英语人>词典>汉英 : 贵重的 的英文翻译,例句
贵重的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
golden  ·  rich  ·  unpriced  ·  valuable  ·  valued

of value
更多网络例句与贵重的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That will curb purchases of the big-ticket home goods that people buy when they move.


They are commonly used in religious ceremonies, and many of them are considered quite valuable.


The manager of S1 Gou Shu gives many people and organizations different gifts for promote public awareness, like crab, mini house, dishcloth and some other costly gifts.

像是有Crab螃蟹,mini house小黑屋?,dishcloth抹布?,和其他一些贵重的礼物。

How pirates gambled with a djinn and lost the thing more dear than gold.


Frankincense was a very costly gum or resin which was used only in the worship of God.


This jade bracelet is really an invaluable to article.


The computer is a jewel for me.


Do you want jewellery and precious things?""


The Kingfish mistakes a valuable ring for fake, sells it to Andy, finds out the truth, and tries to get it back.


I expose to your attention a series of works in which I reflect beauty of a knightly epoch as I see it.


更多网络解释与贵重的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

costly:昂贵的, 贵重的

discriminate between 区别 辨别 | costly 昂贵的, 贵重的 | analog inputoperation 模拟输入操作


tribulation 磨难 | costly 贵重的 | apocryphal 不足凭信的


livable 适于居住的,(人)可相处的 | impayable 无价的,极贵重的 | quizzable 可嘲笑的

precious stones:贵重的石器

Ice, dry 干的冰块 | Precious stones 贵重的石器 | Corpses 尸体

Priceless Artifact:贵重的文物(卖钱用)

Valuable Relic:值钱的遗物(卖钱用). | Priceless Artifact:贵重的文物(卖钱用). | Shield Overcharge:提高防护罩效力. (求需:持有Shield)


unpriced 无法估价的 | unpriced 贵重的 | unprimed 未接触抗原的

treasurable:宝贵的, 贵重的; 值得珍爱的 (形)

treasonous 叛逆的; 不忠的 (形) | treasurable 宝贵的, 贵重的; 值得珍爱的 (形) | treasure 珍爱, 密藏, 重视 (动)

Above price: beyond price; very valuable:无价的;极贵重的

e.g. usually,bonds are sold above par. 通常,债券是以高于票面价格收售的... | above price : beyond price; very valuable 无价的;极贵重的 | e.g. the jewels are undoubtedly above price. 这些珠宝无疑价值连城...

trade up:将...折价换取更贵重的同类东西;劝(顾客)买更贵的东西

trade sth. For 用某物换(某物) | trade up 将...折价换取更贵重的同类东西;劝(顾客)买更贵的东西 | 812-trash tn.无价值之物, 无聊的作品, 垃圾, 废物

valuable jewels:贵重的珠宝

the precious parcel 珍贵的包裹 | valuable jewels 贵重的珠宝 | valuable information 有价值的情报