英语人>词典>汉英 : 辐状的 的英文翻译,例句
辐状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rotate  ·  rotated  ·  rotates

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Flower construction, nutlet morphology, and marginal glochids indicate that Metaeritrichium is closely related to Eritrichium , but it differs in having a flat gynobase and rotate-spreading nutlets with apical attachment scars.

一种: 中国特有。花建设,小坚果形态学,和边缘钩毛表明Metaeritrichium与Eritrichium密切相关,有一平的雌蕊基在方面不同和辐状的平展的小坚果具顶端的附件痕。

Calyx parted nearly to base; lobes spreading. Corolla blue, red, or white, rotate or infundibuliform; tube very short or obsolete; lobes contorted in bud.


Corolla rotate or nearly so, deeply lobed; lobes overlapping to right.


Corolla rotate to salverform; lobes valvate in bud, spreading to reflexed when open.


Corolla salverform, tube much longer than calyx, limb rotate, lobes apically rounded or acuminate.


Corolla rotate or reflexed, conspicuous; corona lobes fleshy, stellately spreading, glossy when dried

花冠辐状的或反折,明显;副花冠裂片肉质,星状的传播,干燥时有光泽 25 Hoya 球兰属

Corolla rotate or subcampanulate; tube short; lobes narrow, longer than tube, twisted to right.


Corolla rotate to subcampanulate; tube thin, fleshy; lobes thin to thick, fleshy, valvate in bud. Stamens exserted; filaments very short, flat; anthers 2- or 4-locular, connate or free, base 2-parted, introrse.


Corolla white or purple-blue, rotate or stellate, shallowly or deeply divided.


In order to develop and modify Gregory scheme for cumulus convective parameterization,we make the improvement as follows:(1) The large-scale moisture convergence is taken into account and the organized inflow,which occurs in the area of large-scale moisture convergence and is directly proportional to it, is added to turbulent airflow.(2) The influence on saturation vapor pressure exerted by supercooled water is taken into account and the initial mass flux is adjusted. Based on diagnosis of the air heating and moistening, the downdraft airflow is adjusted.(3) Based on the character of our country heavy rainfall,which usually occurs in the mixed cloud consisted of stratocumulus and cumulus, the process of excessive convection is restrained by organized outflow in the top of cloud and improving downdraft current and by reducing the evaporation of rainfall and release of latent heat.


更多网络解释与辐状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dishing press:车轮轮辐压弯机,碟形压机

dishing of surface (如土壤的)表面碟状沉陷 | dishing press 车轮轮辐压弯机,碟形压机 | dishonest process 不真实过程


核质环:内环,位于核质面一侧,环上也有8条对称的细长纤维,向核内伸入,纤维末端形成直径60nm小环,由8个颗粒构成--捕鱼笼( fish-trap)或核篮( nuclearbasket);辐:(spoke)柱状亚单位(column subunit)腔内亚单位(luminal subunit)


confusa2.荚蒾属(Viburnum) 常绿灌木. 花为顶生圆锥花序,或伞形花序式的聚伞花序,有些种类的缘花放射状,不结实,花冠辐状. 核果. 荚蒾(V.3.接骨木属(Sambucus) 木本,稀为多年生草本. 奇数羽状复叶,小叶有锯齿;有托叶. 核果.


wheel shaped 辐状的 | whipstock 造斜器 | whirl 旋转


(二)辐鳍亚纲(Actinopterygii)本亚纲鱼类的各鳍均由真皮性的辐射状鳍条支持. 体被硬鳞、圆鳞或栉鳞,或裸露无鳞. 无内鼻孔. 种类极多,占现生鱼类总数的90%以上,共包括9总目、36目. 产于我国的有8总目、26目. 1.硬鳞总目(Ganoidomorpha)本总目是鱼类中古老类群的残余种,


\\"辐辏的,聚合的\\",\\"connevent\\" | \\"圆锥状的,锥状的\\",\\"conoid,conoidal\\" | \\"松果体,松果腺\\",\\"conoid,conoidal body,pineal body\\"

postaxial radials:轴后鳍辐骨;轴后辐状鳍条

轴后指 postaxial digit | 轴后鳍辐骨;轴后辐状鳍条 postaxial radials | 鳃后的 postbranchial

postaxial digit:轴后指

轴后的 postaxial | 轴后指 postaxial digit | 轴后鳍辐骨;轴后辐状鳍条 postaxial radials


轴后鳍辐骨;轴后辐状鳍条 postaxial radials | 鳃后的 postbranchial | 后鳃体 postbranchial body; ultimo-branchial body; ruprape-ricardial body


在哈钦松(Hutchinson)系统中,将子房下位、浆果的乌饭树亚科提升为科的地位--越桔科(Vacciniaceae),但现多数系统不主张分立. 杜鹃花属(Rhododendron) 常绿或落叶灌木. 花冠漏斗形、辐状、钟形或筒形,常稍两侧对称;雄蕊为花冠裂片的倍数,