英语人>词典>汉英 : 轻松的旅行 的英文翻译,例句
轻松的旅行 的英文翻译、例句


Sabbath-day's journey
更多网络例句与轻松的旅行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

UK; rev vt The Stars My Destination 1957 US, with its protopunk antihero, William S. BURROUGHS''s The Soft Machine (1961 France; rev 1966 US) and its various quasi-sequels, with their drug and biological fantasias, Samuel R. DELANY''s NOVA (1968), with its streetwise CYBORGS, James TIPTREE Jr''s "The Girl who was Plugged In"(1973), with its painful ironies about altered body-image, and Ted MOONEY''s Easy Travel to Other Planets (1981), with its interspecies sex and its information sickness.


So I began to turn over to think with forced smile, our equipments was for easy trip or for burdened trip, for increasing pleasure or for peacockery.

在很多于是之后,我在苦笑着反思,买装备到底是为了旅行的轻松,还是为了增加旅行的负担,是为了增加旅行的乐趣,还是为了虚荣摆 POSE 。

The great fortune of Joe Kennedy has been divided into trusts, and while it provides the family with ease in education and travel, it does not put any of them in today's ranks of the superwealthy, the superindolent, the superarrogant.


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Who is also very meaningful for me to leave, but if you can choose, then I think there are a part of me and my family memories, a relaxing holiday, and that is to travel. Along


Its calendaring application lets you move easily between time zones and gives you a great visual way of seeing your day to day schedules and appointments.


We try to balance cushier trips with rougher ones into the beautiful and often still-primitive Chinese interior, where we have visited villages and toured homes to see how millions of people live.


With the building of good, fast motorways, long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly.


We should know that this ocean-going trade was by no means easy travel.


Hybrid bikes are great choices for those traveling short distances, going along well-laid cycle paths, or who just enjoy a relaxing cruise.


更多网络解释与轻松的旅行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


她们按照自己(Self)的想法,过着轻松(Easy)奢侈(Luxurious)的生活并且经常(Frequent)旅行. 她们拥有中产阶级(Bourgeois)物质上的丰饶和波希米亚(Bohemian)精神上的自由,集知识、教养和创意于一身.


独立电子气压测高仪,测高精度3米以内,附以电子罗盘,更便于密林、隧道中轻松导航,配以鼠标键操作随心所欲. ●展望(Vista)真正高档型手持机的首选. 无论野外作业、专业踏勘、驾车旅行、徒步探险,都会令您称心如意