英语人>词典>汉英 : 赦罪 的英文翻译,例句
赦罪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

absolve sb. from guilt · pardon sb.
更多网络例句与赦罪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Luther's teaching that every human being at every moment of life stands absolutely coram deo—before God, confronted face-to-face by God—led him to confront the major misunderstanding in the church of his day that grace and forgiveness of sins could be bought and sold like wares in the market.


Let them speak to the erring of the forgiving mercy of the Saviour.


It's the water of forgiveness that flows into the life of a believer.


Then, Mr. Lin Yung-ching presented the second report on The Pardoner』s Prologue and Tale from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. In the tale, Chaucer pointed out the main theme: Radix malorum est cupiditas through self-analysis and parables told by the pardoner selling indulgence.

接著,第二篇由林源庆先生报告《赦罪修士的故事》,本文为一短篇故事,节选自英国作家乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer的《坎特伯利故事集》,故事中藉由贩卖赎罪券的赦罪修士之自我剖析以及其所讲述的譬喻故事,点出贪婪为万恶渊薮的寓意。

You have to do that. The law is the same. It shows us the sinfulness of our hearts but it cannot deal with that sin.


I needed someone to wash my sins away.


A natural anxiety to escape the awful consequences of determining a particular act to be mortally sinful, and a desire, equally intelligible, to assist the Roman Catholic Church in its conflict with Protestantism by disburthening it of an inconvenient theory, were the motives which impelled the authors of the Casuistical philosophy to the invention of an elaborate system of criteria, intended to remove immoral actions, in as many cases as possible, out of the category of mortal offences, and to stamp them as venial sins.


Just say to God from your heart that you are sorry for what you have done in disgracing the name of God and Jesus to all those around you, through them seeing you living in sin. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you clean. God never gets tired of forgiving - it doesn't matter what you have done in the past, but now go and do not sin anymore!


Just say to God from your heart that you are sorry for what you have done in disgracing the name of God and Jesus to all those around you, through them seeing you living in sin. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you clean. God never gets tired of forgiving - it doesn't matter what you have done in the past, but now go and do not sin anymore!


God favor this offering because this is the blood of sacrifice which made the sins of mankind forgiven.


更多网络解释与赦罪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Absolver Thrull:赦罪索尔兽

1Absolver Thrull赦罪索尔兽GP | 2Belfry Spirit钟楼精怪GP | 3Benediction of Moons月下祈福GP

Belfry Spirit:钟楼精怪

1Absolver Thrull赦罪索尔兽GP | 2Belfry Spirit钟楼精怪GP | 3Benediction of Moons月下祈福GP


Blood sacrifice血的牺牲103-105 | Bloodshed流血(与罪得赦)121 | Bodmer text布特马抄本(罗法)241

Confiteor unum baptisma, in remissionem paccatorum:我认使罪得赦的独一洗礼

Et in unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam 我信独一神圣大公使... | Confiteor unum baptisma, in remissionem paccatorum 我认使罪得赦的独一洗礼; | Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum. 我望死人...

pardoner:宽恕者; 售赦罪符者 (名)

pardonably 可原谅地; 可赦免地; 可宽恕地 (副) | pardoner 宽恕者; 售赦罪符者 (名) | pare 剥, 修, 削 (动)


论到经院学派(Schoolmen)关于"半赦罪"的幻说,也照样为先知(大卫)的话所识破. 他们很荒唐地主张过错虽被赦免,但神仍保留刑罚. 但作诗的人说不但罪被遮盖(那就是从神面前除掉),他又说不算他们为有罪. 神不算为有罪的,惦还要刑罚,

shrive:听忏悔后赦罪; 听取忏悔; 去忏悔 (动)

shrinkage 收缩, 减低, 缩水 (名) | shrive 听忏悔后赦罪; 听取忏悔; 去忏悔 (动) | shrivelled 干枯的; 皱缩的 (形)

venial sin:(可赦之罪,可恕之罪)

Vegetarianism (素食主义) | Venial Sin (可赦之罪,可恕之罪) | Verbal Inspiration (逐语默示)


他有赦罪权,教皇和神甫(fathers)因有使徒传统的神授,也有赦罪权. ...还有人说他在米底斯(Medea)和帕安(Parthians);许多教父(fathers)说他是为主殉道. 他大约是有钱财且颇有学问的人,...


Indigenous Church (本色教会) | Indulgences (赦罪券) | Industrial Revolution (工业革命)