英语人>词典>汉英 : 较...优先 的英文翻译,例句
较...优先 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
precede  ·  preceded  ·  precedes

更多网络例句与较...优先相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main environment geological question is: The earth"s crust where the faultage and earthquake are active is unstable; collapse , landslide, mud-rock flow and soil erosion ; The underground karst subsides, seepage question; Basic rock expand, expend and compress soil body, the salt deposit corrode out of shape and groundwater"s corrodent harm; The soft soil question of basin; The soft rock body, cracked rock and the weathering rock are relatively poor stability; High and cold regional highways and railways" frozen soils freeze and melt calamity problem; The around rock of tunnel are unstable because of the coal seam gas, spring water, underground developed area; Project cutting slopes, constructed abandon soil and reservoir, lake"s ecology geological environmental protection issue; Thedangerous shoal of the channel % submerged reef question; The problem of rebuilding channel project and dock etc.; And the problem of unstable ground and groundwater corrosivity during building airport; At the same time, with the international big pathways" implementation and completions of constructions, adjusting the cities and counties" constructions , the crowd occupy changing , the cultivated land distribute changing and the adjustments of structure, will cause local environmental geological issues outstanding; According to multiple statistical analysis , value calculate and integrated appraise result, in the northwest and southwest of Yunnan, the traffic relatively low density, traffic engineering is relatively weak impact on environment, It is the area where a environme


The influence of each condition on the reaction speed and yield was studied, and the optimal conditions were: the ratio of the amount of substance of aromatic amine and heptafluoro-isopropyl iodine was 1:1.1~1.5, the amount of substance of sodium dithionite, sodium bicarbonate, aniline compounds were respectively 1.1~1.3, the amount of substance of phase transfer catalyst TBAB and aniline compounds was 0.05~0.1, the concentration of aniline compound was 0.5~1.0 mol/L, reaction temperature was 10~20 ℃, and the solvent was aether.

最佳结果为:芳胺与七氟异丙基碘的物质的量比1:1.1~1.5,连二亚硫酸钠、碳酸氢钠与苯胺的物质的量分别为1.1~1.3,相转移催化剂四丁基溴化铵与苯胺的物质的量比在0.05~0.1,溶剂总用量使苯胺浓度在0.5~1.0 mol/L;反应温度10~20℃;溶剂采用乙醚。取代基供电子性越强,反应时间越短,产率越高;氨基的对位优先反应,氨基的邻位较难发生反应;且七氟异丙基总是优先取代在芳环电子云密度较高的位置上。

People often assume that data are simple, graspable and trustworthy, whereas theory is complex, recondite and slippery, and so give the former priority.


A new sequential pattern algorithm based on depth-first search strategy is introduced and the mining mechanism based on lexicographic tree is presented in this paper.The data structure of bitmap is used in order to save and calculate the support of sequences fast.


A Latin term (meaning "forgotten name") applied after 1 January 2000 to a name, unused since 1899, which as a result of an action taken under Article 23.9.2 does not take precedence over a younger synonym or homonym in prevailing usage; the younger name which takes precedence over the nomen oblitum may be called a nomen protectum.


Major Responsibilities - Integrate and perform contributively in Shanghai sales team while keeping in line with DACHSER GROUP strategy and general policy;- Develop to the best of his/her ability, his/her own client portfolio...

努力, 踏实,刻苦,聪明,忠诚有意向毕业后留在公司长期发展有较强的英文书面表达能力家住虹桥附近优先上海人优先收藏

But overall, it is insufficient to exist flowingly: First, more application western relevant theory of economics is it state the fair and efficiency issue of China to come, introducing three western fair and efficiency view " efficiency comes first theory "," fair preferential theory " and " the fair and efficiency replace the theory " mainly, it is not enough to theoretical research about the fair and efficiency relation of Marxism; Second, the theory circle studies this question from standardizing the economics angle mainly, adopt and standardize the analytical method, the positive research is relatively insufficient.


But overall, it is insufficient to exist flowingly: First, more application western relevant theory of economics is it state the fair and efficiency issue of China to come, introducing three western fair and efficiency view " efficiency comes first theory "," fair preferential theory " and " the fair and efficiency replace the theory " mainly, it is not enoug


Monorchis belonging to Orchidaceae had a narrower one, indicating that rare and endangered Orchidaceae plants had a less distribution in Beijing mountainous region, and only distributed in several types of forest vegetation communities. Due to the lack of suitable habits, these herbage species were in dire need of prior conservation.


Priority to start will be given to horses with a higher rating at time of Entry.

优先出赛资格 Priority to start 报名时评分较高之马匹将可获优先出赛。

更多网络解释与较...优先相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


["捕获""允许"法则]如果两个离子半径相近,而电荷不同,较高价的离子优先进入较早结晶的矿物晶体中,称"捕获"(capture),低价离子 被"允许"(admit)进入晚期矿物.

credit limit:信用额度

填信用额度(credit limit)时,可将在国内工作所得全部填入(含年终奖金或红利),以利争取较高额度. 英国商家接受Visa多于Master Card,故最好以申请Visa为优先. 若无法一次付清信用卡账单时,则须考虑各银行申请年利率(Annual Percentage Rate,

retained earnings:保留盈利

银行在较早前发售优先股,加上保留盈利(retained earnings)增加等因素,促使集团整体资本足够率(Total CAR)提高1.7个百分点,达17.3%,一级资本足够率也提高1.6个百分点,达12.3%.


如何根据各省情况定义这些紧缺行业,海外的哪些资质可以被加拿大认可等问题,以帮助签证官(VO)确定哪些申请复合这些行业因此需要优先处理,哪些不符合因此优先级较低. 相关紧缺职业及海外资历认可的说明(instructions)将会在cic网站公布.


按键音(KEY TONE) 启动时,按每个键会有较小的提示音. 振铃优先(RING PREFERENCE) 中继线接通的分机上,按(扬声器)或提起话筒即可自动连接. 关闭时,要求用户提机后再按闪烁键应答.

legal person:法人

[31]照哈贝马斯看,现代法律体系是依据个人权利而建立的,与道德领域中权利和义务的固有平衡相较,"法人"(legal person)和"法律社群"(legal community)这些现代概念说明了法律领域中权利对义务的基本的概念上的优先性.

Marathon Oil:美国马拉松石油公司

[本报讯]据外电昨晚报道,中国石化集团和中海油(0883)在美国马拉松石油公司(Marathon Oil)出售安哥拉油田权益的竞标中,处於领先位置. 报道称,两家公司可能都是较优先的投标者. 此次竞标除了吸引到中石化集团及中海油参与之外,


当因分离因素不大而必须采取多级(multilevel)分离时,考虑到能量消耗应优先选择平衡分离. 因为对于多级速率分离,添加剂在每一级分别加入而且能耗较大;而平衡分离只需一次加入添加剂则能耗较省. 而在平衡分离中又因优先选择能量添加剂型,

Priority list:优先表

而且人力资源模块在"执行优先表"(Priority List)中通常处于次要地位,因为生产和后勤模块在许多情况下仍在持续不断地更新和执行之中. 因此,许多ERP系统永远不会被较快地顾及到人力资源管理.

SNIPING CANNON:狙击枪,威力中上,蓄能速度较慢,需要优先升级蓄能速度

BARRIER DECOY:最强肉盾,没有攻击力,但是普通机枪对它完全没伤害,用好它可以使你轻松过关 | SNIPING CANNON:狙击枪,威力中上,蓄能速度较慢,需要优先升级蓄能速度 | FLAK CANNON:炸裂炮,蓄能然后放出,空中炸裂