英语人>词典>汉英 : 近代的 的英文翻译,例句
近代的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
neoteric  ·  recent  ·  moderns

更多网络例句与近代的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABSTRACT The decline of the imperial examination system in modern history of china was an important culture phenomenon, and that modern cul...


This cultural conflict is a determiner for the failure of political reformation in the late Qing Dynasty.


China as well as commences building her national figure beneath exotic force, much differentiae during this process is exposed between China and Europe ,so probing into the foundation of colony and semi-colony countries and comparing the differentiae between two conformation indeed,plays a instructional role to the development of China .


Therefore, the purpose of this topic research is to set out from the sociological angle, carry on a creatively thorough research on the formation and development of this block in ancient times,specifically including its characteristics and the reasons for their formation, and the relationship between it and Fujian culture especially Fuzhou cultrue;and to firstly answer the question why there were so many famous people living in this block, thoroughly analyze the ultimate motivity that push its development in ancient times even its great achievement in modern times;so as to fill in the blank of this academic research,and to make people's know about this block more thoroughly and completely,and then realize that the great achievement that it had achieved in morden times was not a historical fortuity,but deeply relied on the base of historical culture.


Therefore, the purpose of this topic research is to set out from the sociological angle, carry on a creatively thorough research on the formation and development of this block in ancient times,specifically including its characteristics and the reasons for their formation, and the relationship between it and Fujian culture especially Fuzhou cultrue;and to firstly answer the question why there were so many famous people living in this block, thoroughly analyze the ultimate motivity that push its development in ancient times even its great achievement in modern times;so as to fill in the blank of this academic research,and to make peoples know about this block more thoroughly and completely,and then realize that the great achievement that it had achieved in morden times was not a historical fortuity,but deeply relied on the base of historical culture.


He deplores the tendency of modern prime ministers and presidents to want to be their own foreign ministers and to believe themselves capable of cutting through diplomatic fuddle with charm and dash.


Students are aware of China's modern geologist Li Siguang it!


Shidao mostly Ban Yuexing, double shoot-hole, the shape of modern production of compact and sophisticated study by the North Valley Qia iron knives; Shi Si is a tool to dig soil, shape, as some of the willow pattern, and some may wish shoe-shaped, pointed a majority of the Department of After traces of the use of polished, its role in the modern equivalent of iron Plowshare.


Tangjiawan modern, in addition to nurturing a large number of outstanding figures, there are records of the modern Anti-British aggression the Chinese people won the first victory in the struggle淇澳Whitehead Street, the ancient fort and the peasant movement to witness the tragic history of the Ancestral Hall and Lo-gate Temple and other relics淇澳revolution.


The Buddhist philosophy of being passive,retiring from the world,and reaching the state of nirvana was explained by Tan Sitong and some others as complete subjective idealism,a mental power that distains the dark social reality with indomitable fighting spirit and disregarding one s official position and material gain.


更多网络解释与近代的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dave Brubeck:近代重要的爵士作曲家与改革者

Count Basie 美国的音乐巨人 | Dave Brubeck 近代重要的爵士作曲家与改革者 | Art Tatum 融古贯今的爵士钢琴大师


 他特别注意资本主义劳动和封建性劳动之间的对立,认为近代社会的形成过程是近代的"勤劳"(industry)逐步代替了近代以前的封建性"劳役" (labor)的过程.


latter-day saint 后期圣徒 | latter-day 近代的 | latter-wit 过后的聪明


latten /黄铜薄片/锡板/ | latter-day /近代的/现代的/ | latterkin /刮窗嵌槽木/


卢瓦西是发生于天主教会中的近代主义(Modernism)运动的最重要的人物. 所谓近代主义运动,在有些人看来,为天主教会史上十三世纪以后最大的危机. 近代主义者没有组织的团体,也没有计划大纲,他们诚心服从天主教会的习惯和集会,


neontology 近代生物学 | neocolonial 近代殖民主义 | neocosmic 新宇宙的


neoteny /幼期性熟/ | neoteric /近代的/崭新的/新颖的/现代人/现代作家/ | neothalamus /新丘脑/


指出中国古代存在着"科学". 但是他的欧洲中心论使他把西方近代的历史作为了世界进步的标准,因此也就产生了中国的近代科学为什么落后的难题. 从人类学的角度来看,"李约瑟问题"成为"难题"(puzzle)完全是他的进化论的提问方式造成.

Gambetta, Leon:甘必大-选自近代卷

Gama, Vasco da,route of 瓦斯科达.伽马的路线 | Gambetta, Leon 甘必大-选自近代卷 | Gambia R. 冈比亚河-选自近代卷

Modern inventions:近代的發明物

6868. MUSIC 音樂.............................................P... | 6969. MODERN INVENTIONS 近代的發明物.........................PAGE_240 | 7070. MILK DRINKING 喝乳........................................