英语人>词典>汉英 : 轮状的 的英文翻译,例句
轮状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rotate  ·  rotated  ·  rotiform  ·  trochal  ·  trochlear  ·  rotates

wheel-shaped · wheel shaped
更多网络例句与轮状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chinese kongzhu differs from the diabolo in three primary ways:(1) The axle of the Chinese kongzhu is much longer than that of the diabolo.


In 1840, the Englishman Thomas Hancock designed inflatable craft and described this work in "The Origin and Progress of India Rubber Manufacture in England" published a few years later. In 1844, a Lieutenant Halkett designed a round-shaped inflatable bloat which was used in several Arctic expeditions.


All these results above showed that the receptor for bovine rotavirus was a kind of glycoprotein with a complex structure.Sialic acid remnant is infected to be a main part of the receptor site reacting with bovine rotavirus.


Due to their applications in magnetic, optical, electronic and catalyst, polynuclear lanthanide clusters are of importance. In this part, a series of nanowheel-shaped nonanuclear lanthanide clusters,〓〓(Ln=Sm~Tm; BA=benzoylacetone), were prepared and characterized. Each complex can exist in three phases, i. e., cubic, tetragonal and triclinic.


To have a turn at bat.Arranged in or forming whorls or a whorl.


Arranged in or forming whorls or a whorl.


The results are as below: 1. In Brasenia, 3 sepal primordia and 3 petal primordia initiated stimultaneously in each whorl. The first six stamen primordial initiated in a whorl stimultaneously, and the succeedings ones initiated in irregular spirals. Ascidiate carpel numerous, initiated in spirals.

结果表明: 1。莼菜的萼片和花瓣各3枚,都为轮状同时发生;雄蕊多数,除最早发生的6枚雄蕊原基为轮状同时发生外,其余均为螺旋状向心式发生;心皮多数,螺旋状向心式发生,为囊状型心皮。

Used especially of flowers whose parts are arranged in spirals rather than in whorls, as in magnolias.


Wyoming's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers, a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range.


Patterns in Nature: Reflections Wyoming's Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers, a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range.


更多网络解释与轮状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ringed:镶环(轮,圈)的, 轮状的, 被包围的

myelin sheath 髓鞘 | soil sterilization 土壤消毒 | ringed 镶环(轮,圈)的, 轮状的, 被包围的


其他病毒,比如呼肠孤病毒(Reo)、星状病毒、小圆病毒和圆形病毒,也与滤过性病毒肠炎有关. 图7、肉仔鸡肠道内容物中的轮状病毒(Rota)和肠病毒样病毒(ELV)(B. Adair 教授等)


在唇形科(labiatae)因为着生着密集而围绕着茎的,称为轮状聚伞花序(verticillaster). 但上述这些变化具有量的差别,并无质的不同. (2)与上述相反,仅在花轴的一侧,生长出花朵(全形有如螺旋),称为单伞花序(卷伞花序),


rotifer 轮虫 | rotiform 轮状的 | rotisserie 电转烤肉架


轮生目 Verticillatae | 轮状排列的;轮生的 verticillate | 轮状花序 verticillate inflorescence

whorled arrangement:轮状排列

较进化的,例如大多数被子植物花的各部分,不仅有定数而且为轮状排列(whorled arrangement). 根据连合状况分类 被子植物花的各部分,彼此离生是原始的,连合是进化的,例如离瓣花是较原始的,合瓣花是较进化的. 花的各部在连合时,在同一种器官连合,


julienne 加入菜丝的清汤 | jumbal 轮状的薄糖果 | jumbogroup 巨群


轮状病毒(rotavirus)肠炎是病毒性胃肠炎中最常见的一种. 好发于春秋季节,普通轮状病毒主要侵犯婴幼儿,易在短期内发生大量流行,如不积极救治和采取有效的全方位整体护理,可危及患儿生命. 而成人腹泻轮状病毒则可引起青壮年胃肠炎的暴发流行.


犬轮状病毒(Canine rotavims)属于呼肠病毒科(Reoviri-dae)轮状病毒属(Rotavirus)成员,各成员间通常具有宿主特异性. 完整的病毒粒子呈球形,直径65~80纳米,呈20面对称体,无脂蛋白囊膜,核芯直径为36~40纳米,具有双层蛋白衣壳结构,

ring cell:轮状细胞

在电子显微镜下观察藏精器可清楚的看到围成一圈的轮状细胞(ring cell)与顶端的盖状细胞(cap cell);而藏卵器也可看到由颈细胞(neck cell)所组成. 原叶体上的假根生长方向可因培养皿的倒置而向上生长,也可因直立而向两边生长. 一年后,