英语人>词典>汉英 : 连结者 的英文翻译,例句
连结者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
connecter  ·  connector  ·  coupler

更多网络例句与连结者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are inspired by this conference; particular by the opportunity it affords us to link up with the advance guard of green thinkers in the international community.


The subjects, held in the initial forward leading angles which were 0, 10, and 30 degrees, will be released without any monition and wear a body safety harness.


The image of the blood sample taken after 5 minutes exposure of subject to electromagnetic radiation of mobile phone without mret device protection shows the patterns known as Rouleau formation of red blood cells.

使用手机5分钟但未使用 mret 者之血液样品血红素以卷状方式呈现,血液细胞亦像虫一般连结,但血红素含氧量不足将容易出现疲乏,呼吸短浅,手脚血液循环不良之症状。

Aves Bird Watcher Log can handle all popular image formats and will allow you to link unlimited number of photos to your sighting and trip records.


He perceived the luminous rays issuing from Krishna's Lotus Feet in the form of a stout rope, which touched first the Bhagavata and then his own chest, connecting all three - God, the scripture, and the devotee.


Somma and his team were focused on performance, cost of additional hardware, operating system capabilities, interoperability with its existing technologies, as well as Sebago's reliance

现在已经证实有一个安全性问题,会让攻击者利用「物件连结与嵌入」自动化,从远端侵入 Windows 系统,并取得该系统的控制权。

In this paper, we have proposed a flexible encryption blocks selection buyer-seller watermarking protocol integrated the RSA asymmetric encryption system and homomorphism mechanism to protect the ownership of digital contents and fit real life. And consider the secondhand transaction in the real life. We also propose a buyer-reseller watermarking protocol based on the flexible encrypt blocks selection buyer-seller watermarking protocol to offer a solution of secondhand transaction. In our scheme, it's more light data transport requirement than other schemes. All roles in protocol will benefit by their participation. Our scheme can overcome various of the known attacks and security problems in the buyer-seller watermark protocol, such as buyer's right problem, unbinding problem, piracy tracing problem, conspiracy problem, buyer's participation in the dispute resolution problem, man-in-the-middle attack problem and anonymous problem. Furthermore, the seller and arbiter can verify the buyer's watermark without decrypting it in our scheme.


The myth makes man reconnected to the world and regain the spiritual meaning of life.


Through case studies, this paper illustrates the roles of social workers as community supporters in psychology, capacity builders and social resources linkers.


The goal setting process included the supervisor showed concern about the supervisee's need, the supervisee expected professional suggestion from the supervisor, and both party achieved agreement on goals. The task implement process included the supervisor's reframing the supervisee's view of points, suggesting counseling strategies, giving positive feedback, exploring personal issues, shifting supervision focuses, and also included the supervisee accepting the supervisor's ideas, giving positive feedback, expressing different ideas from the supervisor, and participating actively. The bond forming process included the supervisor's understanding, supportive, concerned, and the supervisee's trust and feeling comfortable about the relationship;The forth stage was after each session. Because of fulfillment of needs, the supervisee prepared again and thus became a circle of alliance building.


更多网络解释与连结者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

associative agnosia:联结失识症

连结者模式--connectionist model | 联结失识症--associative agnosia | 脸孔辨识困难症--prosopagnosia


connectedness 连通性 | connecter 连结者 | connectible 可联结的


connectedness | 连通性 | connecter | 连结者, 连结物 | connectible | 可联结的


connecter 连结者 | connectible 可联结的 | connection 连接


结构椽条(Rafter)及桁架(Truss),其顶部结系构材及上框使用之连结物(铁件),在结构耐力上,必须有效紧密结合. 但依本准则第C.11节结构计算,确定符合结构安全者,不在此限. 解说: 1. 屋顶组合系统之组合,系由屋面板(支撑屋顶面荷重作用,


任何连结板孔眼若不能容直径小於孔径5㎜之圆柱棒垂直穿过者,皆需废除不得使用. (8)大梁之预拱(Camber )可在施工时决定之,但最小之预拱将能克服静载重所发生之挠度. (9)各构材翼板(Flange)及腹板(Web)之裁切方向,必须与钢板制造时滚压之方向相同.


ard規律從事某活動者 | ary 與...連結;為了...目的 | cle小物;地方;方法

Gyps himalayensis:高山兀鹫

高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)是青藏高原特有的大型鸟类,也是至今唯一仍与一个古老民族的传统密切联系的鸟类. 自佛教传入藏区以来,这种鸟类就与藏民族独树一帜的生命理念紧密地连结在一起,担负者帮助把500万藏人的灵魂带上天堂,

ischiatic hernia:坐骨孔疝

亦称臀疝(gluteal hernia)或坐骨孔疝(ischiatic hernia).坐骨疝临床 极为罕见, 多发生在中年以后的妇女, 尤以经产妇女为主. 男性虽有发生, 但更为少见.疝出途径以坐骨大孔脱出者为多.病因: 骨盆是由后方的骶骨 尾骨和两侧髋骨借骨连结而构成的坚强骨环.骨 盆的骶结节韧带,

driver pitons:锚钉

用来连结主锁和确保点. 打双节套的好处是易于调整确保者(belayer)和确保点之间的绳索长度,不需解开. 系带结(图6-21)、单套结(图6-22)和双套结都是简单的绳结,用来系结打入的锚钉(driver pitons)或冰螺栓(ice screws).