英语人>词典>汉英 : 赋予灵魂 的英文翻译,例句
赋予灵魂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ensoul  ·  insoul  ·  ensouled  ·  ensouling  ·  ensouls

更多网络例句与赋予灵魂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His analysis of procreation is frequently criticized on the grounds that it presupposes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing life to an inert, passive, lumpen female element; it is on these grounds that Aristotle is considered by some feminist critics to have been a misogynist.


Most kingdoms that are raised for fur such as mink, opossum, fox and beaver are choosing no longer to ensoul those species held in captivity.


Let us go back to a time in our history where humans were ensouled and before the present day dance of soullessness became prevalent.


So this is also so for all species held in such institutions; human souls that have karma to learn and understand about imprisoning animals now ensoul all species in any zoo or aquarium.


Holographic divine union causes the soul associated with all other holograms to also ensoul oneself; there is therefore a sharing of soul, oversoul and source amongst all of parallel holographic nature.


Those cows utilized for milk production is currently ensouled by the Bison Species until humanity ceases to require milk to survive.


Chickens designated for slaughter however will not be ensouled by any species and will become diseased and die over time just like cows.


Cows for slaughter however will not be ensouled by Buffalo or any other species, and humans in due course will find those cows designated for such consumption will become increasingly diseased over time and die.


The creation of life was a recount of the nonphysical forces ensouling humans incubated in spacecraft laboratories and then placed upon Earth to see if they would survive.


Sexual energy movement flows in a series of interconnected figure eights that move through the pelvis,to the center of the earth under the feet,then back through the pelvis again,up through the heart,over the head to one's source and ensouling factor,back down through the heart and connects to the pelvis again.


更多网络解释与赋予灵魂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"动画"(animate)这个动词源于拉丁文"灵魂"(anima)一词,动画就是"赋予灵魂"之意. 动画人员面临的最具悖论的挑战是,让线条动起来. 让一个老鼠、一个数字塑料玩具、一个牛头马面的怪兽的轮廓线动起来相对来说不算难,


"动画"(animate)这个动词源于拉丁文"灵魂"(anima)一词,动画就是"赋予灵魂"之意. 动画人员面临的最具悖论的挑战是,让线条动起来. 让一个老鼠、一个数字塑料玩具、一个牛头马面的怪兽的轮廓线动起来相对来说不算难,


4.Animism赋予灵魂. | 5.Antonomasia.借代,换称 | 6.Invocation祈求.


我们每个人被赋予巨大的权益和特许来建立和巴拉苏拉姆(Baal HaSulam)这个伟大的灵魂的连接,连接并传播他的教义. 好,让我们不要辜负布内.巴鲁克(Bnei Baruch)这一称谓. 毕竟,巴鲁克(Baruch)--被祝福的--是创造者的名谓. laitman.cn kab.info/cn


他因此被誉为"数字朋克"(Cyberpunk)文学导师. 2009年4月19日,巴拉德因病去世,享年78岁. 巴拉德早年以反乌托邦的科幻小说扬名,他重新定义了科幻小说,赋予它灵魂和良知. 而就是这种做法,让文学,音乐,时尚以及心理学都找到了共通点,


在对抗外在世界反映的个人阴影时,若迷失了自己,它能赋予我们力量 • 协助我们了解外在世界不过是我们内心的写照 • 重拾力量与喜悦,接受自己为光的胜利者40 桃金娘(Myrtle) 整合灵魂的碎片 •

III. Nevermore:三、再也不会

A te spiritus noster devoratur et nostra anima capitur [拉丁语]我们被你的灵魂吞噬,于是我们的... | III. Nevermore 三、再也不会... | The lucidity of my mind has been revealde in new dreams 我心灵的晰透赋予...


ensorcellment 迷惑 | ensoul 赋予灵魂 | ensphere 使成球形


ensoul 赋予灵魂 | ensphere 使成球形 | enstatite 顽辉石


ensoul /赋予灵魂/ | ensphere /使成球形/包围/ | enstatine /顽辉石/