英语人>词典>汉英 : 贷款给 的英文翻译,例句
贷款给 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lend  ·  lends

更多网络例句与贷款给相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She would freeze interest rates on subprime mortgages for five years, which would hike rates for everyone else , accelerate the collapse of house prices and deter banks from lending to the impecunious.


By lending directly to banks, the Fed can provide capital that banks need to lend to consumers and businesses without fueling higher prices in industries that don't, said Bill O'Grady, chief investment strategist at Wachovia Securities.

通过直接贷款给银行,美联储可以提供银行借款给消费者也企业所需的资本,而不会推升工业燃料价格,Wachovia证券的首席投资策略师Bill O'Grady这样说。

But the worry is that some banks, keen to rein in borrowing, are pouncing on purely technical breaches of banking covenants that have little to do with the underlying creditworthiness of the companies they have lent money to.


A Revolving Loan Fund provides small loans to people who want to start businesses but who have no credit history or access to commercial bank loans.


In some places, such as Britain, this is being done by moral suasion only; elsewhere, as in Italy, banks may be forced to lend.


It used to be that only unconventional financing lenders offered mortgages to those with poor credit.


"Of course it was not the Bush administration as much as it was Democrats in Congress who were pushing the lending institutions to get out there and lend more money, even to unqualified buyers," said Kyl.


They make a profit on high loan fees and points, selling the loan to a private investor or getting paid in full if the borrower refinances with someone else.


They make money on high loan fees and points, getting paid in full if the borrower refinances with another lender, selling the loan to a private investor or getting the home and all its equity in a foreclosure sale.


Named "Re" for those re-starting their lives, the loan helps divorcees cover the cost of compensation and legal payments and offers a lower interest rate than credit cards loans, on which Japan's growing number of divorce-seekers have depended in the past.


更多网络解释与贷款给相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

word power be connected to:与...有关

be accessible to 可得到,可接近 | word power be connected to ...与...有关 | loan money to... 贷款给...

Wells Fargo:富国

其中,美国银行(BOA)重挫10.6%,富国(Wells Fargo)大跌9.2%. Fed承诺将通过TALF释出2,000亿美元贷款给消费者和小企业,但当前申请的规模还不到总金额的2.5%. 三角洲全球谘询公司(Delta Global Advisors)资深市场策略师潘托说:「TALF各方面都不如预期.

fiat money:名义货币

在"名义货币(fiat money)"──人造货币──体系中,治理通缩是轻而易举的事情. 那麼央行可能会做什麼呢?它们可以无拘束地大量购买长期国债,或者承诺在很长时间内将短期利率维持低位,从而压低较长期利率. 它们可以直接贷款给私营部门.

give sb. credit for:为某人提供信用贷款, 相信某人有

give sb. change 给某人以报答. | give sb. credit for 为某人提供信用贷款, 相信某人有. | give sb. hell 使某人不能忍受.

Lombard loan:伦巴德贷款; [英]中央银行给商业银行的证券抵押贷款

longterm loan 长期贷款 | Lombard loan 伦巴德贷款; [英]中央银行给商业银行的证券抵押贷款 | loan race 信贷竞争

nonrecourse loan:无追索权贷款

不过,美联储还是拿出了290亿美元的"无追索权贷款"(nonrecourse loan)给摩根大通做"定心丸",保证它的收购后顾无忧. 但实际上,华尔街的防线已然洞开. 贝尔斯登之后,金融风暴持续升级,以摧枯拉朽之势横扫美国整个金融体系.

in outrageously high interest loans for low income people:以高得惊人的利息率 贷款给那些低收入者

Although Countrywide mainly specializes|尽管国家金融服务公... | in outrageously high interest loans for low income people,|以高得惊人的利息率 贷款给那些低收入者 | Bob's job was to take care of|Bob的工作...

a good promiser,but a bad performer:口惠而实不至的人

9.a good loser 输得起的人 | 10.a good promiser,but a bad performer 口惠而实不至的人 | 11.loan to good customers 借贷款给讲信誉的顾客

loans evidenced by a non-negotiable security:非可转让证券作凭证的贷款

Loan to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;给联合国工业... | loans evidenced by a non-negotiable security;非可转让证券作凭证的贷款;; | Laos, Government of National Union of;老挝民族...

How could you sell the mortgage on my farm to the gringos:你怎能把我农场的贷款权状 转卖给格林可帮的人

You do better.|你得加油啦 | How could you sell the mortgage on my farm to the gringos?|你怎能把我农场的贷款权状 转卖给格林可帮的人? | Pedro, we have no choice.|皮得洛,我们没其他选择