英语人>词典>汉英 : 连续性的 的英文翻译,例句
连续性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与连续性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, we combine the theories of monotone operator and maximal monotone operator's Yosida approaching with domain method to prove the solution's existence of set-valued input-output equation in R n in the similar economical backgrounds in present articles too and then gain the solution's continuity by interior approaching method,at last we give the responding economical meaning about the solution's existence and continuity.

对于R n空间中消耗为单调集值型的投入产出方程,也在现有文献类似的经济背景之下,利用单调算子的理论以及极大单调算子的Yosida逼近结合邻域逼近法给出了投入产出方程的解的存在性的证明,接着利用内部逼近法结合方程截断技巧对投入产出方程的解的连续性给予了证明,然后顺便简单的介绍了运用外部逼近法来得到方程的解的连续性的思路,最后也给出了相对应于存在性和连续性的经济意义。

This paper discusses the continuity of elementary function and some special non-elementary function and how to decide the interval point by the conception of function' continuity.


According to man's continuity and non-continuity, the part adhere to the unity principle of continuity and non-continuity, ideological prediction, prevention and step by step method are based on man's continuity, crisis, encounter, awakening, warning and call are the non-continuity education form.


Whether cognitive development is continuous or discontinuous is concerned theoretically in developmental psychology.


Life development is the integration of continuity and discontinuity .


In this paper,δ-continuous and almost continuous Q\-1Q\-2-mapping are introduced, and continuous,δ-continuous, almost continuous are equivalence in the semiregular de Morgan topological algebra.

Q1Q2 -映射的连续性已在 [2 ]中讨论过,在本文中引进了 Q1Q2 -映射的δ-连续性,几乎连续性,并在半正则德摩根拓扑代数中证明了三种连续性的等价

Cheerful meeting causes his attempt sex to buy, attributive cause him successional message and successional follow.


Based on seismic section explanation of thousands of kilometers, the authors selected 4 seismic parameters (frequency, swing, continuity and inner reflect configuration), adopted multiple nomenclative principle of seismic facies of "figure+configuration+swing+frequency+continuity" and generalized 10 seismic and 5 sedimentary facies for the northern sag of South Yellow Sea Basin.


Continuity is one of the criteria of educational experience. Noddings discussed four continuities in the course of childrens education.They are continuity of purpose,continuity of place,continuity of people and continuity in curriculum.


Through depth interviews with the elder people who use long-term care services, we examine whether they received comprehensive and continuing service during the process of long-term care.


更多网络解释与连续性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

continuity axiom:連續性的公理

Contingent valuation method 假设性市场评价法;条件评估法 | Continuity axiom 连续性的公理 | Continuity correction factor 连续性调整因子

continuity of function:函数的连续性

continuity method 连续法 | continuity of function 函数的连续性 | continuity on both sides 双边连续性

continuity on both sides:双边连续性

continuity of function 函数的连续性 | continuity on both sides 双边连续性 | continuity on the left 左连续性

continuity principle:连续性原则

continuity in valuation 评估的连续性 | continuity principle 连续性原则 | continuous flow production 流水生产


与之相反,站在它对面与之抗衡的是晦暗的( dark )、阴性有( feminine )、俗世的( earth - bound )本原(阴),它的情感性( emotionality )和本能性( instinctiveness )是从遥不可及的时间深渊中生长出来的,是从连绵的生理连续性的根上生长出来的.




successfullyaccomplishedprojectorgoaltobehighlysuccessful 大功告成 | successional 连续性的 | successivedynastiespastdynasties 历代

Wiggle Type:摆动的类型

Fill Paths Sequentially,连续性的填充路径. | Wiggle Type,摆动的类型. | ①Jumpy,跳跃的.

acrodermatitis continua:连续性肢端皮炎

6.连续性肢端皮炎(Acrodermatitis continua) 本病又名匐行性皮炎(Dermatitis repens)连续性肢端皮炎以无菌性的脓疱为其特征因此有人认为与脓疱型银屑病为同一疾病也有人认为是脓疱性银屑病的一个亚型但也有不同意见认为应该是一个独立疾病本书

order of infinitesimals:无穷小的阶

接触度 order of contact | 连续性的阶数 order of continuity | 无穷小的阶 order of infinitesimals