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起微波 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ripple  ·  rippled

更多网络例句与起微波相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the acylation reaction between anisole with acetyl chloride, The catalyst of ZnCl〓/HY-98 prepared by MWI had the best catalytic activity and the selectivity of p-methoxy acetopheone. The catalytic active centers were ZnCl〓 dispersed in zeolite and the Bronsted acid sites in HY-98 zeolite itself.


The wind corrugate s the surface of the sea.


A dr. sharp, a project pandora researcher for the us army, ran experiments whereby the human brain picked up words that were transmitted via microwaves, thus bypassing the ear. dr james lin of wayne state university discusses the possibilities of using such techniques to aid the deaf, but comments;"the capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine."

一个夏普公司的博士,一个美国军方的潘多拉计划的研究者,进行了试验,人脑拾起单词,那是通过微波传输的,因此,是不通过耳朵的。wayne 州立大学的james lin博士讨论了用这样的技术帮助聋子的可能性,但评论到,直接通过脉冲微波与人类直接交流在治疗医学领域是明显没有限制的。

The numerical results are in good agreement with that of the gyrotron dynamic test.


Further more,the practicability of this method is proved by computing relativistic klystron amplifier in 2D cylindrical coordinate system as an example.


Transport of long-pulse,high-current electron beam in performed monatomic plasma channel in the ion focus regime.

刘盛纲 分别于1955年和1958年获得东南大学和电科技大学学士和博士学位,1980年当选为中国科学院院士,1986年起担任电子科技大学校长至今,目前的研究兴趣为微波等离子体及等离子体相关电磁相干辐射。

Broad bands of rosy gold, as if daubed on with a gigantic brush, stretched across the dark, blue tinted fields; here and there shreds of fluffy, transparent clouds gleamed whitely, and the freshest and most enchanting of breezes barely stirred the surface of the grass, gentle as sea waves, and softly touched the cheek.


The wind corrugates the surface of the sea.


Microwave guideline in effect in 1970 for the public, 10,000 microwatts/^2 (now the industrial and military "guideline"), is proscribed from consideration of the rate that thermal effects are dissipated, the author, a specialist in modeling neural networks, states that scientific studies have consistently shown that humans exhibit behavioral disturbances when subjected to non-thermal levels of microwaves, well below this level.

MacGregor 发表了一篇标题为&低能量的微波对神经中枢的作用的简述&,在美国在1970年起效了&微波的条律&后, 1000微瓦/每平方米的微波密度被禁止,作者,一个专门研究神经网络的的科学家,陈述,各种研究表明这个标准浓度以下的微波辐射将对人类的行为将产生骚乱影响。

The following main results are obtained: The TiO_2 photocatalyst with small crystallite size, high surface area, narrow and uniform pore size distribution, and microporous frameworks could be prepared out by applying MW radiation in the preparation process. The microwave-induced fluorescence technique verified for the first time that microwave enhanced the formation rate of hydroxyl radical, leading to the increase in the photocatalytic efficiency. Compared with the conventional catalyst, TiO_2 prepared by MW dielectric heating owns a higher UV absorption ability, and its optical absorption edge and photovoltaic response are shifted toward the short wavelength region, resulting in increase of photooxidation efficiency. The photocatalytic conversion and the mineralization ratio of acetaldehyde are increased respectively by 30% and 40% over the TiO2 prepared by MW radiation when compared to the TiO2 prepared by the conventional heating. For the MW-assisted photocatalytic reaction over the MW-prepared TiO2, production of hydroxyl radicals is enhanced by 22.5%, and the photocatalytic conversion is accordingly increased by 20%. Similarlly, applying MW also increased the photocatalytic conversion and the mineralization ratio of acetaldehyde over TiO2/Al2O3 sample.

论文得到如下主要结果和结论:(1)微波介电加热TiO_2 溶胶可得到晶粒度小、光催化活性高、比表面积大和孔径分布窄而均一,且微孔发达的TiO_2光催化剂;在溶胶干燥处理过程中微波可使催化剂表面缺陷增加,进而导致光催化反应过程有更多的活性羟基自由基产生;(2)微波制备能显著增强TiO_2 样品的紫外光吸收率,并使其光吸收和光伏响应阈值发生蓝移,从而提高TiO_2的氧化还原能力;(3)与常规加热法所制TiO_2比较,微波法制备的TiO_2对乙醛的光催化降解转化率提高30%,CO_2生成率提高40%以上;(4)与未加微波辐射时相比,发现在光催化反应过程中施加微波,TiO_2 的羟基自由基生成速率提高了22.5%,相应CH_3CHO 光催化降解转化率提高了20%;对Al_2O_3/TiO_2催化剂,CH_3CHO 光催化降解转化率甚至提高了33%,同时CO_2 的生成率也都大幅度提高;(5)微波辐射可改变光催化降解乙醛的产物分布,推断施加微波时乙醛光催化降解按照羟基自由基引发的链式反应机理进行,微波&非热效应&起主要作用。

更多网络解释与起微波相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


reactatron 低噪声微波放大器 | reacting 起反应 | reacting 反应的

reacting:起反应 反应 反应的

reactatron低噪声微波放大器 | reacting起反应 反应 反应的 | reactingdose反应量


ariplain | 旱原, 干燥区平原 | aripple | 起微波的 | arir play | 公平待遇

In fiery ringlets from their sleep:火一般地翻腾起阵阵涟漪

微波从沉睡中惊起, And the started little waves that leap | 火一般地翻腾起阵阵涟漪, In fiery ringlets from their sleep, | 当我驾船声带泊向海湾, As I gain the cove with pushing prow,


从300MHz起,波长自1米往下递减,到进入光波前,即1,000GHz止,统称为微波;包括(甚高频)UHF,特高频(SHF)和极高频(EHF). 300MHz到3GHz为UHF,UHF微波的特性之一和VHF一样,波型采用直线传播,并不能靠大气折射. 预警机上的雷达就是UHF频率的,