英语人>词典>汉英 : 迂回曲折 的英文翻译,例句
迂回曲折 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tortuosity  ·  tortuosities

twists and turns · with ups and downs · through twists and turns · going in a roundabout way
更多网络例句与迂回曲折相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can not accept any circuitous twists and turns of warmth.


In order to obtain legal status in China, Jing Rui Fund circuitous twists and turns.


Daedalus had designed it at the command of King Minos of Crete.


Narrow lanes, lined with dimly-lit shops and winding endlessly in and out, were muddy with the recent rains, and filthy with the dirt of man and beast.


Hawke-who, according to Kirkus Reviews,"makes James Bond look like a slovenly, dull-witted clockpuncher"—is soon following a winding trail that leads back to London in the go-go nineties, when Arab oil money fueled lavish, and sometimes fiendish,lifestyles.

受命于国务卿,霍科卷入这场阴谋。有些书评把霍科称为"能使James Bond相形见拙的角色,邦德看起来就象个邋邋遢遢的,笨头笨脑的打卡机。"霍科迂回曲折尾随来到九十年代的伦敦,当时阿拉伯人靠石油发了横财过上了奢靡无度的生活。

This bypassed the problem of year names in the Gregorian system.


You have plans, you have dreams, but every now and again you have to take uncharted roads, face impassible mountains, cross treacherous rivers, be blocked by landslides and earthquakes.


He is leading up to an impertinent request.


One is the theory of perturbation based on the inverse scattering transformation, which is essential method in searching the solution of soliton, so it have important academic meaning, however, the method is not easily understood and grasped because of its complicated line of thinking.


But this technique is inconvenient to those who are not familiar with IST.


更多网络解释与迂回曲折相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


incommodious 不方便的,狭小的 | ambagious 迂回曲折的 | contagious 传染的,有感染力的

circumlocutory:(行文说话等)委婉曲折的, 迂回的

circumlocution | 婉转曲折的陈述 | circumlocutory | (行文说话等)委婉曲折的, 迂回的 | circumlunar | 绕月球运动的, 月球周围的

circumlocutory - wordy:(行文说话等)委婉曲折的, 迂回的

360) circuitous - indirect, taking the longest route 迂回线路的 | 361) circumlocutory - wordy (行文说话等)委婉曲折的, 迂回的 | 362) circumspect - cautious 慎重的, 周到的


11. courtier 朝臣 | 12. devious 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的 | 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐

deviousness:不坦率; 迂回, 曲折; 不光明正大 (名)

deviously 弯曲地; 绕道地 (副) | deviousness 不坦率; 迂回, 曲折; 不光明正大 (名) | devisable 可设计的; 能遗让的 (形)

Ins and outs:迂回曲折,底细

Hot air 吹牛,空话 | Ins and outs 迂回曲折,底细 | In-flight meal 航空餐

twists and turns:迂回曲折

wreck and ruin 毁灭 | twists and turns 迂回曲折 | bread and butter 基本生活所需,生计

twists and turns:迂回曲折, (人生中的)坎坷

see eye to eye with 和...有相同的见解, 与...的意见一致 | twists and turns 迂回曲折, (人生中的)坎坷 | hate someone's guts 对某人恨之入骨

The ivy insinuates itself into every crevice:常青藤会迂回曲折地爬到每个隙缝中去

往昔总会不知不觉回到我们今天的生活中来The past invariably insinuates itself into ... | 常青藤会迂回曲折地爬到每个隙缝中去The ivy insinuates itself into every crevice. | 弹性工作制flexible working hour ...

The troops moved in zigzags and by roundabout ways:队伍迂回曲折, 绕道前进

Young as he is, the team leader is very capable.^队长虽... | The troops moved in zigzags and by roundabout ways.^队伍迂回曲折, 绕道前进. | The names of the members of the team will be posted up today....