英语人>词典>汉英 : 输去 的英文翻译,例句
输去 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lose  ·  loses

更多网络例句与输去相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, it was illegal when I placed my nickel and dime bets at Saltzmans candy store. Id give Saltzman my spare change and hed write my numbers on a paper. And we both hoped we wouldnt get caught by the cops. Today you stand and wait in crowded lines by a computer at an official Lottery Agency.


Mr. lose a sort to be ask rendered speechless, the evasiveness say that the plan of strike against Sung country be Chu's king of decision, hence Mo son and Mr. lose a sort to see a country king of Chu.


The key to reliable handling of materials is to design the handling system equipment based on the measured flow properties of the material to be handled.


Proctor was by and large good for his 2 2/3 innings but lost it in the 13th.


He has gambled away half his fortune.


He has gambled away half his fortune.


In such cases, you will either lose one of you stakes, or you will


When scanning, from light transmitter beams shines on the bar code on the basis of the photoelectric detector from bar code on the binvalidation of the reflected light intensity to respond to that, when scanning a white spot sweep to the surface or in two in the space between the black line, the reflection of light intensity, high current output a detector; when the scan-to-black lines, reflected light, detector output UN-effectual, on the basis of narrow-striped width or length of time made in response to changes in light and shade with bar code and converted to a little different current signal, after a post to the bezze codec.


Mankind is slowly losing this War of the Worlds against the ultimate Alien.The insect.


Mankind is slowly losing this War of the Worlds against the ultimate Alien.The insect.


更多网络解释与输去相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shoot craps:玩双骰儿赌博; 输去赌注的一掷

shoot away 不停地射击; 射完 | shoot craps 玩双骰儿赌博; 输去赌注的一掷 | shoot down 击落; 坚决反对; 驳倒; 否决

crapshooter:赌双骰的人 (名)

craps 双骰儿赌博; 输去赌注的一掷 (名) | crapshooter 赌双骰的人 (名) | crapulence 狂饮暴食引起之疾病; 暴饮暴食 (名)

Derrick transporter:井架运(jing jia yun)输车

Depth of thread 螺纹深度 | Derrick transporter 井架运(jing jia yun)输车 | Derusting 去锈;除锈


去炒地皮,最后会德丰(WHEELOCK)、和记(HUTCHISON)、怡和 (JARDINE)都输了. 你们为何不去玩一瓣我们不懂的?没理由去葡京搵何鸿燊玩嘛!每一代人都要找突破点去队冧上一代,你们这一代人连找破绽都不去想不去做,又如何突破呢?

Lose out to sb:输给

Lose out to sb.输给 | Be less than complimentary about 对....不敢恭维 | Veer away to 离开到....去

slot machine:吃角子老虎

在赌城,吃角子老虎(slot machine)是完全不需技巧,只凭运气的一种赌法. 每次可投一角、二角五分、或一元,幸运的人只要一次滿貫(Jack Pot)就可贏得一万元以上,运气差的则可能頃刻间输去数百元美金. KENO是另一种纯凭机运的赌法.

slot machine:角子机

同时也想给那些对那些事有兴趣的TX提供些参考,便有了这个写这个的冲动. 因为住的酒店就有CASINO,就去了2次,都是晚上. 第一次玩了角子机(slot machine) 和21点(blackjack),由于经验不足,角子机上输了$260, 21点输了$200;第 ...

lose out on:[美口]输去

hospitality industry 饭店业 | lose out on [美口]输去 | make ends meet 收支相抵

Put out a press release:去写个新闻稿

We're still losing 60-30. We got to take this show on the road.|我们仍60比30输给他... | Put out a press release.|去写个新闻稿 | Call Briggs' office, tell him he can pick the audience, the town.|打电话给...

Jack Pot:满贯

每次可投一角、二角五分、或一元,幸运的人只要一次滿貫(Jack Pot)就可贏得一万元以上,运气差的则可能頃刻间输去数百元美金. 各位得了满贯全家去美国旅游是不成问题了! 我的运气很差,预算全被"老虎机"吃了.