英语人>词典>汉英 : 迪更斯 的英文翻译,例句
迪更斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The first English novel that I read was A Tale of two cities by Charles Dickens.


Real 4-4-1-1 should be the most appropriate defense is two-four beat Xie Maas Charan slaves, both destruction and construction, the left is to take classes about / Babu, the right is the old product characteristics / Mai Siluo Dingus, Egulanni behind in the Fischer-Tropsch support, can also be grateful 4 Transposition turns offensive, so offensive even more solid.


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim Arnold Bennett The Old Wiveds'Tale Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Hear Emily Bronte Wuthering HGeights Anthony Burgess A Clockwordk Orange Samuel BVutler The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt Possession Angela Carter The Com pany of Wolves Agatha Christie Mdurder on the Orient Express Ivy Compton-Burnett A Fdamily and a Fortune Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens David Copperfield Sir Arthur C. Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca George Eliot Middlemarch E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Passage to India John Fowles The French Lieutenant's Woman John Galsworthy The Man of Property William Golding Lord of the Flies Graham Greene The Human Factor Aldous Huxley After Many a Summer Henry James Daisy Miller James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling Kim John Le Carred The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Lessing The Grass Is Singing David Lodge Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch The Black Prince George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four Salman Rushdie Midnight Children Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe C.P.Snow Thed Affair Muriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Johathan Swift Gulliver's Travels William M.Thackeray Vanity Fair Evelyn Waugh A Hand ful of Dust Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse

金斯利阿美族幸运的吉姆阿诺德本内特的岁Wiveds'Tale 伊丽莎白鲍恩的死亡听取艾米莉勃朗特呼啸山庄HGeights 安东尼伯吉斯阿Clockwordk橙色塞缪尔BVutler的方式对所有肉屈臣氏拥有Byatt 安吉拉卡特通信pany狼阿加莎克里斯蒂Mdurder东方快车常青藤普顿,伯内特和阿Fdamily财富丹尼尔笛福鲁滨逊漂流记狄更斯大卫科波菲尔爵士角Ddyle冒险的福尔摩斯玛格丽特德拉布尔瀑布达夫妮杜穆里埃丽贝卡乔治艾略特米德尔马契体育FGorster霍华德先生为此,印度之行约翰福尔斯法国中尉的女人约翰高尔斯华绥人的财产威廉戈尔丁蝇王格雷厄姆格林人的因素赫胥黎在许多夏天亨利詹姆斯黛西米勒詹姆斯乔伊斯的肖像艺术家的青年吉卜林金约翰乐Carred间谍谁排在从冷战多丽丝莱辛是基层唱歌戴维洛奇好工作美国毛姆月球和六便士,人类枷锁鸢尾Murddoch的黑王子乔治奥威尔19 84 拉什迪午夜儿童沃尔特斯科特爵士艾芬朱敬雪Thed内政穆里尔星火总理小姐布罗迪罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森金银岛 Johathan迅速格列佛游记威廉M萨克雷名利场伊夫林沃满手的灰尘奥斯卡王尔德的图片道林格雷弗吉尼亚伍尔夫达罗卫夫人,到灯塔

Among Dickens's friends,the distinguished judge 10rd Jeffrey wept un-restrainedly and dle actor William Macready,whohad recently 10st his own daughter,found it hard toforgive Dickens for Nell'S fate.


Charles Dickens' father, to Charles and later, Mr. Micawber in Dickens' David Co


C By the end of the past year, he had read by night by a street lamp a novel by Dickens and learned a lot by heart.


In a New York City theater, British author Charles Dickens gives his first public reading in the United States.


To read Dickens you would never know there would be a British Isles that is not fogbound.


People hold service in memory of the great writer Charles Dickens.


With the total number of works published amounting to almost 190 million, Diogenes has so far released more than 5,800 titles, out of which more than 2,000 are still available. These include classics such as Montaigne, Shakespeare, Moliere, Flaubert, Stendhal, Balzac, Dickens, Tolstoy, Chekhov; modern classics such as Georges Simenon, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Orwell, Carson McCullers, Patricia Highsmith; bestselling authors such as John Irving, Paulo Coelho, Donna Leon; and equally successful German-speaking writers such as Alfred Andersch, Friedrich D rrenmatt, Urs Widmer, Hugo Loetscher, Ingrid Noll, Jakob Arjouni, Erich Hackl, Bernhard Schlink, Doris D rrie, Martin Suter and Patrick S skind.


更多网络解释与迪更斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andy Wachowski:[编 剧]安迪.沃卓斯基

这次在影片里加入更多搞笑手段,无所不用其极,目的就是利用性话题挑起观众的暴笑,以达到商业上的成功...◆ 导 演:安迪.沃卓斯基(Andy Wachowski) 拉里.沃卓斯基(Larry Wachowski)◆ 编 剧:安迪.沃卓斯基(Andy Wachowski) 拉里.沃卓斯基(


"卡迪拉克"(Cadillac)公司设计了"塞维尔"(Seville)牌汽车,以对抗"梅塞得斯"(Mercedes)牌汽车,希望能提供比"梅塞德斯" 牌汽车驾驶起来更平稳,乘坐更舒适的汽车.


原来,他发现这款跳高鞋很容易打滑,他更戏称之为"独眼巨人"(Cyclops),因为它用一个鞋钉代替了原有的好几个鞋钉. 本身就是工程师的福斯贝里说,他很感谢阿迪达斯为此付出的努力,到现在他仍然只穿阿迪达斯的跑步鞋. 规模较小的鞋类企业,

Kim Dickens:凯姆.迪更斯

迈克尔.杰特 Michael Jeter | 凯姆.迪更斯 Kim Dickens | 加里.科尔 Gary Cole


这种音乐风格改变了以往迪斯高(Disco)那种强劲的快节奏的音乐风格. 一改过去的那种反叛心理,逐渐回归更加自然和人性化的层面上. 音乐也加入了更多声乐上的元素,变得乐感更强;节奏也得已控制和减慢,通常在80-118拍之间徘徊.

Don Johnson:唐.强生

主要短篇小说包括:"孩子与狗(A Boy and His Dog)",拍成的电影让唐.强生(Don Johnson)成为明星. 菲利普.迪克 菲利普.迪克(Philip K. Dick)可被描述为一个出身卑微的知识分子. 布莱恩.奥尔迪斯(Brian Aldiss)称他为狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基的杂合体.

Kadee Strickland:卡迪.斯特瑞兰德

由于这一季艾迪森将更多地专注于手术台,因此观众将有更多机会看到卡迪-斯特瑞兰德(Kadee Strickland)扮演的夏洛特-金(Charlotte King)医生. 凯特解释说:"海岸上的每位医生都需要夏洛特,虽然他们都痛恨这一点,因为夏洛特是他们的眼中钉肉中刺.

Prime Ministers:首相

参观哈罗公立学校(Harrow Public School),曾经有7位首相(Prime Ministers)毕业于这所学校,其中包括温斯顿.邱吉尔(Winston Churchill). 36. 在格林威治历史悠久、迪更斯(Dickens)和泰克莱(Thackary)曾经常造访的特拉法加旅社(Trafalgar Tavern)的酒馆里喝酒.

Michael Jeter .... Gerald Weems:迈克尔.杰特

希拉里.斯万科 Hilary Swank .... Valerie Barksdale | 迈克尔.杰特 Michael Jeter .... Gerald Weems | 凯姆.迪更斯 Kim Dickens .... Linda

Jackie Kennedy? - Better. Jackie Onassis:像洁姬 甘乃迪吗? - 更好 像洁姬 奥纳西斯

So?|怎样? | - Jackie Kennedy? - Better. Jackie Onassis.|- 像洁姬 甘乃迪吗? - 更好 像洁姬 奥纳西斯 | That looks so good on you.|你穿起来很好看