英语人>词典>汉英 : 通俗文化 的英文翻译,例句
通俗文化 的英文翻译、例句


pop culture
更多网络例句与通俗文化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The American dream, like the word "American", comes with a variety of facets. Turned one way to the light it is about callowness and over-optimism; about a puppy-dog innocence verging on vacuity, prey to vulgarity and vacuum-packed with egotism.


In Internet " include " of warmth of the derive in big bosom, still have settle or live in a strange place of network literature, rich besides devil, dog such popular culture product.


In Frankfort school, it is Lowenthal, a great thinker, who first developed a complete theoretical system of popular culture.


The story is popularly remembered as having the people worshipping the golden calf they had made. But that is not what is written in the book of Exodus.


This thesis focuses on the great influence of the popular cultures and analyses them from their definitions, developments and positions. It tries to describe the tendency of entertainment and purification of the popular cultures and the global hand-over of the authority of words.


I hope Mount Holyoke will be able to have Hui Huang back very soon, so those who were not able to attend can have a chance to not only see something very special, but to also learn more about Chinese popular culture and the Yue Opera.


It deals with the relationship between the narrator, Toru, and two different women, the emotionally-troubled Naoko and the confident, outgoing Midori, as well as issues of loss, student life and pop culture.


At the same time, mass culture of contemporary China, exhibited as popular culture, was developing in a unnoticeable manner.


Beijing knows that cultural expressions such as films, music and art can be lucrative export items just as any other product and wants to see China rivaling Japan and South Korea as pop-culture trend setters and major cultural players in Asia.


American popular culture, popular world, McDonald's restaurants in advertising is always with American culture around the world, but in different countries have different McDonald's menu with champagne in France, UK, with whiskey, in Germany have beer, with black tea in China.


更多网络解释与通俗文化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

couch potato:沙發馬鈴薯

批评者指责通俗文化的品质低劣,制片人都是商业化的俗人,受众则是没有审美标准、在文化上受压抑的一群人,并讽刺这些守在电视前观看肥皂剧的人为"沙发马铃薯"(couch potato).

folk culture:民俗文化

关于大众文化(mass culture),一般人在使用此概念时常常将它同通俗文化(popular culture)、民俗文化(folk culture)混同,杭之对之作了严格区分. 他指出,通俗文化源生于大多数人的实际生活,具有人类学内涵,民俗文化则是指处于社会边缘的少数群体所有的文化,


似乎只有早死才能阻止这一过程:象猫王艾尔维斯(Elvis)、玛丽莲.梦露(Marilyn)、蓝侬(Lennon)詹姆斯 .迪恩(James Dean)那样. 许多通俗文化的昙花一现是与其类化有关:一体化的通俗文化是特别针对年轻人的,因为他们有最大的"可以自由支配的"开销能力,


但同时,正如海外影评指出的,影片是一部中额(middle-brow)通俗剧(melodrama),是"软性色情片,而非有高度技巧与成就的现代电影语言的艺术作品. "(网上美国影评家的英文评论. )这不是"文化差异"造成的"不懂",




pop culture (流行文化)通俗文化 | pop down 压栈 | pop gate 雨淋式浇口


popculture 流行文化通俗文化 | popdown 压栈 | popgate 雨淋式浇口

Suit both refined and popular tastes:雅俗共赏

通俗文化消费:popular culture consumption | * 雅俗共赏:*Suit both refined and popular tastes | 海外通俗剧:Overseas popular TV Series


粉都从批量生产和批量发行的娱乐清单(repertoire)中挑出某些表演者、叙事或文本类型,并将其纳入自主选择的一部分人群的文化当中. 这些表演者、叙事或类型随后便被整合到一种极度愉悦,极富指义性(signifying)的通俗文化中去,

specious: a.1:外表美观的,华而不实的 2.似是而非的,虚伪的,伪善的

projected: a.规划设计中的 | specious: a.1.外表美观的,华而不实的 2.似是而非的,虚伪的,伪善的 | pop culture: n.通俗文化,大众文化