英语人>词典>汉英 : 过分使用 的英文翻译,例句
过分使用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
strain  ·  strains

更多网络例句与过分使用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I see the results of excessive bottom-up planning in my email inbox every week.


Soviet-style concrete blocks jostle uncomfortably with ultra-modern glass constructions, and tower higgledy-piggledy over stunted hutongs that have somehow escaped the wrecker ball.


In all instances, the end products of the treatment of polluted water or air or of the disposal of solid wastes must be compatible with the existing environmental resources and must not overtax the assimilative powers of hydrosphere, atmosphere, or lithosphere.


But later, he also urged farmers not to overuse chemicals.


The management under the modernity make the chair in university become a quantitative posatition,the posation generate power through symbol,the formulable academic posation generate strong discipline power.Academic creation become a plan project,individuals face a giant engineering structure,the individual moral sensitivity ebbed away. Bestir excessively make arousal become chastisement.Academic activity is making difference and competition in the control of currency, and academic activity become monetization. Academic estimation become a shortterm action.


Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me.


Do not your privilege of reproving or castigating me .


Do not overdo your privilege of reproving or castigating me .


Actually, the purpose of studying economics in a mathematical way is to attain a superior position in the academic competition and the result of the excessive use of mathematics leads to a position of putting the cart before the horse. It makes the modern economics a self-admired theory.


Three types of collocational errors are found from the writing samples: structural errors, semantic errors and wrong uses of'of'. The last error may result from over use of'of'or missing of'of'in the nominal phrases.


更多网络解释与过分使用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

were yesterday accused of:昨被谴责过分使用武力

(指不雅刊物)用不透明胶袋包着 were wrapped in non-transparent plastic bags | 昨被谴责过分使用武力 were yesterday accused of | 西九龙走廊 West Kowloon Corridor


胶带的材料 1 膜(backing) 主要是opp,pvc,pet,pe等 国内主要是BOPP 2 胶粘剂 (adhesive) 主要材料是天然(合成)橡胶,...胶带是在BOPP原膜的基础上经过高压电晕后使一面表面粗糙后涂上胶水后经过分条分成小卷就是我们日常使用的胶带.



huntington disease:亨廷顿病

酗酒.过度警觉(hypervigilance)表现为经常警惕地扫视周围环境以寻找危险迹象的过分警觉状态.常见于偏执型人格,创伤后应激障碍,被父母虐待或忽视的儿童,以及使用某些类型的精神活性物质.亨廷顿病(Huntington disease)为基底节,纹状体和大脑皮层的进行性变性,


在英国1948年的>中,使用了"欺压"(Oppression)的概念,而1986年>则代之以"不正当的侵害行为"(Unfair projudicial conduct)的概念. 英国学者认为,前者过分强调多数股东、董事或管理人员的行为性质,带有明显的主观色彩,

overtime work:超时劳动(工人),,工人

Overtime and night differential [budget];加班费和夜勤津贴;; | overtime work;超时劳动(工人);;工人 | overuse;过分使用[监禁办法]; 过分放牧;;

Cautious in spending money; frugal:节俭的使用钱财时谨慎的;节俭的

Excessively cautious; unduly careful. 过分谨慎的;过度小心的 | Cautious in spending money; frugal. 节俭的使用钱财时谨慎的;节俭的 | I asked with cautious curiosity. 我急切地问.