英语人>词典>汉英 : 轴对称性 的英文翻译,例句
轴对称性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

axial symmetry
更多网络例句与轴对称性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1The axial evolution law on the structure and the aerodynamic characteristics of the asymmetric flows around slender bodies of revolution at incidences is summarized:whether the flow asymmetry is powerless or powerful,the flow always appears in the structure that lee-side vortices rise,and shed vortices form,and new lee-side vortices come into being alternately on opposite sides of a slender body of revolution axially from nose apex downstream to afterbody,and always induces the sectional side force of waving quasi-sinusoidally downstream axially.


Based on the study in Lotus japonicus, a model legume plant in Papilionoideae, scientific groups led by Luo Da demonstrated that TCP proteins have been independently recruited as determinants of petal identities along the dorsoventral axis in two distant lineages of flowering plants Antirrhinum majus and Lotus japonicus, suggesting a synapomorphic origin for the mechanisms in the control of floral zygomorphy.


Due to PMF's axial symmetry, the axial component part of stress can be omitted in the analysis process.


When the symmetry axis of plutonium component coincides with that of container, the radiation distribution is cylindrical.


This paper deals with the aberrations of optical systems consisting of cylindrical components with their axes, parallal and having a common axis of symmetry.


The azimuthal correlation functions of all pairs between fragments and α particles are of minimum value in =90° plane.


Since polar organic crystals have noncentric structures, the existence of polar axis in the crystals has a significant effect on the molecular arrangement and on the crystal growth.


Numerical simulation results reveal that the tangential, axial velocity and radial velocity in the annular space are asymmetric distribution, and basically symmetric distribution in the separation space.


Further X-ray structure analysis at low resolution using molecular replacement technique with the Homarus Americanus lobster GAPDH structure as model structure shows that the subunit arragement within molecule is 222 symmentry, the molecular Q axis is parallel to crystallographic 2-fold axis b and molecular P and R axes are parallel to crystallographic a and c axes respe-ctively.

以Homarus Amercanus龙虾GAPDH结构为模型结构,应用分子置换技术进行了低分辨率Χ射线结构分析,结果表明:分子内亚基排列具有222对称性,分子Q轴平行于晶体学二重轴b,分子P和R轴分别平行于晶体学a和c轴。

At the same time, the program corresponding to the proposed method is compiled in FORTRAN90, which is used to analyze the influence of several factors on the behaviour of barrettes, including ratio of length to width, ratio of depth to equivalent diameter, ratio of modulus of pile to soil, Poissons ratio, pile soacing etc. Many useful conclusions are obtained from the above analyse.


更多网络解释与轴对称性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

allyl chloride:氯丙烯

氯丙烯(allyl chloride)为不饱和氯代脂肪烃类化合物,有高度挥发性,是生产聚丙烯酰胺、环氧氯丙烷和某些农药等物质的重要化工原料. 我国自70年代起发现长期低浓度接触可引起神经衰弱综合征和对称性轴突变性型周围神经病[1,2].

axiality:同轴度 轴对称性

Autoradiography 自动射线照相术 | axiality 同轴度 轴对称性 | axonometric drawing 轴测图

Field curvature:像场弯曲

研究小组借此方式使粒子平移了9.2 mm,而粒子簇的大小并没有改变多少,这点反应了平板透镜的平移对称性,换言之,它并没有光轴的限制,也没有像场弯曲(field curvature)的问题.

axial dissymmetry:轴向不对称性

axial bond直(立)键 | axial dissymmetry轴向不对称性 | axial filament轴丝

Helical symmetry:螺旋对称

根据壳微粒的排列方式将病毒构形区分为:①立体对称(Cubic symmetry),形成20个等边三角形的面,12个顶和30条棱,具有五、三、二重轴旋转对称性,如腺病毒、脊髓灰质炎病毒等;②螺旋对称(Helical symmetry),壳微粒沿螺旋形盘红色的核酸呈规则地重复排列,

Complex symmetry:复合对称

如腺病毒、脊髓灰质炎病毒等;②螺旋对称(Helical symmetry),壳微粒沿螺旋形盘红色的核酸呈规则地重复排列,通过中心轴旋转对称,如正粘病毒,副粘病毒及弹状病毒等;③ 复合对称 (Complex symmetry),同时具有或不具有两种对称性的病毒,