英语人>词典>汉英 : 近似连续 的英文翻译,例句
近似连续 的英文翻译、例句


approximate continuity
更多网络例句与近似连续相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main idea of the finite difference method is as follows: We consider the discrete difference equation with the finite alphas as approximate substitution for the differential equation with the continuous variant and boundary conditions.


The basic idea is to set a continuous solution of the region with a finite number of discrete points instead of a grid consisting of, these discrete points called grid nodes the solution of a continuous area on a given function of continuous variables used in the definition of discrete grid variable function approximation the original equation and boundary conditions in the micro-business operators to approximate differential, integral with the points and to approximate, so the original differential equations and boundary conditions are replaced by algebraic equations near Side, that is, finite difference equations , solve this equation group can get the original problem in discrete points on the approximate solution.


A decision model of distribution network's echelons is present, which integrates approximating method of total distance in continuous approximation model and quantifying method of 'bullwhip effect' in supply chain.


Since all the bar textures as a whole constitute a continuous 3-D approximation to the scene represented in the original depth image,novel views can be obtained by mapping these bar textures in a from-back-to-fiont order.


In the numerical simulation, the new formulation not only remedies the boundary deficiency problem in the original SPH but also more efficiently repairs the truncated integral in kernel approximation caused by discontinuity and eliminates the errors from particle inconsistency in discontinuous region.


At first, an approximated mathematical model is presented. Then, the system manager can compute the optimal control policy via the method of successive approximation. Based on the above-mentioned algorithm, we design an intelligent system with feedback control to regulate the allocation of limited channels of trunk circuit. This system will continuously detect the status of whole cellular network. Once the system parameters cross the predefined threshold, the recomputing mechanism will be activated.


An antenna designed to have an approximately constant input impedance over a wide range of frequencies; e.g., terminated rhombic antennas and wave antennas.


Based on the experimental results and analysis, new contributions given in this paper is as follows:(1) the new approximate formula developed in ref [7] for △ε of continuous and noncontinuous strain hardening materials from tensile properties under various R.


The method includes dividing a digital image, formed from M rows and N columns of pixels, into a plurality of band-shaped areas by partitioning at each of a prescribed number of rows; averaging, for each column, the gradation values of pixels in said band-shaped areas for each of said plurality of band-shaped areas; computing an approximation line which approximates, in each of said plurality of band-shaped areas, a distribution of said average of gradation values; and judging whether there exists a succession of d columns at which the difference between said gradation value derived from said approximation line and said average of gradation values for each column exceeds a prescribed threshold.


The results suggest that the electron density of the interface between GP zone and the matrix is coherent under the first order approximation, thus particles of GP zone are prone to growing, while β phase is not coherent, which will restrain recrystalization particles of β phase from growing, however β phase is coherent to enhance resistance to deformation of the alloy under high stress.


更多网络解释与近似连续相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spanish is akin to Latin:西班牙语与拉丁语近似

382. This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks. 这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐... | 383. Spanish is akin to Latin. 西班牙语与拉丁语近似. | 384. Pity is often akin to love. 怜悯常近乎...

approximate continuity:近似连续

approximate calculation 近似计算 | approximate continuity 近似连续 | approximate contour 近似等高线

approximately semicontinuous:近似半连续的

approximately equal 近似等于 | approximately semicontinuous 近似半连续的 | approximation 逼近

successive approximation method:逐步近似法,分段渐近法

successive approximation 连续近似 | successive approximation method 逐步近似法,分段渐近法 | successive approximation type A-D 逐次逼近型模拟数字转换

continuous analyzer:连续分析器

continuous action 连续动作 | continuous analyzer 连续分析器 | continuous approximation 连续近似

continuous approximation:连续近似

continuous analyzer 连续分析器 | continuous approximation 连续近似 | continuous beam 连续梁

continuous slowing-down approximation:连续减速近似法

continuous slowing down 连续减速 | continuous slowing-down approximation 连续减速近似法 | continuous sludge 液体中矿物颗粒连续沉淀物

approximation, continuous slowing-down:连续慢化近似法

波恩近似法 approximation, Born | 连续慢化近似法 approximation, continuous slowing-down | 扩散近似 approximation, diffusion

successive approximation:逐次近似法

subwavelength focused light beam 子波长聚焦光束 | successive approximation 逐次近似法 | successive holographic summation 连续全息叠加

successive approximation:连续近似

subtransmission network 二次输电网络 | successive approximation 连续近似 | sucking coil 吸引线圈