英语人>词典>汉英 : 过火的 的英文翻译,例句
过火的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ham  ·  hammed  ·  hams

更多网络例句与过火的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a result, the accuracy of measurement is affected.


It hasn't gone through a baptism of fire.


Because only the test of fire makes fine steel .


You could see him approach the stove, in which there was never any fire, and whose pipe, you know, was of mastic and yellow clay.


They tend to go overboard on this subject.


The question is when or whether he might overplay his hand, as serial blackmailers usually do.


Do not repeat engine of a few searches to had begun screen to drop the site that those repeat the keyword too hamly too much, I repeat the keyword only use 2 arrive 5 times enough, major search engine approbates such density.


If you don't, you run the risk of your character feeling overacted, and your scene will be a jumbled mess of confused ideas that the audience won't be able to follow.




Sooner or later every bar of gold must pass through the fire.


更多网络解释与过火的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Out-Herod Herod:比希律王还希律王;极其残酷;做得过火;有过之而无不及

original sin 原罪;一切罪恶的根源. | out-Herod Herod 比希律王还希律王;极其残酷;做得过火;有过之而无不及. | Physician, heal yourself. 医生,先治好你自己的病. 正人先正己.

Oftentimes, I cross the line:我做事情常常会过火

I used excessive force.|我过度使用了武力 | Oftentimes, I cross the line...|我做事情常常会过火... | ...but I try to do so in the name of what's right.|...但我都是以正当的名义

Be out of line:过分,过火

Do some catching-up 拉家常 | Be out of line 过分,过火 | Get somebody off one's back 解除...的麻烦

It was way out-of-bounds:我说的太过火了

About the whole "go fly a kite" thing.|我不该跟你说什么 "给我滚蛋"那种话 | It was way out-of-bounds.|我说的太过火了 | No one should ever say that to you,|没人能跟你说这种话

overdo verb:做得过分/过火,做作

buffet noun 自助餐 | overdo verb 做得过分/过火,做作 | pro rata 按比例的/地,成比例的/地




06 爱到尽头 Love in the end | 07 过火 Overreach | 08 特别的爱给特别的你 Special love to special you

camp it up:装模作样 (戏)演得过火 哗众取宠

camp follower | 随军流动的平民, 营妓 | camp it up | 装模作样 (戏)演得过火 哗众取宠 | camp meeting | 信徒的野营集会


angle rollers 角滚筒 | annealed 软的,退过火的 | annulus area 环形区

Allegretto non troppo:不过火的小快板

Allegretto 小快板 | Allegretto non troppo不过火的小快板 | Andantino 小行板