英语人>词典>汉英 : 逆关系 的英文翻译,例句
逆关系 的英文翻译、例句


inverse relation
更多网络例句与逆关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter three: Define fuzzy congruence relation of MTL-algebra, prove that fuzzy fiter and fuzzy congruence relation is a bijective function in MTL-algebra, quotient algebra induced by congruence relation still forms a MTL-algebra; Introduce the relation between some kinds of fiters and fuzzy filters maitained above in IMTL-algebra,i.e. BR_0 algebra, which is a MTL-algebra satisfied inversely odering and involutive relation.


In the third section,we study the relationship between the APOTP for continuous map / on a compact metric space X and that for the lift map / of / on a covering space X and show that has the APOTP if and only if has the APOTP.


In addition, we study the reduced minimum modulus of the generalized Drazin inverse of an operator on a Banach space and give out lower and upper bounds of the reduced minimum modulus of an operator and its generalized Drazin inverse, respectively.


In this paper, we study a class of inverse M-matrices and inverse Z-matrices of tree structure, which have much value in application and theory and matrices associated with the original matrices, for exmple Schur complements, Perron complements, ect.


By the definition of Vague values——the elements in the closed subinterval set of the unit interval [0,1],some new definitions of binary Vague relations,operations of relations,inverse relations,compositional operations and λ-cut relations are introduced.


In addition, we'll discuss the relationship between the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix and its bording and give the determinantal expression of the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse.


In addition, well discuss the relationship between the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix and its bording and give the determinantal expression of the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse.


Study on west Namco thrust Three ductile shear zones were discovered in Gayalong, Elongnubu and Shenjue-Gechangchayu, and geological features, deformation, motion direction and structural pattern are studied in detail for major thrust faults, ductile shear zones and folds in west bank of Namco Lake, leading to identification of west Namco thrust . And west Namco thrust and ophiolite mélanges outcropped from west Namco Lake to Yongzhuzangbu coexist together, indicating another tectonic suture in the Tibetan Plateau termed as the Namco-Yongzhu suture or NYS with its east extension to Jiali fault.


By taking wavenumber domain imaging algorithm as an example, the reversible relationship between SAR signal simulating algorithm and SAR imaging algorithm is derived.


Based on the research of development characteristics of overthrust fault, its sealing mechanism is ana- lyzed. The evaluation standard and method for sealing ability of fault is established through the following two simulation experiment: one experiment is ,the quantitative relationship between property of filler in fault zone and sealing ability of fault , another experiment is the deformation characteristics of gymsum. By evaluating sealing ability of overthrust faults on several typical structure in Kuche ression,its considered that most cur- rent faults are sealed.


更多网络解释与逆关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adversarial relationship:长期敌对关系,长期关系紧张

adventure 投机买卖 | adversarial relationship 长期敌对关系,长期关系紧张 | adverse exchange 逆汇

anticommutation relation:反交换关系

"anti-coincidence","逆符合" | "anticommutation relation","反交换关系" | "anticommutator","反交换子"


这里 Cnv 是"逆"(converse)的缩写.它是一个关系对其逆的那种关系.例如,较大对较小的关系,父母身分对儿子身分的关系,前对后的关系 等等.我们有 为了有更短且常常更简单的记法,我们给出① 参见前面提到的文章>,

converse routine:逆例程

逆关系 converse of relation | 逆例程 converse routine | 逆向发送滚轮 converse sending roller

converse routine:逆常式

"逆关系","converse of relation" | "逆常式","converse routine" | "逆向发送滚轮","converse sending roller"

inverse relation:逆关系

inverse proportion 反比例;逆比例 | inverse relation 逆关系 | inverse sine function 反正弦函数

inverse relation:反转关系

inverse neutral telegraph transmission 逆单羚信传输 | inverse relation 反转关系 | inverse transformation 逆变换

inverse relation:逆关系Btu中国学习动力网

inverse proportion 反比例;逆比例Btu中国学习动力网 | inverse relation 逆关系Btu中国学习动力网 | inverse sine function 反正弦函数Btu中国学习动力网

inverse secant:反正割

inverse relation 逆关系 | inverse secant 反正割 | inverse similarity 逆相似性

multilevel inverters:多电平逆变器

线性多层规划:Linear multilevel programming | 多电平逆变器:multilevel inverters | 多极关系结构:construction of multilevel relation