英语人>词典>汉英 : 过度消耗 的英文翻译,例句
过度消耗 的英文翻译、例句


eat out
更多网络例句与过度消耗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cuvaison has already realized the baneful impacts to environment caused by improper production methods, as well as the dangers of the over-consumption of resources.


This deviation will affect the measurement of factor elasticity of substitution,optimum allocation and product efficiency.


It is a big bottleneck for the papermaking industry to excessively consume the forest resources.


Use the Marxist person harmonizes with nature to develop the thought to re- examine just modern mankind's civilization of be placed in the confused stage, the especially natural ecosystem environment was use by us a kind of way that depends on the excessiveness to consume the natural capital to seek the development, can get: Want the real realization Sustainable Development, can't develop the way to look for and can keep on to develop the mode from the economy alone, but must with the Marxism Sustainable Development thought for leading, carry out to develop completely.


Being overly consumed with one's problems, sorrow, or growth, perpetuating a cycle of self-absorption.


The old asphalt pavement is disposed by applying cold recycle technology,then it is can be used as base or subbase course,which can make the old materials of highway be utilized fully,reduce the excess consumption of resources and save 20%~30% cost,reduce the environmental pollution caused by scrap piling and transportation as well as reduce the dust and exhaust emission during construction process.


The Li over-depletion in planetbearing main sequence stars is a generic feature over the Teff-restricted range Tsun±80 K and is independent of Teff.

在有效温度介于Tsun± 80 K "有行星"主序星中锂的过度消耗很具有普遍性,而且此现象基本上和恒星的有效温度或质量无关。

In addition, the mea-sures to lower down the contamination at the inlets are expounded. The state-of-the-art about the recent development innatural ventilation in European countries is related. Building Service' s Engineers and Architects are gradually acceptingthe energy efficient ventilation ideas.


Comparison with field stars then leads to the conclusion that neither age nor metallicity is responsible for the excess Li depletion.


Over time the cessation of war shall also cause a cessation of the overconsumption of the earth mother; which is a war between Terra and humanity that also must conclude in order for earth's ascension to take hold more greatly.


更多网络解释与过度消耗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

denitrifying bacteria:反硝化细菌

分解硝酸盐的反硝化细菌(denitrifying bacteria)已过度操劳:在充满腐败物质的排水沟中,它们平均能消耗16%的硝酸盐;即使在污染不严重的溪流中,反硝化细菌也只能消耗全部硝酸盐的43%...过去几年的多项研究表明,睡眠不足会增加肥胖的几率.

bus master:总线控制器

本发明涉及一种使用在多重总线控制器系统(multi-bus mastersystem)中,用来降低总线控制器(bus master)的电路元件功率过度消耗的装置与方法,在本发明的一具体实施例中,一总线控制器以一集成电路(其中包含一被用来将一时脉信号失能的时脉控制逻辑)的形式提供,

negative electricity:负电

对生物体会降低及消耗细胞组织间的氧,使代谢反应酸性化、产生压力、兴奋、具活化作用、加速微生物生长,增加细胞间的水肿,增加发炎作用及疼痛,并有刺激苏醒的作用,让心智过度敏锐及不合理,产生晦暗抑郁的感觉;带负电(negative electricity)的负磁场是逆时针转,

positive electricity:正电

发现带正电(positive electricity)的正磁场是顺时针转,对生物体会降低及消耗细胞组织间的氧,使代谢机能反应酸性化、产生压力、兴奋、具活化作用、加速微生物生长,增加细胞间的水肿,增加发炎作用及疼痛,并有刺激苏醒的作用,让心智过度敏锐及不合理,

excessive fatigue:过度疲劳

excessive consumption 过度消耗 | excessive fatigue 过度疲劳 | excessive force 过度力

global warming:全球气候暖化

而西方的人天对抗思维是愚不可及的, 今天全球氣候暖化(Global Warming)危机越見严峻, 实是近代西方数百年來的貪婪与霸权破坏人界与自然界的恶果, 尤其是自工业革命以來, 地球资源不断受到唯利是图的过度采拓和消耗, 已到了近乎竭尽的地步!

She's overtired. They work so hard up there:她过度疲劳了. 他们的工作非常消耗体力

- She's just tired. - She's as skinny as a ghost.|-她只不过有些疲倦. -她... | She's overtired. They work so hard up there.|她过度疲劳了. 他们的工作非常消耗体力. | - Lizzie. - Is she on drugs?|-利兹. ...

We've overused our renewable resources:我们过度消耗可再生资源

We burned fossil fuels.|我们使用化石燃料 | We've overused our renewable resources|我们过度消耗可再生资源 | in the belief that we could do that forever.|妄想着它们取之不竭 用之不尽

born the candle at both end:过度消耗

22. Friend in need .患难之交 | 23. born the candle at both end过度消耗 | 24. Not let grass grow under you feet .莫失良机.

We burned fossil fuels:我们使用化石燃料

We've acted as though we were independent of the environment.|我们肆意妄为 就好像环境与我们无... | We burned fossil fuels.|我们使用化石燃料 | We've overused our renewable resources|我们过度消耗可再生资...