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足趾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
digits  ·  toe

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Toe for toe-type, the second and third toes forward, backward toe the first quartile, and suitable for climbing in the branches.


Objective To observe sectional anatomy of third toe to provide anatomical knowledge for sectional anatomy and replantation of toe.


Objective To report the clinical curative effect about replanting metatarsusphalangeal joint and proximal phalangeal joints of2th toes for simultaneous reconstructing metacarpophalangeal joint and interphalangeal joints of hand.

目的 观察第2足趾跖趾关节与近趾间关节移植同时重建掌指关节与近指间关节的临床疗效。

This research designed and captured 18 indexes,including length,width,circumference of foot, height of first metatarsophalangeal articulations,height of the arch of foot,height of instep,length of instep,height of internal malleolus, height of external malleolus,area of heel,etc.After statistics analysis of these indexes in different loading situation,foot morphological characteristics at different work loads were collected, which could provide both data and experiment practices supp..ort to the database establishment of foot morphological indexes of Chinese track man.


Effect of A_3 on carrageenin-induced rats paw edema Method:After peroral A_3 4 days, the rats paw edema models induced by CGN were prepared. The rat paw edema was tested at

A_3对角叉菜胶所致大鼠足肿胀的影响方法:连续灌胃给药4天(1次/天)后,采用角叉菜胶制备大鼠足趾肿胀的炎症模型,观察角叉菜胶致炎后1,2,4,6 h药物对大鼠足趾肿胀的影响。

Methods From Aug1997to Sep2003,according to the injuries of interphalangeal joint,we grafted the metatarsusphalangeal joint and proximal phalangeal joints of2th toes for reconstructing it.

目的 观察第2足趾跖趾关节与近趾间关节移植同时重建掌指关节与近指间关节的临床疗效方法我们于1997年8月~2003年9月,根据掌指关节与近指间关节的损伤情况,设计应用第2足趾跖趾关节与近趾间关节移植同时重建掌指关节与近指间关节。

Whereas the proximal part of the tetrapod limb skeleton can easily be homologized with the paired fin skeletons of sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fish, there has been much debate about the origin of digits.


High heels foot limit the activities of the local body weight on the toe to increase the allocation, toes squeezing the situation very serious, this is a problem!


With the aid of an assistant, the foot is inserted into a pillowcase, and the edges of the case are held together with a towel clip. To make a compact mass of these rather voluminous drapes, a sterile bandage is wrapped snugly from the toes proximally to the proximal edge of the towel and pillowcase. Alternatively, a sterile stockinette rolled from the toes to the groin can be used. The area over the knee is cut away as described in the section on draping the edges of the incision. The stockinette is then covered with a sterile bandage to just below the knee.


With the aid of an assistant, the foot is inserted into a pillowcase, and the edges of the case are held together with a towel clip. To make a compact mass of these rather voluminous drapes, a sterile bandage is wrapped snugly from the toes proximally to the proximal edge of the towel and pillowcase. Alternatively, a sterile stockinette rolled from the toes to the groin can be used. The area over the knee is cut away as described in the section on draping the edges of the incision. The stockinette is then covered with a sterile bandage to just below the knee. The remainder of the drapes are placed as described for the foot.


更多网络解释与足趾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


SURGICAL APPROACHES(手术入路) | Toes(足趾) | Calcaneus(跟骨)


anisocytosis 红血球不均 | anisodactylous 足趾长短不等的 | anisodont 牙齿不齐的

digitopl antar:足掌的,足趾的

digitonin 毛地黄皂苷 | digitopl antar 足掌的,足趾的 | digitoxin 毛地黄毒苷


bicollateral | 双韧的 | bicolligate | (指某些鸟)前三个足趾由蹼连接起来的 | bicolor | 二色的

dactylous, -dactyly:有手指的,有足趾的

dys- 不良,困难,障碍 | -dactylous, -dactyly 有手指的,有足趾的 | -derm , -derma 皮(肤),外壳

fissiped:[动] 裂趾类动物 <单词词性>足趾分裂的

gelatinoid 胶样物质 <单词词性>胶样的 | fissiped [动] 裂趾类动物 <单词词性>足趾分裂的 | synchronous discharge 同步放电


fissiped 裂趾类动物 | fissipedal 足趾分裂的 | fissirostral 有裂喙的


into 到 | intoed 足趾内弯的 | intolerability 无法忍受

plantar reflex:足趾反射

planomania 漂泊症 | plantar reflex 足趾反射 | plasma 原生质

toe hold:握足趾

踵趾步 toe heel | 握足趾 toe hold | 足尖踢球 toe kick