英语人>词典>汉英 : 进行灌溉 的英文翻译,例句
进行灌溉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
irrigate  ·  irrigates  ·  irrigating

更多网络例句与进行灌溉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without full civil capa city , please close the page im me diately, and potassium permanganate, 20% ethanol +75% on keyboards, hard drives, volt age socket, monitor, mouse, cpu d is infection for irr ig ation.

无完全民事行为能力者,请立即关闭网页,并用20%高锰酸钾+75%乙醇对键盘、硬盘、电压插座、显示器、鼠标、 cpu进行灌溉消毒。

The irrigation with seawater hadnt affected the inulin contents hi Helianthus tuberosus tubers, and the contents of inulin in Helianthus tuberosus were from about 40% to 65%.


Then people can use the water not only to irrigate their fields but also to make electricity for their homes and industries.


Causes through the software programming to fill installing equipment according to prearrange the request operation, and can according to the actual need choice different specification which produces carry on the irrigation and the on-line revision various movements delay time.


From now on, sewage has been important water source for irrigated district near outskirts of cities, especially droughty territory of north china, where the scarcity of water has been the main factor influencing human lives and economic development there.


Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplem ental


Water flows on the film that was covered at bottom of border and infiltrates into soil through the holes and the crop growth from the fole.


This paper pointed out many disadvantages of our now experience-based irrigation. The author deeply studied the decision support system of irrigation of the cucumber and romaine lettuce based on the transpiration rate and greenhouse environment factors —temperature, humidity and light.


The soil cores were irrigated 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after application.


How many golf facilities currently undertake all the water efficiency measures that they could, coupled with maximising the use of re-cycled and non-potable sources?


更多网络解释与进行灌溉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

irrespective as to whether ... or:不问其是否

irrespective of the consequences不顾后果 | irrespective as to whether ... or ..不问其是否... | irrigate vt.灌溉,修水利 vi.进行灌溉 高中词汇



drip irrigation:滴灌

可适用于果...参考资料 滴灌系统示意图滴灌 滴灌(drip irrigation)是利用塑料管道将水通过直径约10mm毛管上的孔口或滴头送到作物根部进行局部灌溉. 它是目前干旱缺水地区最有效的一种节水灌溉方式,水的利用率可达95%. 滴灌较喷灌具有更高的节水增产效果,


1.加强水利设施建设,以便灌溉 (irrigate) 农田,使农村居民都能安全用水. 为使农民出行便利(facilitate),仍将继续进行公路建设. 3.农村教育状况、农村卫生服务体系(public health care system)、农村社会保障体系(social security system)也都将得到改善.


要点提示: 1.加强水利设施建设,以便灌溉 (irrigate) 农田,使农村居民都能安全用水. 为使农民出行便利(facilitate),仍将继续进行公路建设. 2007"完形填空"考前指导完形填空题是测试话语水平的题型. 根据完形填空法的基本理论,


酿酒葡萄主要采用水平高棚架(Espalier)、篱架(Trellis)和棚架(Pergola)3种架式,栽植株数一般为3000-3300株/公顷. 鲜食葡萄的灌溉,根据品种、产量和环境特点进行,大多数露地葡萄园采用滴灌,温室葡萄则采用喷灌,这样可降低室内温度;

irrigable:可灌溉的 (形)

irrevocably 不能取消地; 不能撤回地 (副) | irrigable 可灌溉的 (形) | irrigate 灌溉, 使潮湿, 冲洗伤口; 进行灌溉 (动)

soilless culture:无土栽培

无土栽培(soilless culture)是指不用天然土壤而用基质或仅育苗时用基质,在定植以后用营养液进行灌溉的栽培方法. 由于无土栽培可人工创造良好的根际环境以取代土壤环境,有效防止土壤连作病害及土壤盐分积累造成的生理障碍,

Tamarix ramosissima:多枝柽柳

通过分层分段挖掘法,对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地不同灌溉量条件下(35 ,24.5,14 kg/株.次)多枝柽柳 (Tamarix ramosissima)幼苗根系分布特征进行了研究.结果表明:随着深度的增加,各灌溉量根系生物量逐渐减少;但随着灌溉量的减少,


irrigating quota 喷灌定额 | irrigating 进行喷灌 | irrigation and drainage 排水与灌溉