英语人>词典>汉英 : 进位 的英文翻译,例句
进位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
carries  ·  carry

更多网络例句与进位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the hybrid of binary carry look-ahead adder of Brent-Kung~ and the carry select adder.


The course of logic operations of carry lookahead adder for binary number is introduced into optical computation. The carry lookahead by optical parallel processing is proposed.


The decimal system is a carry system widely used in the world today.


A in hexadecimal is 10 in decimal and therefore is 1010 in binary.

十六进位中的 A 是十进位中的10,所以在二进位中是1010。

It is based on an one column full adder in function; there introduces the special carry chain in the parallel and the vertical directions in order to accord the flexible carry needed by the data channel, it can be confected into different working mode, and realizes the compound logic and the sequence logic.


As an example, in the design of a 4-bit ripple carry adder, the second and fourth full adders do not use output inverters for carry generation. one inverter delay is eliminated for every two full adders in the adder chain, and four transistors are reduced. Similarly, in complex designs like the multiplier, the output inverters for generating sum and carry can be used in alternative stages, thereby improving speed and reducing area.


Likewise, B in hexadecimal is 1011 in binary, and C in hexadecimal is 1100 in binary.

同样地,十六进位中的 B 是二进位的1011,而十六进位中的 C 是二进位的1100。

The function that allows the adding of one to the least significant digit in the result of a calculation together with the necessary carries, if any of the highest decimal places dropped off has a value of more than zero.


The purpose is to inspect the grade differences on time of mental addition and mental subtraction of pupils from three grades as well as grades differences of arithmetic time and integration time. The results show that mental arithmetic time of pupils from Grade 2, 4 and 6 decreases with the increase of grades.In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number, menta...

研究结果表明,2、4、6 年级小学生口算时间随年级的增高而减少;在一位数加多位数不进位加法口算中,口算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;在一位数加多位数进位加法口算中,口算时间差异源于运算时间差异;在多位数减一位数不借位减法口算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;在多位数减一位数借位减法口算中,口算时间的年级差异主要表现为运算时间的差异,而整合时间差异不显著。

It"s revealed that the consistency probability of unsigned ones complement addition with bit-wise exclusive-OR is very greater than the ideal value 2~", though it is very small, and the consistency probability of unsigned ones complement addition with addition modulo 2 is 2/3 approximately, hence it is very large.


更多网络解释与进位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biquinary notation:二-五进制记数法,二五混合进位制计数法,二五混合进制记数法,二五进制记数法

biquinary coded decimal number 二-五进制编码的十进制... | biquinary notation 二-五进制记数法,二五混合进位制计数法,二五混合进制记数法,二五进制记数法 | biquinary number 二-五进制数,二五混合进制...

carry bit:进位位元

"红萝卜色","carrot" | "进位位元","carry bit" | "进位位元组暂存器","carry byte register,CBR"

carry flag:进位旗标

l A累加器(Accumulator)程式状态字元用於储存一些重要控制讯息,常用到有进位旗标(Carry Flag)和溢位旗标(Overflow Flag),进位旗标的功能有加减法的进位、溢位与布林运算之累加器;溢位旗标的功能为当作加减法之运算结果.

carry signal terminal:进位信号终端

carry signal 进位信号 | carry signal terminal 进位信号终端 | carry skip method 跳越进位

carry initiating signal:进位启动信号

进位指示器 carry indicator | 进位启动信号 carry initiating signal | 进位输入 carry input

carry complete signal:进位结束信号,进位完成信号

carry-complete 进位完毕 | carry-complete signal 进位结束信号,进位完成信号 | carry-delay 进位迟延

carry look ahead:超前进位法,先行进位法

carry logic 进位逻辑 | carry look ahead 超前进位法,先行进位法 | carry look ahead adder 先行进位加法器,超前进位加法器


dechex: 十进位转十六进位. | decoct: 十进位转八进位. | exp: 自然对数 e 的次方值.

Carry-in bit:进位输入

Carry bit 进位位 | Carry-in bit 进位输入 | Carry-out bit 进位输出

Carry-in bit:进位输入位

carry time 进位时间 | carry-in bit 进位输入位 | carry-in terminal 进位输入端