英语人>词典>汉英 : 迟缓的 的英文翻译,例句
迟缓的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
remiss  ·  slow  ·  tardive  ·  torpid  ·  cunctative  ·  logy  ·  lumberly  ·  logier  ·  slowed

更多网络例句与迟缓的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The AU says that after 2 years of agonizingly slow negotiations, the two sides haven't till the end of the month to reach an agreement.


Objective To evaluate the significance of epidermal growth factor in the development of fetal growth retardation.

目的 探讨表皮生长因子与胎儿宫内发育迟缓的关系。

Yet he has been slow to push ahead on unresolved free-trade talks.


States are lumbering dinosaurs that take years to adapt to change.


I recently found out that I have a lazy ovary.


Plodding regulators can do little to change that fact.


Real estate certificates of the root causes of slow?


Daoshi a class of slow-moving cattle and sheep animals live longer, of course, that is not eaten.


You must break through your slow-moving drawback , otherwise you will never pass your examinations without troubles


They are stodgy, slow-moving players who are asleep at the helm.


更多网络解释与迟缓的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

molto adagio:很迟缓 的

molto allegro 很快的 | molto adagio 很迟缓的 | Moderado 中板

heavy in hand:(马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的

heavy on hand (马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的 | heavy in hand (马等)难驾驭; (人)难应付; 沉闷; 头脑迟钝的, 行动迟缓的; 枯燥无味的 | hold in hand 掌握, 控制


longevity 长寿 | lymphatic [医](含)淋巴的;淋巴腺的;(思想行动)迟缓的 | legitimacy 合法性,正统性

retarded:智力迟钝的, 发展迟缓的

contract of hire 租用契约 | retarded 智力迟钝的, 发展迟缓的 | yard trap 集水井存水隔间, 进水口防臭设备

In England they call a slowpoke a slowcoach:在英国他们把行动迟缓的人叫做笨人

Slowpoke行动迟缓的人, 迟钝... | In England they call a slowpoke a slowcoach. 在英国他们把行动迟缓的人叫做笨人. | The team's morale fell to zilch owing to the unexpected defeat. 由于这次出乎意料的失利,球...


laggard 缓慢的,落后的,n. 落后者 | niggard 吝啬鬼 | sluggard 懒鬼,行动迟缓的

sluggish tardy:缓慢的; 迟缓的

仁慈的,慈悲的; humane, compassionate, kind, merciful lenient benevolent | 缓慢的; 迟缓的 sluggish tardy | 即将到来的,逼近的 pending pendent impending

cunctative:迟延的, 迟缓的

cunctation | 迟延, 迟缓 | cunctative | 迟延的, 迟缓的 | cundi | 第二趾收肌


logway 木材滑道 | logy 迟缓的;弹性不足的 | logy 迟缓的弹性不足的

lentissimo:非常迟缓的 非常迟缓地

holacurtine 止泻木枯亭 | lentissimo 非常迟缓的 非常迟缓地 | eff off 滚开