英语人>词典>汉英 : 违反合同 的英文翻译,例句
违反合同 的英文翻译、例句


infringement of contract · breach of contracts · contravention to treaty
更多网络例句与违反合同相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The First Party will be entitled to take the punishment to the Second Party in manner of amercement, if the Second Party is absent from work without the doctor's certification.


Version of the terms of a contract for the sale of relief for breach of contract made marked improvement.


1 Notwithstanding Clause 15,"Liability Exemption" hereinabove, in case of failure of the seller or the buyer (the Non-Performing Party) to comply with any of the obligations assumed under this contract, the other party, without prejudice to any other recourse available to them, may consider such failure as a breach of this contract and terminate the same, or to unilaterally suspend its performance until such failure is remedied, and in any case may claim direct damages for the breach of this contract from the other party, to the extent allowed by the terms and conditions set forth herein.

除了上文条款15 "免责声明"外,在卖方或买方未履行合同规定的任何义务的情况下,其他一方,对于没有提供任何其它意见的,可视为违约并考虑终止合同或暂时搁置合同的执行,直到这样的状况被矫正,若因此违约而受到直接损失可向违约方索赔,并且在违反合同规定时需提供声明。

Party B has no obligation to be responsible for Party A's any indirect or punitive loss arising from this contract or is relevant to this contract, no matter this obligation is arising from breach of contract or infringement or strict responsibility, or other conditions, no matter whether Party B has been informed of the possibility of Party A has been influenced by such damages.


Most of the subscription book has such an agreement:"In signing this subscription the number of days after the signing of a formal pre-sale contracts, overdue are considered breach of contract buyers, developers have the right to forfeiture of deposit."


In the event that we culpably breach a material duty of the contract, we shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions; in this case, however, our liability to pay damages shall be limited to the foreseeable loss which is typical of the type of contract concerned.


If a third party induces, coerces, deceives, etc. another to breach a contract, the other party to the contract has the right to demand the third party compensate for the loss.


Article 23 If one party infringes upon the other party's patent right, the patent application right, patent execution right, the right to use non-patent technology and the right of assignment, or reputes its obligations on secrecy, that party should stop infringement, adopt remedies and compensate for the losses apart from undertaking the responsibility for breach of contract as prescribed in Article 22 of these regulations.


The essence of a penalty is a payment of money stipulated as in terrorem of the offending party; the essence of liquidated damages is a genuine covenanted pre-estimate of damage


Zamora says he sued the defendants for slander, breach of contract, wrongful termination, breach of fiduciary duty, wrongful disparagement, intentional interference with contract, intentional interference with prospective economic advantage, declaratory relief and equitable indemnity.


更多网络解释与违反合同相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a breach of contract:违反合同

6. breach n. 违反,违背 | a breach of contract 违反合同 | a breach of agreement 违反协议

a breach of contract:违约(违反合同)

仲裁 arbitration | 违约(违反合同) a breach of contract | 享受免税待遇 enjoy preferential treatment for exemptions

breach the contract/ a breach of contract:违反合同

43. 电讯:telecommunications | 45. 违反合同:breach the contract/ a breach of contract | 46. 不可抗力:force majeure

breach of contract:违反合同

合同在很多国际工程中被称为"圣经",项目实施必须严格按合同进行,违反合同(Breach of Contract)可是罪莫大焉. 这就要求前期考察研究工作必须科学,全面,并谈判出一个质量很高的合同,这既可避免以后不必要的合同变更并减低风险管理的难度.

fundamental breach of contract:根本违反合同

>在具体规定卖方和买方的救济方法之前,首先对"根本违反合同"(fundamental breach of contract)下了一个定义,因为是否构成根本违反合同,对当事人可能采取何种救济方法有直接的关系.

breach of statutory duty:违反法定义务,违反法定职责

breach of regulations 违例 | breach of statutory duty 违反法定义务,违反法定职责 | breach of terms and conditions contracted 违反合同规定

in violation of the jail regulations:违反监规

违反合同 (-:-) breach of contract | 违反监规 (-:-) in violation of the jail regulations | 违反外汇管理规例 (-:-) breach of foreign exchange control regulations

infringement of contract:违反合同,违反合约

768infringementn. 违反(侵犯) | 769infringement of contract违反合同,违反合约 | 771initial a document草签文件

infringement of contract:违反合同

infringement 违反 | infringement of contract 违反合同 | infringement of patent 专利权侵权

contractual obligation:合同义务

一项合同条款指合同任何的部分规定(provision),每个条款产生一个合同义务(contractual obligation). 违反合同义务可能导致诉讼(litigation). 并不是所有条款都是明确表述的(stated expressly),某些条款对合同目标(objectives)的重要性不如其它条款.