英语人>词典>汉英 : 逐渐强烈的 的英文翻译,例句
逐渐强烈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与逐渐强烈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He had paid close attention to the future of British Empire and gradually formed an intense empire unity thought.


We detected that EGF mRNA was expressed sflungly lii the oocyte, and is also found hi gmnulosa cells, the cell fium smaller foflicular expressed stronger than fium bigger one. In the corpus hemonbaglcwn corpus luteurn, lean type and pseudocorpus-luteum, EGF rnRNA was detected,, no distinct difference can be seen in them. The EGF mRNA expressed strongly in fimbria end, ampulla and isthmus of oviduct, in the big follicular stage, ovulation stage, pregnancy stage and spurius pregnancy stage, we can not see any distinct change in them, but hi the medium follicuar stage,it is weaker.


Then start by leaving an unset trap covered with a large towel during routine feeding so that the cats will get used to seeing and smelling it in the area.


Kalamaili suture zone is an important plate boundary in north Xinjiang, and there are plenty of Neopaleozoic volcanic rocks around itThese volcanic rocks are enriched in LILEs and relatively depleted in HFSEs, and they are also characterized by high Nb, Zr, TiO2 contents and Zr/Y, Nb/Y ratios, and depleted SrNd isotopesThe characteristics of these volcanic rocks suggest that they were produced in postcollisional periodThe postcollisional volcanic rocks around Kalamaili suture zone become younger from west to east, which indicates that this suture zone entered postcollisional period gradually from west to east, and reflects that the Kalamaili Ocean had been closed gradually from west to eastAs to the Kalamaili suture zone in postcollisional period, the lithosphere extended and thinned, and the asthenosphere materials upwelled and melted partially, and intensive mantle convection occurred, leading to a plenty of mantlederived magmas underplating the suture zoneThe lithospheric mantle metasomatized by fluid in subduction period melted partially under decompression and high temperature, the resulting melts contaminated the underplating asthenospheric materials, and the erupted lavas became the Neopaleozoic postcollisional volcanic rocks


It features an overbuilt toroidal transformer with high current output feeding independent reservoir/ rectifier circuits.

它以 overbuilt为特色有着高的现在输出的环形的变压器逐渐强烈的独立水库/改正者线路。

As Mr Harrer recorded and slowly understood Tibet, accustoming himself to barley porridge, searing cold and the virtue of stoical patience, the Dalai Lama with avid curiosity pieced the outside world together—until, in 1950, the Chinese invasion of Tibet put an end both to his political innocence and to Mr Harrer's seven-year sojourn there.


And besides, it is possessive as well as curious... The plot thickens.


C. Load Modelling and Allocation Function The load modelling and allocation function adjusts the load values at network load points to match the actual measuredloads recorded at the feeder head of the feeding substation.

C。 负荷 Modelling 和配置功能负荷 modelling 和配置功能调整负荷价值在网络负荷指出相配在逐渐强烈的分局饲养者头被记录的真实 measuredloads 。

The multiphase tectonic activities above clearly controlled the move and gather of salifying brine, the strongth of salt-forming and the deposition of salt-bearing strata. With the pass of time, the salt-bearing strata thickened gradually from northwest to east and southeast, and the distribution of the thickness trended towards complicated; the measurement of the halite deposition extended towards east too; in the early Palaeogene and the Neogene, strong multiphase tectonic activity was a disadvantage to salt-forming, but in the middle and late Palaeogene, weak multiphase tectonic activity, which resulted in slow and sustained subsidence of the basin, was greatly advantaged to it, especially to potash-forming.


AND one of the telephonists who typed her orders into LED remembers the excitement of "feeding this marvellous machine".


更多网络解释与逐渐强烈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


说明: 炽热的蓝色恒星、发出红色辉光的氢气、和黝黑且遮光的尘埃云,散布在 银河南天的 天坛座 (Ara)里. 照片左方的这些大质量、充满活力的年轻恒星,距离我们约 4,000 光年. 它们发射出强烈的 紫外辐射,逐渐蚕食附近正在形成恒星的分子云,

fervent: a.1:炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的

enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,摆脱偏见(或迷信)的,文明的 | fervent: a.1.炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的 | undermine: v.1.侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

Minority Nationalities:少数民族

马来西亚的少数民族(minority nationalities)与原住民对多元主义的语言政策(pluralist language policy)之要求逐渐强烈;这种诉求对仍在实行族群同化(assimilation)或融合政策(integration)的政府构成严峻的挑战.


在这个假说的指引下,上新马(pliohippus)隆重登场,并一直被认为是现代马的祖先. 上新马从"三趾"逐渐变成了"单趾",似乎瞄准现代马的演变轨道进发,但可惜这些"马"只是略微形似,与现代马区别甚大. 上新马的牙齿强烈的弯曲,现代马则牙齿笔直.

rise to sth:对某事(尤指令人气愤的评论)反应强烈

rise through the ranks(在一家机构中工作)由低职位逐渐升至高职位 | rise to sth 对某事(尤指令人气愤的评论)反应强烈 | rise to the occasion 成功应对困难局面

undermine: v.1:侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,摆脱偏见(或迷信)的,文明的 | fervent: a.1.炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的 | undermine: v.1.侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

hordeolum externum:外麥粒腫

麦粒肿(hordeolum)分为内外两型1 外麦粒肿(hordeolum externum)为Zeis腺(蔡司腺)的急性化脓性炎症. 初起睑缘部呈局限性充血肿胀,约2~3日后形成硬结胀疼和压痛明显,以后硬结逐渐软化,在睫毛根部形成黄色脓泡穿破排脓迅速痊愈. 如果致病菌毒性强烈,