英语人>词典>汉英 : 通讯 的英文翻译,例句
通讯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
communicate  ·  communication  ·  message  ·  messages  ·  telecommunications  ·  communicated  ·  communicates  ·  messaged  ·  messaging

news report · news dispatch
更多网络例句与通讯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, oscilloscope control system based on GPIB technique is presented with friendly operation environment to the HIFU system, and it uses multithreading technique in programming to realize real-time recording and display of the signal; Secondly, temperature collection and data recording system is designed, which also could get real-time recording and display of the 16 channel temperature signal, and it's believed to be of great use for further experiments of the HIFU system; Thirdly, multiple ultrasonic phased array's phase shifter is designed,which could provide 8-bit phase control in a range of frequency where the centrical frequency is 1MHZ. Fourthly, the module of serial communication is realized to insure the communication between devices and computer, including both synchronous and asynchronous communication, which enables the system to transfer data reliably and stably; Finally, the module of digital quantity control is accomplished, which provide for upper application the consistent solution to the control of exterior devices via digital interface. It can get or set the devices state using interrupt mode to receive input signal or send output signal.


Products are widely used in wireless communications, optical communications, satellite communications, network technology and information-based society-building.


Article 8 The mission may for official purposes communicate freely with the Government and the other missions and consulates of the sending State In so doing, it may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers, diplomatic bag, and messages in code or cipher

第八条 使馆为公务目的可以与派遣国政府以及派遣国其他使馆和领事馆自由通讯通讯可以采用一切适当方法,包括外交信使、外交邮袋和明码、密码电信在内第九条使馆设置和使用供通讯用的无线电收发信机,必须经中国政府同意。使馆运进上述设备,按中国政府的有关规定办理

In terms of memory hierarchy, we investigated how to improve the cache hit rate and localize data according to the characteristics of cache, master memory, local disk and remote disk in cluster systems. As for communication, features of cluster systems and different cluster internal networks are examined. Two popular parallel programming models - message passing model and share memory model - are analyzed in terms of how do they affect the cluster performance and how can we improve the cluster performance.


Daring to innovate is the problem of the platitude in IT industry already, when the problem that understands limited company of science and technology very easily to develop a tendency about the professional and wireless communication such as prospective lash-up communication in answer Shenzhen, liu academician expresses, often can produce the train of thought of a few innovation below special environment, combine the communication issue during earthquake of plain of short of Wenshui River, he put forward to build the think of a way that the machine in sky stands, specific for station of the machine in adopting aeroboat general air namely and area network join, make communication signal restores inside short time, and ferial use mobile phone even if is to close the condition of machine to fall to also can locate through GPS the system makes a kind of rescuing tool, the rescuer searchs the position of the personnel that be stranded quickly, and carry such kind, can achieve different land site dispatching direct, pass video, in the Beijing, situation that can in time understand scene providing disaster relief in Shenzhen.


The thesis based on Yellow River Diversion Project. Through the research of the existing design of the supervising system of Yellow River Diversion Project, this passage pointed out some problems hard to be dealt with as follows:(1) Owing to the dispersion of control points and remote transfers of data, it cost a lot to construct the network of the supervising system and it was hard to implement the construction.(2) The connection mode of network needed to be taken into acount. Once the configuration of network changed or the nodes increased, the supervising system needed to be reconfigured.(3) Owing to the tanglesome physical communication line, the man-made communication error happened frequently.(4) When the communication malfunction occured, it needed various engineers to check and repair the fault.(5) It cost a lot to operate and maintain the supervising system.

本文以世界银行援建项目&Yellow River Diversion Project&(引黄入晋工程,编号:0015-K81062)为背景,在对引黄入晋工程的远程监控系统进行研究分析的过程中,指出了该系统在目前采用的有线光纤和有线电缆通讯技术下难以处理的一些问题:(1)由于监控点分散且传输距离较远,有线光纤和有线电缆的网络建设成本很高,实施困难;(2)需要考虑节点之间的连接形式,一旦网络结构发生变化或节点需要扩充,监控系统便需要调整,耗费大量的人力物力;(3)由于系统庞大,通讯的物理线路较为繁乱,在建设和维护阶段容易出现人为触碰等引起的通讯故障;(4)在出现通讯故障时,需要多方人员配合进行故障检测,不仅耗费人力和物力,且不利于故障排除;(5)运行和维护成本较高,需要很多运行维护人员进行大量繁杂的工作。

According to the calibration information, Research and development status of automotive bus network and automotive calibration system is studied and the research significance is generalized. First of all, the collectivity precept for calibration system is designed, the calibration platform is set up based on the XCP Protocol and the calibration object is CAN bus network simulation ECUs. Then how to create the calibration system based on Ethernet and Series communication is expatiated, the communication way from computer to ECUs is introduced and the calibration system is tested. Then how to create the calibration system based on CAN bus communication is expatiated, the design and the interface programme are introduced and the calibration system is tested. At last the platform is used to calibrate the CAN bus network simulation system to regulate the simulation system's topology and communication speed to test the communication protocol's feasibility.

论文首先设计了标定系统的总体方案,以CAN总线实时仿真系统中的节点标定为研究对象,采用XCP协议建立具有串口、以太网和CAN总线三种通讯接口的标定平台;然后,具体开发了基于以太网通讯和基于串口通讯的标定系统,完成了上、下位机部分的软件设计,确定了标定系统在两种通讯方式下的数据处理方法,并分别应用两种标定方式标定下位机仿真系统的参数,让下位机仿真系统在规定的通讯协议和拓扑结构下进行仿真,对所设计的标定系统进行了调试;接着,设计了基于CAN总线通讯的标定系统,完成了CCP协议(&XCP on CAN&)的接口程序设计,并通过混合动力汽车一种拓扑结构的通讯仿真对所设计的系统进行了调试;最后,应用开发的标定系统,对混合动力电动汽车网络通讯协议进行了仿真研究,并根据实验结果进行了分析。

An embedded mine refuge chamber lifesaving cabin body is arranged inside a mine chamber; the cabin body is a sealed inflated flame-retarding double-layer lifesaving cabin body; a compressed air pipeline port running through the cabin body and a communication data interface are arranged on the cabin body; and a double-line central oxygen supply lifesaving system, a carbon dioxide absorber, a power carrier communication machine, a UPS power source, an RFID personnel identification system, a visual safety monitoring system, an automatic toxic and harmful gas detector, a sealed physiological excretion discharger and a survival food storage cabinet are arranged inside the cabin body.


The happening and developing process of mother-infant relationship in the first month after birth.The frequency of feeling and chemical communication behavior between mother and infant in the pre-period are higher than in the mid-period and post-period; the frequency of aural communication and visual communication behavior between mother and infant in the mid-period are higher than in the pre-period and post-period.


The wireless terminal apparatus comprises a memory for storing information of a condition change, a wireless communication module for communicating with a predetermined correspondent node according to a first WLAN standard, a communication status detection unit for detecting a communication status of the wireless communication module and determining whether an event occurs satisfying the condition for change, and a central processing unit, changing the first WLAN standard to a second WLAN standard and establishing a communication link.


更多网络解释与通讯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alpha-to-modem Baud:串行通讯波特率.安装有通讯选板的电表显示软 件设置的通讯波特率,无此功能时显示全

Account: 3 最后2位字... | Alpha-to-modem Baud - 串行通讯波特率.安装有通讯选板的电表显示软 件设置的通讯波特率,无此功能时显示全0. | Comm Session Count - 修改数据通讯的次数.电表上次编程或状态复位后 ,累计修...

B C/D O BUS:通讯密码 / 解码开关

48 B RST O BUS 通讯复位 | 49 B CS O BUS 通讯片选择 | 50 B C/D O BUS 通讯密码 / 解码开关

B C/D O BUS:通讯密码 / ****开关

48 B RST O BUS 通讯复位 | 49 B CS O BUS 通讯片选择 | 50 B C/D O BUS 通讯密码 / ****开关

communicate: v.1:传达 通讯 2 交流 通讯 交际

Common a 1平常的 普通的 2共同的 | Communicate v 1传达 通讯 2 交流 通讯 交际 | Communication n 1传达 通讯 交流 2 通讯系统 交通系统 3传播学 传播技术

data communication protocol:数据通讯协议

数据通讯程序通讯块 data communication program communication block | 数据通讯协议 data communication protocol | 数据通讯读出 data communication read,DCR


"被截取的材料"(intercepted material) 指以截取方式取得邮递通讯或透过电讯系统传送的通讯的内容;"执法人员"(law enforcement officer) 指警员及下列人员─(d) 由惩教署委任;"通讯"(communication) 指以邮递或透过电讯系统传送的通讯;

communications network:通讯网络

communications module 通讯模块 | communications network 通讯网络 | communications parameter 通讯参数

communications server:通讯服务器

communications protocol 通讯协议 | communications server 通讯服务器 | communications system 通讯系统

Qwest Communications:奎斯特通讯

五年来,他推出了几百份报告,宣扬他最爱的股票,包括世界通讯(WorldCom)、环球电讯(Global Crossing)、奎斯特通讯(Qwest Communications)与赢星通讯(Winstar Communications),每次他一推荐「买进」,这些公司的股价就会屡屡创新高价记录.

communications media:通讯媒体

Communications And Visual Culture 通讯和可视文化 | Communications Media 通讯媒体 | Communications Systems 通讯体系