英语人>词典>汉英 : 足智多谋 的英文翻译,例句
足智多谋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be able and crafty · a resourceful man with a fund of it · be able enough and clever · be full of resource
更多网络例句与足智多谋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You are, of course, always happy to give as much as you can. You are very accommodating and resourceful.


" And Ulysses answered,"Nestor son of Neleus, honour to the Achaean name, heaven, if it so will, can give us even better horses than these, for the gods are far mightier than we are.

" 听罢这番话,足智多谋的俄底修斯答道:"奈斯托耳,奈琉斯之子,阿开亚人的光荣和骄傲,一位神祗如果愿意,可以随手牵出比这些更好的骏马;他们远比我们强健。

" Ulysses smiled at him and answered,"You had indeed set your heart upon a great reward, but the horses of the descendant of Aeacus are hardly to be kept in hand or driven by any other mortal man than Achilles himself, whose mother was an immortal.

" 听罢这番话,足智多谋的俄底修斯咧嘴微笑,说道:"不用说,这些是你梦寐以求的厚礼,骁勇的阿基琼斯的烈马,凡人很难控制或在马后驾驭,谁也不行,除了阿基琉斯,因为他是女神的儿子。

The most likely potential member is from a Bones family, who is energetic, resourceful, political and probably an amoral team player.


And now, with that perspicacity and ingenuity and enterprise which only belong to a certain passion, Mr. Foker began to dodge Miss Amory through London


Ulysses glared at him and answered, Son of Atreus, what are you talking about?


They then got out upon the sea-shore and landed the hecatomb for Apollo; Chryseis also left the ship, and Ulysses led her to the altar to deliver her into the hands of her father.


But Commandant De Saune is not only a bold represser of mutiny on board his vessel, but he is a great and cunning navigator; he did not tell it, but he planned it, and how narrow the calculation was.


You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Ant onius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; b ut the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a hear t well fortified, if watch be not well kept.


I concluded that he laughed in derision of my efforts, confident of his own resources.


更多网络解释与足智多谋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heads up:足智多谋的

heads 正面朝上的 | heads-up 足智多谋的 | headsail 前桅帆

An Idea Man:一个足智多谋的人

Bright Lights 明亮的灯光 | An Idea Man 一个足智多谋的人 | The Wacky World of Inventions 奇妙的发明世界

man of idea:足智多谋的人

family man有家室的人 | man of idea 足智多谋的人 | man to man 坦率地

ingeniousness: n.1:灵巧,足智多谋 2.精巧,巧妙

decisiveness: n.1.决定性 2.确定,明确 3.坚定,果断 | ingeniousness: n.1.灵巧,足智多谋 2.精巧,巧妙 | resolve: n.1.决心,决定 2.(会议的)正式决定,决议

Ingenuity, lateral thinking and problem solving . Making do:足智多谋

Punctuality 守时 Good timekeeping is... | Resourcefulness 足智多谋 Ingenuity, lateral thinking and problem solving . Making do. | Risk-taking 感于冒险 Daring "chutzpah",foresight, forecasting and entre...


indispensable 不可缺的 超重要的 | resourceful 足智多谋的 | clip folder 资料夹


reflective 思考的 | resourceful 机智的,足智多谋的 | respectable 体面的


波特拥有许多Voldemort自己也赞赏的品质,坚定果敢(determination)、足智多谋(resourcefulness)以及对纪律的漠视(disregardfor the rules). 之所以波特没有被分到斯莱特林学院而是被分到格兰芬多学院就是因为他强烈的要求. 所以,在这个意义上,


Return on Common equity 普通股权益回报率 (ROCE) | Resourcefulness 机智;足智多谋 | ingenuity 机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性

Daphne's resourcefulness:达菲尼的足智多谋

And Velma's brains.|还有维尔玛的智慧 | Daphne's resourcefulness.|达菲尼的足智多谋 | And the most important ingredient of all...|最为要的因素就是