英语人>词典>汉英 : 逐渐缩小的 的英文翻译,例句
逐渐缩小的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与逐渐缩小的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This exhibit in the shape of a pen is includes a large-screen indicator, which faces the video camera. The video-output terminal of the camera is connected to the video-input terminal of the indicator. The indicator constantly transmits its own images to the camera lens. Each time the indicator transmits an image, the image becomes smaller. The input and output signals are repeatedly iterated producing a series of similar, small graphs.


In April/May, many banks recapitalized their balance sheets by writing off bad loans and issuing long term noncumulative preferred stock (at 7.75%– 8.50%) to bolster their cash positions and support their diminishing lending ability.


To date, this delevereging process has been happening way too slowly and with huge losses for the banks. In April/May, many banks recapitalized their balance sheets by writing off bad loans and issuing long term noncumulative preferred stock (at 7.75%– 8.50%) to bolster their cash positions and support their diminishing lending ability.


Naturalists are concerned that diminishing wetlands are leading the water birds to overpopulate this refuge.


Ross Swick of the University of Colorado-Boulder showed a Google Earth animation of the gradually shrinking Arctic ice cap over the last 29 years.

来自科罗拉多州博尔德大学的Ross Swick展现了一个在谷歌地球中描绘极地冰盖在过去的29年逐渐缩小的动画。

National Geographic's Larsen Ice Shelf Expedition team will examine calving shelves and the bergs they spawn, determining how shelves fragment and how diminishing ice mass affects the world's oceans and climate.


Interlinked with the exhaust port volume of the space C, is gradually reduced, and is in the discharge process.

而与排气口相通的空间 C 的容积是逐渐缩小的,正处于排气过程。

From "The Shrinking World of Hornbills," July 1999, National Geographic magazine


As he approached, the outlet became more and more distinctly defined. It was a pointed arch, lower than the vault, which gradually narrowed, and narrower than the gallery, which closed in as the vault grew lower.


However, theses years the proposals of predigesting or abolishing General Average come out, especially when the UNCITRAL Transport Law Convention abolished the Exemption of Nautical Fault, which increased the contradictons between G.A distribution and the defense against it and impersonally impelled the adjustment scale of G.A become narrower and narrower. Therefore it will be very important to put on the agenda aga in the problem on whether to abolish or reserve General Average.

但是近年来简化以致废除共同海损的呼声渐起,尤其是在 UNCITRAL 《运输法公约》取消了航海过失免责之后,使得共损分摊与抗辩的矛盾更加突出,客观上促使共同海损的调整范围呈现逐渐缩小的趋势,在此情况下,重新将这一制度应否被废除的问题提上日程是极为有意义的。

更多网络解释与逐渐缩小的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


体节数目固定,但常被体表的分环(annulation)所掩盖,如神经支配来区分. 例如医蛭体中区每个体节有五个体环,扁蛭(Glossiphonia)中区每个体节有三个体环. 逐渐缩小. 在原始的棘蛭(Acanthobdella)中,身体的前端还保留有分室的蛭体节间的隔膜消失.


原肠腔以原口(blastopore)与外界相通. 此时胚胎具备内外两层细胞,贴着原肠腔的一层细胞,称内胚层(endoderm),与外界相接触的一层细胞,称为外胚层(ectoderm),此阶段称原肠胚(gas- trula). 以后胚胎逐渐延长,原口逐渐缩小,


diminish v.(使)减少, (使)变小 | diminishing 逐渐缩小的 | discard vt.丢弃, 抛弃

dwindle out:逐渐消失

dwindle into 缩小成 | dwindle out 逐渐消失 | His wealth dwindled into nothing. 他的财产化为乌有.


此时胚胎具备内外两层细胞,贴着原肠腔的一层细胞,称内胚层(endoderm),与外界相接触的一层细胞,称为外胚层(ectoderm),此阶段称原肠胚(gas- trula). 以后胚胎逐渐延长,原口逐渐缩小,此时胚胎的前、后、背、腹已能区别.

Product life cycle:产品的生命周期

但采购量又与产品的生命周期(Product Life Cycle)所处的阶段有直接的关系,产品由导入期、成长期到成熟期,采购量会逐渐放大,直到衰退期出现,采购量才会逐渐缩小.

root canal:根管

在牙冠膨大的部分称为齿髓腔(pulp chamber),在牙根内的部分则称为牙根管(root canal). 牙髓腔由血管、神经、淋巴管等结缔组织构成,是牙齿内唯一柔软的组织. 人类齿髓腔的体积会随著年纪增加而逐渐缩小,相对的再生能力的减弱.

desmoid tumor:硬纤维瘤

总体的放疗效果还应该有的,不能指望这么大的肿瘤很快就明显缩小甚至消失,因为这种硬纤维瘤(Desmoid tumor)从细胞形态上看还是偏良性的,核异型性较低,放射反应性差,放疗后观察一段时间肿瘤不再生长或者逐渐缩小还是有可能的.


bestowed 授予 | sacrifices 牺牲 | diminishing 逐渐缩小的

pulp chamber:髓腔

在牙冠膨大的部分称为齿髓腔(pulp chamber),在牙根内的部分则称为牙根管(root canal). 牙髓腔由血管、神经、淋巴管等结缔组织构成,是牙齿内唯一柔软的组织. 人类齿髓腔的体积会随著年纪增加而逐渐缩小,相对的再生能力的减弱.