.


microburst 瞬间风暴:从云层底部突然涌出的风暴,会引起风剪 (wind shear) 而改变局部风速与风向,通常与暴风雨 (thunderstorm) 有关. 若干飞机失事坠毁就是由其所造成. 混合实境:一种由虚拟实境 (virtual reality) 和真实世界 (real world) 的元素结合而成的环境.