英语人>词典>汉英 : 运河区 的英文翻译,例句
运河区 的英文翻译、例句


canal zone
更多网络例句与运河区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the Isthmian Canal Convention was signed at the beginning of the 20th century, the United States considered the Pamama Canal Zone as being under its sovereignty.


Their next objective is to gain control of the canal zone .


As a result virtually all formal non-farm jobs are in the former canal zone.


Sen. McCain was born in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone to a naval officer and his wife.


Guaranteed sovereignty to Panama and paid them $10 million up front in order to have control over the canal zone.


Moving back to the Panama Canal Zone, I learned five computer languages and became supervisor of the computer department.


Moving back to the Panama Canal Zone, I learned five computer languages and became supervisor of the computer department.

我还是运河区一艘训练用帆船Chief Aptakisic号的船长,带过一批青少年去纽约。

I became Captain of the Canal Zone's training schooner, Chief Aptakisic on which we took a group of teenagers to New York.

我还是运河区一艘训练用帆船Chief Aptakisic号的船长,带过一批青少年去纽约。

Beijing on June 12,June 13, 1956, the last batch of British troops from the occupation of 74-year-long Suez Canal zone.


Due to this controversy, there were constant conflicts in the Canal Zone between the two sides in the 1960s, a dispute which even lead to a temporary break in diplomatic relations between the two sides.


更多网络解释与运河区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Isthmian Canal Zone:巴拿马运河区

issuing service 发布业务 | Isthmian Canal Zone 巴拿马运河区 | isthmus 狭地(两岛之间)

Panama Canal zone:巴拿马运河区

麦凯恩于1936年8月29日出生在巴拿马运河区(Panama Canal Zone),当时他父亲在美国海军驻地服役. 他曾就读于美国海军学院( U.S. Naval Academy). 麦凯恩与妻子辛迪(Cindy)育有子女7人,有孙辈子女4人. 巴拉克奥巴马,伊利诺伊州(Illinois)联邦参议员,

Panama Canal zone:巴拿马运河区巴拿马运河区域

Panama Canal zone 巴拿马运河区 | Panama Canal Zone 巴拿马运河区巴拿马运河区域 | Panama Canal Zone 巴拿马运河区

Panama Canal zone:附:巴拿马运河区

7.27巴拿马PANAMA | 附:巴拿马运河区PANAMA CANAL ZONE | 7.28圣皮埃尔和密克隆(法)SAINT-PIERRE ET MIQUELON(FR.)

Canal Zone:运河区

驻扎在巴拿马运河区(Canal Zone)的第 6 轰炸机大队已有 8 架 B-17B,在 1941 年 12 月初接收了 8 架崭新的 B-17E. 驻扎在纽芬兰的第 42 侦察中队装备了 6 架 B-17B,驻扎在犹他州盐湖城(Salt Lake City)的第 7 轰炸机大队拥有满编制的 35 架新型 B-17E.

Canal Zone:巴拿马运河区

美国一共生产了 12,677 架 B-17,到 1944 年 8 月,美国陆军航空军(USAAF)至少已有 33 个 B-17 轰炸机大队部署在海外作战. 1943、44、...由于战争阴云密布,大多数飞行堡垒都派驻海外. 驻扎在巴拿马运河区(Canal Zone)的第 6

Canal Zone:附:运河区(美国占领时发行)

巴拿马 Panama | 附:运河区(美国占领时发行) CANAL ZONE | 巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea

Suez Canal Zone:苏伊士运河区

sugar 糖 | Suez Canal Zone 苏伊士运河区 | Suez canal net tonnage 苏伊士运河净吨位

Canal Zone nccz:巴拿马运河区

巴拿马 Panama ncpn--- | 巴拿马运河区 Canal Zone nccz--- | 巴西 Brazil s-bl---

Panama Canal Zone Standard Time:巴拿马运河区标准时

Panama Canal tonnage 巴拿马运河丈量吨位 | Panama Canal Zone Standard Time 巴拿马运河区标准时 | Panama Canal zone 巴拿马运河区