英语人>词典>汉英 : 轮作 的英文翻译,例句
轮作 的英文翻译、例句


crop rotation · succession of crops
更多网络例句与轮作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1985 the Hubei Province fishery science research institute to domestic introduced the American Procambarus clarkii and the paddy rice crop rotation's situation and the method, in 1991 proposed once more Cleveland original chela shrimp and the middle-season rice crop rotation are the tendencies which is worth taking seriously.


The results show that under crop rotation of wheat and maize in damp soil and brown soil, stalks return to fields integrated with applying potash fertilizer can keep K balance within a cycle and K return rate reaches 109.1%~111.9%, annual wheat stalks return to fields can provide 226.5~261.0 kg/hm2 K, meanwhile the K return rate reaches 95.2%~97.1% for only applying potash fertilizer; under crop rotation of wheat and soy bean in grittiness black earth, only applying potash fertilizer can also keep K balance within a cycle, its K return rate reaches 119.9%, meanwhile the K return rate reaches 142.0% for stalks return to fields integrated with applying potash fertilizer, which result from maize being much more absorption to K than soy bean.


During 3 years, six different multiple cropping rotation systems were studied at varying levels of water application in Hexi oasis irrigation area.


Poddy-Upland rotation is a kind of classical Farming system, the rice-rapeseed rotation system is rather pervasively in south region of our country.


"A typical scheme selects rotation crop s from three classifications: cultivated row crop s (e.g., corn, potatoes), close-growing grains (e.g., oats, wheat), and sod-forming, or rest, crop s (e.g., clover, clover-timothy)."


The effect of rotation payment on rice production is statistically significant in the first crop, however, the effect of set-aside payment on production in the second crop is larger the first crop by four times.


In single and double cropping region, along with dominating crops such as wheat belt, maize belt and soy bean belt and sustainable increasing of consumption demand it is important and feasibility that carried out crop rotation and continuous cropping, moreover, crop rotation decreasing and continues cropping with longer years.


Alfalfa-wheat rotation could improve nutritional quality of wheat,and could also increase paste strength and flexibility and decrease paste ductibility.


In about a century' s time, their livelihood of swidden agriculture has been changing greatly along with the natural and social environment change. Before 1950s, as a minor group frequently move in the subtropical mountainous area characterized by scarce arable land, high forest coverage rate and sparse population, Kemu people has long been engaged in swidden agriculture which was simple, called for no sophisticated production tools and was suitable for frequent movement. At that time, they adapted to the environment change mainly by moving frequently from one place to another, and their livelihood was featured by complete dependence on environment, frequent movement and swiddening without continuous cultivation. From 1950s to early 1970s, their way of adaptation changed into migration within defined territory and shortterm fallow featured by complete dependence on environment, migration within limited area and short fallow. In early 1970s, they leaned from outside to cultivate irrigated fields and plant cash forest and their livelihood was featured by complete dependence on environment and agro-forestry.


It is conducive to uptake soil nitrogen for flue-tobacco on dryland soil with maize-tobacco rotation before topping (60 days after transplanting) and uptake soil nitrogen for flue-tobacco on paddy soil with rice-tobacco rotation after topping.2 The nitrogen utilization efficiency of rapeseed cake, rice straw and rape straw were 19.5%, 15.5%, 8.1% respectively, and the inorganic fertilizer nitrogen utilization efficiency were 41.1%, 42.7% and 35.7% under the combined application of organic additives and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. The contribution rate of rapeseed cake, rice straw, rape straw to accumulated nitrogen of flue-cured tobacco were 1.0%, 2.4%, 2.7% respectively by the combined application of organic additives and nitrogen fertilizer. Flue-cured tobacco for organic nitrogen absorption meet with the nitrogen needs laws of high-quality tobacco, indicating that the combined application organic additives and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer reduces the nicotine content of tobacco, an increase of sugar/nicotine ratio and improved the quality of tobacco. In which the role of rice and rape straw is greater than the rapeseed cake can be used as measures to lower nicotine.3 Nitrogen accumulation in flue-cured tobacco with the total nitrogen input was a significant positive correlation during the growth stage of flue-cured tobacco. The total nitrogen input for the 156.3-405.5kg.hm-2, in which the soil nitrogen mineralization capacity account for 22.6%-54.3%, with an average of 34.5%, that is, soil nitrogen mineralization accounted for 1/3 of the total nitrogen input.


更多网络解释与轮作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crop rotation:轮作

作物轮作(crop rotation)就是农民在不同的年份,在田里种植不同的庄稼. 不同的庄稼从土壤里吸收不同数量的营养物质. 有些庄稼如玉米和棉花,需要大量的营养物质. 第二年农民就要种植一些吸收营养物质较少的作物如燕麦、大麦或黑麦.

crop rotation:轮植;轮作;轮耕

crop failure作物失收;作物减产 | crop rotation轮植;轮作;轮耕 | cropping pattern作物生产型式

crop rotation:作物轮作 輪作

crop 作物 作物 Y | crop rotation 作物轮作 輪作 Y | cropland 耕地 耕地 Y

vegetable crop rotation:蔬菜轮作

vegetable crop 蔬菜,蔬菜作物 | vegetable crop rotation 蔬菜轮作 | vegetable crop science 蔬菜园艺学

fodder crop rotation:饲料轮作,饲料作物轮作

fodder beet lifter 饲用甜菜挖掘器 | fodder crop rotation 饲料轮作,饲料作物轮作 | fodder cutter 饲料切碎机

Therole of crop rotation:轮作换茬的作用

1 基本概念 Concepts | 2 轮作换茬的作用 Therole of crop rotation | 第二节连作Continuous cropping

Therole of crop rotation:第一节轮作换茬的作用

2 主要套作类型与方式 Major relay intercropping patterns | 第一节轮作换茬的作用 Therole of crop rotation | 1 基本概念 Concepts

Cropland pasture:轮作草地

Cretaceous grassland 白垩草地= Chalk grassland | Cropland pasture 轮作草地 | Cultivated grassland 培育的草地, 栽培的草地

Shifting cultivation:林农轮作

家禽饲养 Poultry farming | 林农轮作 Shifting cultivation | 树木苗圃 Tree nurseries

preceding crop:前作(物)[轮作中的正式轮作以前的作物]

preadaptation 先期适应 | preceding crop 前作(物)[轮作中的正式轮作以前的作物] | precipitate 沉淀物,沉淀